Ca' Foscari University- Venice (Italy)
Ca' Cappello- S. Polo 2035
Tel. +39-041-528.72.20
Fax: +39-041-524.18.91
1947….born in Venice
1970….postgraduate degree in Oriental Languages and Civilizations in
Ca’ Foscari University
1971…lecturer in Ca’ Foscari University
1981.... professor in Modern Jewish Studies in Ca’ Foscari Univeristy.
1989 February-. Seminaries in l'EHESS(Ecole de Hautes Etudes en sciences
sociales ) in Paris, lectures at Societé d'études juives
in Paris
1990, February- Lecture in Centre d'études juives, University
Paris IV
1991 January-Visiting professor in l'INALCO/ Paris
1994, Apr-May -Visiting professor at SOAS (London)
1996 November- Visiting professor at UCL (London)
1996-8 European coordinator for a Masters program approuved by UE in
“Crossing the Mediterranean: cultural mediation towards investment and
1998, March-Apr- Visiting professor at Oxford University
1998, Nov-Dec- Visiting professor at INALCO/Paris
1999 October- Visiting professor in Milwaukee- University of
2000 March -Visiting professor in Granada
2000 April-Seminary in EHESS (Paris)
Organisation of Conferences
1991 "Jewish culture and European culture: relationships"- Venice University
1991 "The other in Contemporary Arabic and Hebrew Literature”-
Venice University
1993 "Between Africa and Zion" – Venice University
1995 " Jewish Education in Italy from the Racial Laws up to now" (in
Verona University
1996 Erasmus Week "Jerusalem as a real and imaginary city in the collective
consciousness of Europe"- Venice University
1998 1998 Conference on “Crossing the Mediterranean/Masters program,
Venice University
1999 1998 "The Wandering Jews of Ethiopia" (in collaboration)-
Milan University
Internationals tasks
Responsable for the European Erasmus Project in Modern Jewish Studies/
Venice Univeristy
President of the Society for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry - SOSTEJE
Vice-president of the International Academic Committee of Mercaz le-Yahadut
Etiopiah in Israel
European Coordinator of the European Masters program “Crossing the
Belonging to Scientific Societies
Istituto per l’Oriente (1972) Amici dell’Università di Gerusalemme
(1978), Brit Ivrit Olamit (1981), Worls Union of Jwish Studies (1988) Societé
d’etudes juives (1990), Sosteje (Society for the Study of Ethiopian Jewry)
(1991), AFSR (Association française de sociologie religeuse) (1994),
European Association for Jewish Studies (1994), Association for Israeli
Studies (1996)
1977 La "Verità da Eres Yisrael " di Ahad ha-Am, Napoli (Suppl.
n. 10 "Annalidell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli"), p. 83.
1984 Gli ebrei caraiti tra etnia e religione, Roma, Carucci, p. 247.
1987 Allo specchio dei Falascia: ebrei ed etnologi durante il colonialismo
fascista, Firenze, La Giuntina, p. 166.
1989 Morte del senso e senso della morte nel primo racconto di A. B.
Yehoshua, Firenze, La Giuntina, p. 89.
1992 Les Caraites: un autre:judaisme, Paris, Albin Michel, p. 152.
1995 Postfazione, traduzione e note a Sh.Y. Agnon, Racconti di Kippur,
Firenze, La Giuntina, p. 122.
1993 (A cura di) R.Dorigo Ceccato, T.Parfitt, E.Trevisan Semi, L'altro
visto dall'altro: letteratura araba ed ebraica a confronto, Milano, Libreria
Cortina, p 140.
1995 (Eds.) S.Kaplan, T.Parfitt, E.Trevisan Semi, Between Africa and
Zion. Proceedings of the first International Congress of the Society for
the Study of Ethiopian Jewry, Jerusalem, Ben Zvi Institute, p. 257.
1998 (Eds.) T. Parfitt and E. Trevisan Semi, The Beta Israel in Ethiopia
and Israel Studies on the Ethiopian Jews, London, Curzon Press, p. 304.
ARTICLES [Selection]:
1989 "L'oscillation ethnique: le cas des Caraites pendant la seconde
guerre mondiale", Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, 206, pp. 377-398.
1990 "The Image of the Karaites in Nazi and Vichy France Documents",
The Jewish Journal of sociology, 32, pp. 81-93.
1991 "A Brief Survey of Present-Day Karaite Communities in Europe",
The Jewish Journal of sociology, 33, pp. 97-106.
1993-4 (En collaboration avec Anna Maria Piussi), "L'education dans
les communautés juives d'Italie, Yod, 36-37, pp. 83-97.
1994 "The Crimean Karaites as seen by the French Jewish Press in the
Second Half of the Nineteenth Century", in Proceedings of the Eleventh
Word Congress of Jewish Studies, vol. III, Jerusalem, pp. 9-16.
1995. "Le Seder lo mesuddar dans la Páque des Caraites contemporains:
une analyse du processus de transformation", Les Cahiers d'etudes juives,
3, pp. 5-21.
1996. "The Shibbolet of Complexity: a Theoretical Approach to the Study
of Ethiopian Jewry", in S. Kaplan, T.Parfitt, E. Trevisan Semi (eds.),
Between Africa and Zion. Proceedings of the first International Congress
of the Society for the Study of ethiopian Jewry, Jerusalem, Ben Zvi Institute,
pp. 28-32.
"The Dainelli and Viterbo Missions among the Falashas (1937-37)", in
Kaplan, T.Parfitt, E.Trevisan Semi (eds.), Between Africa and Zion
Proceedings of the first International Congress of the Society for the
Study of Ethiopian Jewry, Jerusalem, Ben Zvi Institute, pp. 72-79.
1997. "The ideology of "Regeneration" and the "Beta Israel" at the
beginning of the XXth Century", Revue européenne des études
hébraiques, 2, pp. 141-154.
Faitlovitch, Margulies and the Alliance:which educational policy for
the Ethiopian Jews in 1907?", in A.Crown (ed.), Noblesse oblige: Scholarship
and Community. Essays in honour of David Kessler, London, Mitchell.
1999"From Wolleqa to Florence: the Tragic Story of Faitlovitch's Pupil
Hizkiahu Finkas" in T.Parfitt and E.Trevisan Semi (eds), The Beta Israel
in Ethiopia and IsraeL Studies on the Ethiopian Jews, London, Curzon, pp.
-(co-author) Judaising Movements, London, Curzon, 2000.
-L’epistolario di Taamrat Emmanuel: un intellettuale ebreo d’Etiopia
e l’Italia nella prima metà del secolo, Torino, L’Harmattan, 2000.