Address :3 Zevxidos Street, 546 22 Thessaloniki, Greece
Phone/Fax : 003031/227-578
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1992-1997 Ph.D. in the University of Human Sciences of Strasbourg on
Les Juifs de Salonique, 1856-1919 : Une communauté hors norme, under
the supervision of Prof. Paul Dumont.
1983-1986 M.A. in History, at the Aristotle Univerisity of Thessaloniki.
1967-1972 B.A. in History, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Interests
Social History and Anthropology of the Jewish Communities in the Ottoman
Empire, Greece and mainly Salonica.
1. «The Jewish Community of Thessaloniki and its Incorporation
into the Greek State, 1912-1919», in Greek, in the Proceedings of
the conference Thessaloniki after 1912 , held in Thessaloniki on 1-3 November
1985, Thessaloniki 1986, pp.285-301. Published also in English, in
revised version, in Middle Eastern Studies, 1988, vol.24, pp.39-403.
2. «Venizelos and the Jewish Community of Salonica, 1912-1919»,
Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora XIII/34(1986), pp.113-123.
3. The Problems of the Assimilationist Ideology for the Jews,
KIS Publications, Athens,1990, (in Greek).
4. «Salonique après 1912 : propagandes étrangères
et communauté juive», Révue historique , CCLXXXVII/1(1992),
5. «Le Renouveau...» in G.Veinstein (ed.), Salonique 1850-1918
: La ville des Juifs et le réveil des Balkans, Autrement publications,
Paris,1992, pp.64-78.
6. «Popular Antisemitism and State Policy in Salonica during
the City’s Annexation to Greece», Jewish Social Studies, vol.L, nos.3-4,
Summer-Fall 1988/1993, pp.253-264.
7. «Events and Prominent Figures», in Yannis Megas (ed.)Souvenir,
Images of the Jewish Community, 1897-1917, Athens, 1993, pp.158-181.
8. «The Holocaust of Greek Jewry», Demos, 1993, pp.28-31.
9. «Education in the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki in the
Beginning of the 20th Century», Balkan Studies, 34/2, 1993, pp.259-269.
10. «The Uncertainty of Greek Sovereignty after 1912:Foreign
Propaganda and the Jewish Community», in Greek, Synhrona Themata,
nos.52-53, July-Dec.1994, pp.25-32.
11. «The Jewish Presence in Salonica», in Greek, in Paratiritis
, winter 1994, pp.13-52.
12. «The ‘Cercle de Salonique’ 1873-1958 : Club of Thessaloniki»,
in Greek, in the Proceedings of the A’ Symposium of the Society for the
Study of Greek Jewry The Jews in Greece : Historical Questions in the Long
Duration, Athens 1995, pp.103-127.
13. «The Jews of Salonica», in Greek, Kathimerini : Epta
Imeres , 3 March 1996, pp.12-15.
14. «The Zionist Movement in Thessaloniki up to the A’Panhellenic
Zionist Congress», in the Proceedings of the conference The Jewish
Communities of Southeastern Europe from the 15th Century to
the End of World War II , Thessaloniki 30 Oct.-3 Nov. 1992, pp. 327-350.
15. «Le développement culturel à Salonique au début
du XXème siècle», Les cahiers de l’Alliance Israélite
Universelle / Dossier : Les Juifs de Salonique, novembre 1997, no.17, ??.32-34.
16. «The Judeospanish, a Mediterranean Language in daily use
in 20th Century Salonica», (in Greek) in Ta Istorika, vol.15, issues
28,29, June-Dec.1998, pp.123-146.
17. «The Jewish Press in Salonica», (in Greek) in the proceedings
of the symposium O ellinikos evraismos, 3-4 April, 1998, Etaireia Spoudon
Neoellinikou Politismou kai Genikis Paideias, Athens, 2000, pp.149-169.
18. «Jewish Social Welfare Housing Built in Salonica after the
1890 and the 1917 Fires», in press, in the Proceedings of the conference
on The Jewish Communities in the Balkans and Turkey in the 19th and 20th
Centuries through the End of World War II Tel Aviv -Ramat Aviv
5-8 June, 1995.
19. «The Jewish Press in Salonica», in press, in the Proceedings
of the 3d Franco -German Encounter on the Press in the Near and Middle
East (XIX & XX Centuries) Querelles privées et contestations
publiques : le rôle de la presse dans la formation de l’opinion publique
au Proche et au Moyen Orient , Aix en Provence, 2-4 July, 1996.
20. «The Educational Reformation and the Vocational Activity
of the Salonica Jews in the Beginning of our Century», in press,
in the proceedings of the Conference in Thessaloniki 1-2 Novembre 1997,
Occupations professionnelles, production-commerce, vie sociale à
Thessalonique 18e-10 siècles.
21. «The Judeospanish, a Mediterranean Language in daily use
in 20th Century Salonica», in press, in the proceedings of the conference
in Girona, 27-29 March 1998 : The Culture of the Book : The Judeospanish,
a Mediterranean Language.
22. «The methodological procedure of the interview used by the
Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation Archives»in press,
in a selective volume of the Proceedings of the conference organised
by the National Center for Social Research on Approaches of Oral History
in Greece Today, held in Athens on 29 January, 1999.
23. «Social Issues and Ideological Quest of the Sephardim in
Juedo-Spanish Plays», in press in the Proceedings of the 2nd International
Judeo-Espaniol Conference held in Thessaloniki on the 16th and the 17nth
of April 2000.
Symposia - Individual lectures
? Thessaloniki after 1912 , Thessaloniki, 1-3 Nov. 1985, contributed
? Venizelos and Thessaloniki , Thessaloniki, 2 November 1986, contributed
? The Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies , Jerusalem, 16-24 August,
1989, contributed talk.
? Greece-France, 1914-1918 , Thessaloniki, 9-11 November, 1989, contributed
? The Jewish Presence in Thessaloniki , Thessaloniki, March, 1990,
invited to contribute talk.
? The Jews in Greece : History and Civilisation , Thessaloniki, 22-28
May, 1990, invited to contribute talk.
? The Jews in Greece : Historical Questions in the Long Duration ,
Thessaloniki, 23-24 November, 1991, contributed talk.
? The Jewish Communities in Southeastern Europe from the
15th to the End of World War II , Thessaloniki, 20 Oct.-3 Nov.1992, contributed
? The Jewish Communities in the Balkans and Turkey in the 19th and
20th Centuries through the End of W.War II , Tel Aviv - Ramat Aviv 5-8
June, 1995, invited to contribute talk.
? Conference of Judeo-Greek Studies , Cambridge, 15-16 July, 1995 invited
to contribute talk.
? Querelles privées et contestations publiques : le rôle
de la presse dans la formation de l’opinion publique au Proche et au Moyen
Orient, XIX et XX siècles Aix en Provence, 2-4 July, 1996, contributed
? The Jews of Greece during the German Occupation , Thessaloniki, 8
November, 1996, organizer.
? Le génocide des juifs et la question de la responsabilité
: Rencontre interdisciplinaire, Thessaloniki, 15 February, 1997, organizer.
? «The Zionist Movement in Thessaloniki» 19th Panhellenic
Congress by WIZO on 16-17 March 1997, in Thessaloniki, invited to contribute
? Il Concetto del Perdono nelle Religioni del Mediterraneo, Teatro
stabile Abruzzese Sotto l’egida della regione Abruzzo, in L’Aquila on the
26th of August 1997, invited to represent Thessaloniki and contribute talk.
? Occupations professionnelles, production-commerce, vie sociale à
Thessalonique 18e-10 siècles, Chambre professionnelle de Thessalonique
et Organisme pour la capitale culturelle de l’Europe, Thessaloniki 1 &
2 Novembre, invited to cotribute talk
? Il viaggio della fede:la cultura sefaradita nel Mediterraneo, Culture
Dei Mari Euro-Mediterraneo in collaboration with the comune of Livorno,
the region of Toscana and the Foundation Primo Levi of Florence, in Livorno
8-10 November 1997, invited to represent the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki
and contribute talk.
? Jews and Seafaring, University of Haifa School of Maritime Civilisations
and the Recanati Center for Maritime Studies, 25-27 November 1997, invited
to contribute talk.
? Thessaloniki in the Long Duration (I Thessaloniki sto Perasma toy
Chronou) : A Multidimensional Approach, Special Educational Events organised
by the National Center for Research in Athens, invited to make an individual
presentation on the Particularity of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki,
on February 10, 1998.
? The Culture of the Book : The Judeospanish, a Mediterranean Language,
International Conference organised by the Centre Bonastruc ça Porta,
the Institut d’Estudis Nahmanides, the Patronat Call de Girona and the
Culture dei Mari of the EEC, invited to contribute main lecture in Girona,
Spain, on 27-29 March, 1998.
? The Greek Jews, symposium organised by the Etairia Spoudon of Modern
Greek Civilisation and General Education in Athens, invited to contribute
talk on 3-4 April 1998.
? Invited by the Israelite Community of Thessaloniki to lecture on
The Jews in Thessaloniki and their Role in the Seafaring Trades, on the
13th of April 1998.
? Invited by the Holocaust Center of Southern California
in the University of Berkeley, to lecture on The Particularity of
the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, on 25 October 1998.
? Invited by the Consejeria de Education y Cultura of the
Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha to participate and
contribute talk in the conference on La incidencia actual de las religiones
en los conflictos mediterraneos that will take place in Toledo, Spain,
on the 3, 4 and 5 of December 1998.
? Invited by the National Center for Social Research to participate
as lecturer in the conference on Approaches of Oral History in Greece Today,
held in Athens on 29 January, 1999.
? Invited by the Goethe Institute of Thessaloniki to coordinate the
discussion on «Was im Gedächtnis bleibt» (Why is there
need for historical memory), in Thessaloniki, 22 March, 1999.
? Invited by the Ecole française d’Athènes to contribute
talk in the conference Les Juifs en terre d’Islam, to be held in
Athens on April 2-5, 2000.
? Invited in the 2nd International Judeo-Espaniol Conference
held in Thessaloniki on the 16th and the 17nth of April 2000
Work Experience
? Commissioned by the Department of History, Panteios University in
Athens, to hold a 3 hour weekly seminar on the History of the Jews in Greece,
during the second semester of the academic year 1999-2000.
? Commissioned with a group of other specialists by the Center for
the History of Thessaloniki in Salonica to participate in the spring semester
of 1997-1998 post-graduate seminars on the history of Thessaloniki.(The
project was calcelled).
? 30th Nov.-3 Dec.1997 - Commissioned by the SHOAH Visual History Foundation
in Los Angeles, USA, to participate in the training seminar for new interviewers
in Athens.
? Jan.-Dec.1996 - Senior interviewer and coordinator in Greece, for
the SHOAH Visual History Foundation in Los Angeles, USA.
? Spring 1991- Spring 1992 - Commissioned by the Jewish Community of
Thessaloniki to organize the cultural and academic events for the commemoration
of the 500 year anniversary since the Expulsion from Spain.
? Co-founder of the Society for the Study of Greek Jewry.
? Oct.1988-June 1992 - Teaching for the International Study Groups,
New York, USA.
Feb.1975 - July 1992 - Executive Secretary in the School of Dentistry
of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.