Tthe passage on "little words" in Hebraica Cataloging
(p. 21) says: "In the rare cases where Even-Shoshan may
show the same word under more than one entry element, the
more 'analytical' option is chosen."
In Even-Shoshan under "lamed" there is an entry for: " lamed (sheva)
bet (patah) dalet"
under "bet" there is the following: "lamed (sheva)
bet (patah) dalet, bet (hirek) lamed (sheva) bet (patah)
dalet, mem (hirek) lamed (sheva) bet (patah) dalet, see
lamed (sheva) bet (patah) dalet."
Therefore, this is *not* a case where Even-Shoshan shows the same word
under more than one entry element. He shows the word
under lamed, and under bet he refers the reader to
the lamed entry. In short, he treats this compound as
a "word" beginning with lamed. Therefore again, there's no
"more 'analytical'" option to be chosen-- he doesn't give an
option at all. So: levadi is
correct. Even-Shoshan does say, in the "levad" entry, that
the word comes from "le-" plus "bad." But it's the fact
that he doesn't give an *entry* for it under "bad" that's critical.