Ben-Gurion University
Be’er Sheva, Israel
Office of the National Authority of Ladino Language & Culture
King George 16
Jerusalem, Israel
1. Contact Information:
Home Address:
Rehov Harav Maymon 6
Jerusalem 95429
Tel: 011-972-2-652-3864 (home)
052-920234 (cell phone, in-country)
Fax: 011-972-2-651-4286
(in Israel, do not use 011-972-2; replace
with 02)
Research Interests:
Maintenance and teaching of the Ladino language, the culture and
the folklore
Collection and documentation of oral folklore
The teaching of spoken Ladino
The analysis of both written and spoken narrative with the goal of
preserving the culture
1. Books
1) Kurso de Djudeo-Espanyol (Ladino) para Prinsipiantes
2) Kurso de Djudeo-Espanyol (Ladino) para Adelantados
3) -- & Maymon Benchimol, Vokabulario Djudeo-Espanyol (Ladino)
et viceversa
(All these books are Edited by Merkaz Eliachar,Ben-Gurion University,
Beer-Sheva, 2000),
4) Tabelas de Verbos en Djudeo-Espanyol (Ladino), Ed. de la Autora,
Yerushalayim, 1999.
(All the books are in Judeo-Spanish and Hebrew).
2. Syllabi and course materials for ‘La Lingua Djudeo-espanyola”
(Ben-Gurion University)
including (specifically Sephardi):
(1999) Kurso de Djudeo-Espanyol (Ladino) para Prinsipiantes.
Be’er Sheva; Ben-Gurion University.
(1999) Kurso de Djudeo-Espanyol (Ladino) para Adelantados. Be-er Sheva:
Ben-Gurion University.
With Maymon Benchimol (1999). Vokabulario Djudeo-Espanyol
(Ladino)- Ebreo; Ebreo-Djudeo-Espanyol (Ladino).
Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University.
(1999). Tabelas de verbos en Djudeo-Espanyol (Ladino). Jerusalem:
Office of Ladino Language and Culture.
Materials for Kurso de Ladino para Maestros:
(in progress) Lejendas I kuentos morales de la tradision djudeo-espanyola.
Jerusalem: Nur.
(1995) De Saragoza a Yerushalayim. Zaragoza: Ibercaja.
(1994) Konsejas I konsejikas del mundo Djudeo-Espanyol. Jerusalem:
Colejio Sefaradi (1998, 1996): Courses given in Mexico City
3. Academic Articles:
Koen-Sarano, Matilda. (in press). King Solomon and the golden fish,
Scientific notes by Reginetta Haboucha. Detroit: Wayne State
Koen-Sarano, Matilda. (1996). Rodeos del mito del rey Midas en
el kuento popular
Djudeo-Espanyol. In (eds.), W. Busse-M.C. Varol-Bornes, Sephardica:
Hommage a Haim Vidal Sephiha. Berne: Peter Lang.
Koen-Sarano, Matilda. (1993). El kuento ‘suzio’ Djudeo-Espanyol. Diario 16, No. 403, I-V.
Koen-Sarano, Matilda. (1993). A la sabor de nuestras
manos: Prefacio linguistica Sobre la cocina Djudeo-Espanyola.
In P. Finzi (ed), Sabores y misterios de La cocina Sefaradi, p.p. 10-14.
Buenos Aires: Shalom.
Koen-Sarano, Matilda. (1992). Mueva vida para el kuento popular
Djudeo-Espanyol en La kultura Israeliana.
In J.B. Rosa (ed.), 500 años despúes: Actos del
congreso de De Miami, p.p.127-136. Valencia: Espana.
Koen-Sarano, Matilda. (1992). El elemento Espanol en el cuento popular ‘Djudeo-Espanyol.’ Ariel, 87, 79-97.
Cohen Sarano, Matilda. (1992). Jewish themes and thoughts in the
Judeo-Spanish refrán.
In The Sephardic Journey 1492-1992, p.p. 156-171. New York:
Yeshiva University Museum.
Cohen Sarano, Matilda. (1992). Il proverbio Giudeo-Spagnolo di
Livorno. In S. N. Zazzu (ed.),
E andammo dove il vento ci spinse, p.p. 47-49. Marietti:
Koen-Sarano, Matilda. (1991). Problemes de traduction des contes
populaires Judeo-Espagnols En Hebreu.
In Nouvelles de la FIT: Nouvelle Serie X, No. 4, p.p. 458-464.
Belgique Sint Amandsberg 1.
Cohen, Matilde. (1980). Odissea di un canto-Bendigamos. Alef-DAC, no. 3, April-May, p.p. 26-7.
4. More collections of stories:
(in press) Por el plazer de kontar: Rekolta de kuentos
personales. Jerusalem: Zaviyot..
(1999) Kuentos Salados Djudeo-Espanyoles, Sivdad de Valensia:
Edisiones Capitelum.
(1999) Lejendas i Kuentos Morales de la tradision Djudio-Espanyola
(1994). Sipure Eliahu Anavi, kon notas de Shifra Safra. Jerusalem:
Midrashiat Amalia.
(1991). Djoha ke dize? Jerusalem: Kana.
(1990). Storie di Giocha, First Edition for students; Second
Edition for the general public. Firenze: Sansoni.
(1986) Kuentos de folklor de la famiya Djudeo-Espanyola w/audio-cassette.
Jerusalem: Kana.
5. Poetry , Song Lyrics, & Theater:
(in press) Ritmo antiko, poems and lyrics
(1999). CD: Sefaradis de dor en dor (songs from the musical comedy).
Ramat Gan: HaTaklit.
(1998). Mil I un djoha, musical comedy, published by the author.
(1997) Musical Theater: Sefaradis de dor en dor. Premiered in
Mexico City at Colejio Sefaradi;
Lyrics and story by Matilda Koen-Sarano, Music by Haim Tsur. Published
by Edision del
Ministerio de la Edukasion, la Kultura, I el Sport, Jerusalem.
(1995) CD: Nostaljia. Ramat Gan: HaTaklit.
(1993). CD: Jewish Ladino Songs. Ramat Gan: HaTaklit.
(1993). Vini kantaremos. Collection of Judeo-Espanyol Song Lyrics.