What should be the subject treatment for Karaite liturgical works?
The Hebraica Team does not recommend establishing "Judaism--Karaite rite." Instead it recommends assigning, "Karaites--Liturgy--Texts."
The question of what constitutes a specific
rite of Judaism versus a full-fledged sect is not clear-cut.
It is true that we
treat Hasidism as a "sect," but that Hasidic liturgical works are considered
a rite of traditional Judaism. The same argument can not be
made about the Karaites. Such decisions need to made on a
case by case basis, so the lack of onsistency here seems justified.
Another important issue is: Does KARAITES (sh85-71589) refer
to the class of persons or the religious sect or both?
LC practice has been to assign both free-floating
subdivisions applicable to classes of persons (SCM H 1100)
those applicable to religions or sects (SCM H 1185).
To clarify the practice, CPSO has recommended the addition of a scope note specifying the dual function of this heading, similar to the note under the heading JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. Such a note has already been proposed. Furthermore, several references will be added to the current heading, including Karaism, Karaitism, and various Hebrew forms.
One additional point. The question arose as to whether the work in question should be considered a Siddur at all. If it is determined that the uniform title SIDDUR is not appropriate for this item, do not apply the subject heading "Siddurim--Texts."
Lenore Bell