CURRICULUM VITAE (short version/version raccourcie)
Dr. Judith R. Cohen, ethnomusicologist/ethnomusicologue
751 Euclid Avenue
Born 9/12/49, Montreal
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6G 2V3
Phone: 533-2666 (also fax)
Current Occupations:
Research Grants:
SSHRC: New Directions in Judeo-Spanish Song; Crypto-Jewish Traditions
Canada Council Artists Grant, cross-cultural ballad performance/research
genre, 1997-8
Office of Research Assistance, York University, Crypto-Jewish musical
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, New York, 1998-9
Adjunct Graduate Faculty, York University, Music Department (part-time);
Winter term 1999: Wilfrid Laurier University (Music of the World's
Spring 1999: Guest Instructor: Sephardic Studies Institute, Alcalá
de Henares University, Spain
Performer; Lecturer, Consultant: Judeo-Spanish; Yiddish,Medieval;Hispanic,
French Canada, Balkan, children: voice, traditional instruments,
Judeo-Spanish songs while focussing as well on (1) Crypto-Jewish musical
traditions in Portugal and Spain; (2) invented
"Sephardic" festivals in Spain and Portugal and their use of musical
Fieldwork/enquêtes: Canada, Israel, Spain, Morocco,
Istanbul, Thessaloniki, Portugal
Ph.D. Musicologie, Université de Montréal 1989
1980 Le Rôle des Femmes-Musiciennes dans l'Espagne Médiévale
dans les Communautés Chrétienne, Juive et
Musulmane, M.A. thesis, Université de Montréal,
UMI #1319039.
1987b " 'Ya Salió de la mar': Traditional Judeo-Spanish Wedding
Songs", in Ellen Koskoff, ed., Women and Music in Cross-Cultural
Perspective, Greenwood Press:55-67.
1989a Judeo-Spanish Song in the Sephardic Communities of Montreal and
Toronto, Ph.D. Dissertation, Université de
Montréal, UMI #8918229.
1989b "The Impact of Mass Media and Acculturation on Judeo-Spanish
Song", in Simon Frith, ed., World Music, Politics and Social Change, Manchester
U.P.: 90-97.
1990 "Musical Bridges: The Contrafact Tradition in Judeo-Spanish
Song", in Cultural Marginality in the Western Mediterranean Toronto,
New Aurora Editions: 121-128.
1992 "1492-1992 Revisited: The Sephardic Song 'Revival' ", withCD,
Musicworks (Toronto) 54:36-42
1993 "Sonography of Judeo-Spanish Song, with commentary", Jewish
Folklore and Ethnology Review, 15/2:49-55, updates 17/1-2:72-3; 18/1-2:96-100.
1995a "Romancing the Romance: Perceptions (and Boundaries) of the Judeo-Spanish
Ballad", in James Porter, ed. ,Ballads and Boundaries: Narrative Singing
in an Intercultural Context, UCLA:209-217.
1995b "Women's Role in Judeo-Spanish Song", in Maurie Sacks,
ed., Active Voices, Women in Jewish Culture, University of Illinois:181-200.
1995c "A Reluctant Woman Pilgrim and a Green Bird: a Possible Cantiga
Melody Survival in a Sephardic Ballad", Cantigueiros 7:85-89
1995d "'Just
Harmonizing it in their Own Way': Change and Reaction in Judeo-Spanish
Song", Revista de Musicología(Madrid) 6/3, 1995:1578-1596 (from
1992 ISM Conference)
1996a "Pero la voz es muy educada": Reactions to Evolving Styles in
Judeo-Spanish Song Performance", Sephardica: Hommages Haïm-Vidal Séphiha,
ed. W. Busse et al., Berlin, Peter Lang:65-82
1996b "Bringing it
All Back Home: Sephardic Re-Creation in a Galician Town", Donaire 6:98-106
1996c "A Bosnian Sephardic Woman in Kahnewake, Québec", Canadian
Women's Studies 16/4:112-3
1997a "The Medium and the Judeo-Spanish Message", Proceedings, International
Conference on Sephardic Studies, Iowa, in press
1997b "Evolving Roles of Women in Judeo-Spanish Song", in "Hispano-Jewish
Civilization after 1492" , Jerusalem, Misgav
Yerushalayim: 82-100
1997c "¡Ay! Ribadavia: Recreating
Sephardic Culture in a Galician Town", TRANSIberia I: Transcultural
Music Review.
1998a "Back to the Future:
New Directions in Judeo-Spanish Song", in From Iberia to Diaspora, ed.
Yedida Stillman and Norman Stillman :496-514
1998b "Humour and Satire in Judeo-Spanish Song", in Studies in Social-Musical
Sciences, ed. J. Braun, Bar-Ilan University
Press: 233-244
1998c "Sephardic Music: the Romance and Romanticization of Medieval
Spain", in Rough Guide to World Music, 2nd ed.,
ed. S. Broughton , in press
1999a "'Belmonte dos meus Amores': Ethnomusicological Fieldwork among
Iberian Crypto-Jews, in Acts of the Tenth British Judeo-Spanish Conference,
London, (in press)
1999b "Music and the Reconstruction of Iberian Crypto-Jewish Identity"
in Proceedings of the European
Association for Jewish Studies , Toledo, Spain, 1998 (in preparation)
1999c "We've always sung it that way: Re/Appropriation
of Medieval Spanish-Jewish Culture in a Galician Town", in
Charting Memory: Images of Medieval Spain, ed. S. Beckwith, in preparation
SELECTED PAPERS/COMMUNICATIONS (unpublished/non-éditées)
1990 "The Medieval Sephardic Fusion Song", Kalamazoo Medieval
1992 "1992 and the Mediaization of Judeo-Spanish
Song", SEM (Society
1990 "The Medieval Sephardic Fusion Song", Kalamazoo Medieval
1992 "1992 and the Mediaization of Judeo-Spanish
Song", SEM (Society for Ethnomusicology)
1993 "Music as a Unifying Force in Toronto's Bombay Jewish Community",FSAC,
1994a "Christian and Moslem Influence on Judeo-Spanish Song", Medieval
Studies, Un. Toronto
1994b "Refrains and Broken Sentences in the Cantigas de Santa María",
1995 "'Ay, Ribadavia!': Re-injecting Sephardic Culture into a
Medieval Town", SEM, L.A.
1996 "Presenting Ballads: Beyond Eurocentricity", International
Ballad Symposium, Swansea,
1997a "'Ca no soe joglaresa': Women Musicians in Medieval Iberia's
ThreeCultures", Medieval Hispanic Seminar, London
1997b "The Ethnomusicologist as Applied Contrafactotum",
World Union of Jewish Studies
1998a "The Ethnologist as Neo-Inquisitor: among the
Crypto-Jews of Portugal", FSAC, Ottawa
1998b "Mos Morrimos de Frio, Judeo-Spanish Songs
in Canada", Jewish Studies, York University
1998c "Levels of Tradition, Levels of Interference",
Iberian Ethnomusicology Society, Granada
1998d "Humour in Luso-Hispanic Song", Keynote
Address, International Society for Luso-Hispanic
Humour Studies, Sudbury, Ontario
1998e "Crypto is as Crypto Does, Towards a Crypto-Jewish
Musical Ethnography", SEM Indiana
1998f "Re-created Music
and Re-created Identities in Imagined Iberian Jewish Communities", Canadian
Society for Traditional Music, Winnipeg
1983/5/9;1994 Vocals, instrumentals: GERINELDO: Chansons
traditionnelles judeo-espagnoles
1991 Con Viela y Mochila ("With Vielle and Backpack"), (solo)
Madrid, Saga SEC10579.
1992a Primavera en Salónica: Canciones de los sefardíes
y sus vecinos Madrid, SagaSEC10587
1994 "Dized', ¡,ay!, Trobadores'", Monofonías Medievales
, , solo; Madrid, Saga KPD10914 (CD).
1997 Dans mon chemin j'ai rencontré:
Songs of Meetings and Travelling, with Tamar Ilana Cohen Adams, Rob
Simms, Radio Canada/Interdisc (Prix Marcel Blouin 1994)
University of Arizona, Tucson 1997; University of Utah,
1998, Complutense University (Madrid), University of Santiago de Compostela;
Alcalá de Henares University , University of Salamanca, 1996-8,
European Association for Jewish Studies 1998 ;Ciclo de Cultura Hispano-hebrea,
Segovia, Spain, 1994; Sons de Matria/Festa da Istoria, Ribadavia/Compostela,
Spain 1994-8; Artword Theatre Festival Toronto, May 1996; Jewish Storytelling
Festival, Toronto; Portugal 1996-8;
Also, with Na Carenza (medieval), Gerineldo (Judeo-Spanish),Nova Tradicija
(Balkan women's songs)
Sephardic discography online is linkedto the web page.