Harvey E. Goldberg

Emeritus Professor
Sarah Allen Shaine Chair in Sociology and Anthropology

Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus

Jerusalem, ISRAEL

Phone: 972-8-673-9362 (H)

Cell: 972-54-770-3482

Fax: 972-2-673-9362





Cave‑dwellers and Citrus‑growers: A Jewish Community in Libya and Israel .Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1972.


Editor, special issue of Ethnic Groups (published by Gordon & Breach) on "Ethnicity in Israeli Society," Vol. I., No. 3, pp. 163‑262, 1977.


Antropologia: Adam, Hevrah Ve‑Tarbut (Introduction to Anthropology). Tel Aviv, "Gome" (Tcherikover), 1978. (In collaboration with Orit Ziv and Eileen Basker). In Hebrew.


Higgid Mordecaï , by Mordecai Ha‑Cohen. The history, institutions and customs of the Jews of Libya. Edited and annotated by H. Goldberg. Jerusalem, Ben‑Zvi Institute, 1979. In Hebrew. Second revised edition, 1980.


The Book of Mordechai , by Mordecai Ha‑Cohen. Trans. and edited by Harvey Goldberg. Institute for the Study of Human Issues, Philadelphia, 1980. Reprinted: London, Darf Publishers, 1993.


Greentown's Youth: Disadvantaged Youth in an Israeli Development Town . Assen, Van Gorcum, 1984.


Editor, Judaism Viewed from Within and from Without: Anthropological Studies. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1987.


Danielle Storper‑Perez and Harvey Goldberg. Au Pied du Mur de Jerusalem: Approche anthropologique du Mur du Temple. Paris, Cerf, 1989.


Jewish Life in Muslim Libya: Rivals and Relatives . Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1990.


Editor, Sephardi and Middle Eastern Jewries: History and Culture in the Modern Era. Bloomington and New York, Indiana University Press and The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1996.


Orit Abuhav , Esther Hertzog, Harvey Goldberg and Emanuel Marx, ed. Yisrael: Antropologia Meqomit [A Reader in Israeli Anthropology]. Tel Aviv, Tcherikover, 1998. In Hebrew.

Editor, The Life of Judaism. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2001.


Harvey Goldberg, Sam Heilman and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett. The Israel Experience: Studies in Youth Travel and Jewish Identity, edited by Barry Chazan. Jerusalem, ACBP Foundation, 2002.


Jewish Passages: Cycles of Jewish Life . Berkeley, University of California Press, 2003.


E. Hertzog, O. Abuhav, H. Goldberg and E. Marx, ed. Perspectives on Israeli Anthropology. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, in press, 2009.


Harvey Goldberg, Steven M. Cohen and Ezra Kopelowitz, eds. Dynamic Belonging: Jewish Collective Identities in Israel and the United States. New York, Berghahn Books, forthcoming.





FBD Marriage and Demography among Tripolitanian Jews in Israel. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 25:276‑91, 1967. Reprinted in R. Bar‑Yoseph and I. Shelah, eds. The Family in Israel, Akademon, Jerusalem, 1969.


Patronymic Groups in a Tripolitanian Jewish Village: Reconstruction and Interpretation. Jewish Journal of Sociology 9:209‑26, 1967.


Elite Groups in Peasant Communities: A Comparison of Three Middle‑ Eastern Villages. American Anthropologist 70:718‑31, 1968.


Egalitarianism in an Autocratic Village in Israel. Ethnology 8:54‑75, 1969. Reprinted in A. Tuden and F. McGlynn, eds. Anthropological Approaches to Political Behavior. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1990, 232-57.


Domestic Organization and Wealth in an Israeli Immigrant Village. Human Organization 28:58‑63, 1969.


From Sheikh to Mazkir: Structural Continuity and Organizational Change in the Leadership of a Tripolitanian Jewish Community. Folklore Research Center Studies, Jerusalem, D. Noy and I. Ben Ami, eds. 1:29‑41, 1970. Reprinted in S. Deshen and W. P. Zenner, eds. Middle Eastern Jewish Societies. Washington, D.C., University Press of America, 1982. Reprinted and translated in S. Deshen and M. Shokeid, eds. Jewish Societies in the East: Perspectives on Past and Present. Schocken, 1984, 200‑207.


Ecologic and Demographic Aspects of Rural Tripolitanian Jewry:1853‑1949. International Journal of Middle East Studies 2:245‑65, 1971. Reprinted and translated in H. Z. Hirschberg, ed. Memorial Volume for A. Elmaleh, Jerusalem, 1972.

The Social Context of North African Jewish Patronyms. Folklore Research Center Studies 3:245‑58, 1972.


Culture Change in an Israeli Immigrant Village: How the Twist came to Even Yosef. Middle Eastern Studies 9:73‑80, 1973.


The Relations of the Jews of Tripolitania with their Moslem Neighbors. Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1973, 123‑30.

The Language and Culture of Tripolitanian Jewry. Leshonenu ( Jerusalem) 38:137‑47, 1974 (Hebrew).


Tripolitanian Jewish Communities: Cultural Boundaries and Hypothesis Testing. American Ethnologist 1:619‑34, 1974.


Anthropology in Israel. Current Anthropology 17:119‑121, 1976.


Rites and Riots: The Tripolitanian Pogrom of 1945. Plural Societies 8:35‑56, Spring, 1977.


The Mimuna and Minority Status of Moroccan Jews. Ethnology 17:75‑87, 1978. Reprinted and translated in S. Deshen and M. Shokeid, eds. Jewish Societies in the East: Perspectives on Past and Present. Schocken, 1984, 106‑16.


The Jewish Wedding in Tripolitania. A Study in Cultural Sources. The Maghreb Review 3,9:1‑6, 1978.


A Program for Disadvantaged Youth in an Israeli Development Town: An Evaluation. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 10:21‑42, 1979.


(With M. Alter and E. Kahana) The Libyan Focus of Creutzfeldt‑Jakob Disease: A Search for the Mode of Natural Transmission. In S.B. Prusiner, ed. Slow Transmissible Diseases of the Nervous System, vol. I, Academic Press, 1979, 195‑211.


(With M. Shoenberg, M. Wallerstein and O. Ziv) Social and Demographic Aspects of the Jews of Tripoli in the Colonial Period. In M. Abitbol, ed. Judaisme d'Afrique du nord au XIX‑XXe siècles: histoire, société et culture. Ben-Zvi Institute, 1980, 67‑84.


The Ottoman Rule in Tripoli as Viewed by the History of Mordechai Hakohen. In J.L. Miège. ed. Les relations entre juifs et musulmans en Afrique du nord: XIXe‑XXe siècles, Paris, C.N.R.S., 1980, pp. 143‑59. Hebrew version in Pe'amim 3:37‑48, 1979.


Religious Rivalry in Tripolitania. International Journal of Middle East Studies 12:152‑70, 1980.


(With R. Rosen) Itinerant Jewish Peddlers at the End of the Ottoman Period and under Italian rule. In M. Abitbol, ed. Communautés juives des marges du Maghreb. Ben-Zvi Institute, 1982, 303‑20.

Tailors in Tripoli in the Colonial Period. In E.G.H. Joffe and K.S. Mclachlan, eds. Studies in the Social and Economic History of Libya: The Colonial Period. Wisbech, Cambridgeshire: MENAS Press, 1982, 161‑72. Reprinted and translated (Hebrew) in J. Chetrit and Z. Yehudah, eds. Miqqedem Umiyyam (Studies in the Jewry of Islamic Countries): II, Haifa, 1986, 97‑107.


The Mellahs of Southern Morocco: Report of a Survey. The Maghreb Review 8(3‑4):61‑69, 1983.


Ethnosemantics as a Chapter in Anthropological Theory. In A. De Ruyter and J. Oosten, eds. The Future of Structuralism. Gottingen‑ Geismar: Herodot, 1983, 25‑53.


The Language and Culture of the Jews of Tripolitania: A Preliminary View. Mediterranean Language Review 1:85‑102, 1983.


The Jewish Community of Tripoli in Relation to Italian Jewry and Italians in Tripoli. In Les relations inter‑communautaires juives en Mediterranée occidentale . Paris: CNRS, 1984, 74‑89.


Historical and Cultural Dimensions of Ethnic Phenomena in Israel. Megamot ( Jerusalem) 28:233‑49, 1984 (In Hebrew). English version in A. Weingrod, ed. Studies in Israeli Ethnicity. New York: Gordon and Breach, 1985, 179‑200.


Evaluation, Ethnography and the Concept of Culture: Disadvantaged Youth in an Israeli Town. In D. Fetterman, ed. Ethnography in Educational Evaluation. Beverly Hills, Sage, 1984, 153‑73.


Disadvantaged Youngsters and Disparate Definitions of Youth in a Development Town. Youth and Society 16:237‑56, 1984.


Jewish Life in Muslim Tripoli. Urban Anthropology 13:65‑90, 1984.


Genes and Culture: Thoughts on Methodology and Biological Analogies in Social Theory. In E. Cohen et al., eds. Comparative Society Dynamics: Essays in Honour of S.N. Eisenstadt. Boulder: Westview, 1985, 360‑73.


Between Tripolitania and Eretz Israel in the 19th Century. Pe'amim 24:87‑92, 1985 (Hebrew).


Anthropologie et études juives: une perspective autobiographique. Pardès (Paris) 2:99‑115, 1985.

A. Meged and Harvey Goldberg. Rabbi Sa'adia Adati. The Story of a Saint in the Moroccan Rif. Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore 9:89‑103, 1986 (Hebrew).


Torah and Children: Symbolic Aspects of the Reproduction of Jews and Judaism. In Judaism Viewed from Within and from Without (above), 107-30. Reprinted and translated (Hebrew) in M. Adar-Bunis, ed. Introduction to Anthropology: A Reader (Tel Aviv: Open University, 1997), 73-88.


Ottoman Tripoli. In J. Dan, ed. Culture and History. Jerusalem: Misgav Yerushalayim, 1987, 171‑84 (Hebrew).


The Changing Meaning of Ethnic Affiliation. Jerusalem Quarterly 44:39‑50, 1987.


Family and Community in Sephardic North Africa: Historical and Anthropologi­cal Perspectives. In D. Kraemer, ed. The Jewish Family: Metaphor and Memory. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989,133‑51.


Expression de l'identité culturelle des Juifs Lybiens en Israël. In J.C. Lasry and C. Tapia, eds. Les Juifs du Maghreb: Diasporas contemporaines. Montreal: Presses Universitaires de Montreal et L'Harmattan, 1989, 429‑44.


(With Claudio G. Segrè) Holding on to Both Ends: Religious Continuity and Changes in the Libyan Jewish Community, 1860‑1949. Maghreb Review 14:161-86, 1989.


(With Claudio G. Segrè) Mixtures of Diverse Substances: Education and the Hebrew Language among the Jews of Libya, 1875‑1951. In S. Fishbane and J. Lightstone, eds. Essays in the Social Scientific Study of Judaism and Jewish Society. Montreal: Concordia University Press, 1990, 151‑201.


The Zohar in Southern Morocco: A Study in the Ethnography of Texts. History of Religions 29:233‑58, 1990.


Anthropology and the Study of Traditional Jewish Societies. AJS Review 15:1‑22, 1990.


La communauté de Tripoli entre les processus de modernisation et d'immigration en Israël: Une methode de recherche de l'histoire orale. In I. Ben‑Ami, ed. Recherches sur la culture des Juifs d'Afrique du Nord. Jerusalem: Communauté Israélite Nord‑Africaine, 1990, 333‑42 (Hebrew).

Potential Polities: Jewish Saints in the Moroccan Countryside and in Israel. In M. Bax, P. Kloos and A. Koster, eds. Faith and Polity: Essays on Religion and Politics. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit University Press, 1992, 235-50.


History and Experience: An Anthropologist among the Jews of Libya. In J. Kugelmass, ed. Going Home. YIVO Annual 21:241-72, 1992.


Review article based upon 'Storm from Paradise: The Politics of Jewish Memory' by J. Boyarin. The Maghreb Review 17 (3-4):180-91, 1992.


Religious Responses among North African Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. In J. Wertheimer, ed. The Uses of Tradition: Jewish Continuity in the Modern Era. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary with Harvard University Press, 1993, 119-44.


Religious Responses to Modernity among the Jews of Jerba and of Tripoli: A Comparative Study. The Journal of Mediterranean Studies 4:278-99, 1994.


Danielle Storper-Perez and Harvey Goldberg. The Kotel: Toward an Ethnographic Portrait. Religion 24:309-32, 1994.


Communal Organization of the Jews of Tripolitania During the Late Ottoman Period. Jewish Political Studies Review 5:77-95, 1994. Reprinted in S. Deshen and W. P. Zenner, eds. Jews among Muslims. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1996, 144-58.


Les jeux de Pourim et leurs déclinaisons à Tripoli: Perspective comparative sur l'usage social des histoires bibliques. Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales 49:1183-95, 1994.


A Tradition of Invention: Family and Educational Institutions among Contemporary Traditionalizing Jews. In E. Benbassa, ed. Transmission et Passages en Monde Juif. Paris: Publisud, 1997, 523-44 (in French). English version in Conservative Judaism 47 (2):69-84, 1995 and reprinted in S. M. Cohen and G. Horenczyk, ed. National Variations in Modern Jewish Identity (Albany: SUNY Press, 1999), 85-106.


The Voice of Jacob: Jewish Perspectives on Anthropology and the Study of the Bible. Jewish Social Studies (n.s.) 2:36-71, 1995.


A Note on Even Yosef in the Early 1990s. In M. Schwartz, S.H. Lees, and G. Kressel, eds. Rural Cooperatives in Socialist Utopia. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995, 111-16.


The Maskil and the Mequbbal: Mordecai Ha-Cohen and the Grave of Rabbi Shim`on Lavi in Tripoli. In Sephardi and Middle Eastern Jewries (above), 168-80.


Cambridge in the Land of Canaan: Descent, Alliance, Circumcision, and Instruction in the Bible. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 24:9-34, 1996. Revised and translated in Florence Heymann and Danielle Storper-Perez, eds., Le corps du texte (Paris: CNRS, 1997), 51-81.


Gravesites and Memorials: Alternative Versions of the Sacralization of Space in Judaism. In E. Ben-Ari and Y. Bilu, eds. Grasping Land: Space and Place in Israeli Discourse and Experience. Albany: SUNY Press, 1997, 49-62.


Becoming History: Perspectives on the Seminary Faculty at Mid‑Century. In Jack Wertheimer, ed. Tradition Renewed: A History of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, vol. 1. New York, Jewish Theological Seminary, 1997, 353‑437.


Names in their Social Contexts: An Anthropological Perspective. In Aaron Demsky, Joseph A. Reif and Joseph Tabory, ed. These are the Names: Studies in Jewish Onomastics. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1997, 53-64.


Coming of Age in Jewish Studies, or Anthropology Is Counted in the Minyan. Jewish Social Studies (n.s.) 4:29-64, 1998.


Breaking A Glass at Weddings: A View from Interpretative Anthropology. In Yisrael: Antropologia Meqomit (above, Hebrew), 595-608.


Customs of the Jews of Morocco. In Vivian Mann, ed. Morocco : Jews and Art in a Muslim Land. New York: Merrell in association with the Jewish Museum, 2000, 85-104.


Ethnic and Religious Dilemmas of a Jewish State: A Cultural and Historical Perspective. In Akira Usuki, ed. State Formation and Ethnic Relations in the Middle East. Osaka, Japan Center for Area Studies, National Museum of Ethnology, 2001, 47-64.


The Jews of Libya. In R. S. Simon, M. M. Laskier, and S. Reguer, eds. The Jews of the Middle East and North Africa in Modern Times. New York, Columbia University Press, 2002, 431-443.


Harvey E. Goldberg and Hagar Salamon. From Laboratory to Field: Notes on Studying Diversity in Israeli Society. Hagar: International Social Science Review 3:123-137, 2002.


The Oriental and the Orientalist: The Meeting of Mordecai Ha-Cohen and Nahum Slouschz. Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore 22:141-153, 2002 (Hebrew, see below).

Modern Jewish Society and Sociology. In Martin Goodman, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002, 975-1001.


Louis Finkelstein's The Jews: A Mid-Twentieth Century Presentation of Judaism. In Jack Kugelmass, ed. Key Texts in American Jewish Culture. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press, 2003, 199-209.


Thinking Globally about Judaism. In Mark Juergensmeyer, ed. Global Religions: An Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003, 40-51. Reprinted in Mark Jurgensmeyer, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Global Religions. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006, 175-185.


Sephardi Rabbinic “Openness” in Nineteenth-Century Tripoli: Examining a Modern Myth in Context. In Jack Wertheimer, ed. Jewish Religious Leadership--Image and Reality , vol. 2. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary Press, 2004, 695-714.


The Oriental and the Orientalist: The Meeting of Mordecai Ha-Cohen and Nahum Slouschz [expanded version of Hebrew paper above]. Jewish Culture and History 7:1-30, 2004


The Science of Judaism and the Science of Man: Some Jewish Threads in the History of Anthropology. In Eli Lederhendler and Jack Wertheimer, eds. Text and Context: Essays in Modern Jewish History and Historiography in Honor of Ismar Schorsch. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 2005, 283-317.


Social Issues: Survey. In Nicholas de Lange and Miri Freud-Kandel, eds. Modern Judaism: An Oxford Guide. edited by. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 193-204.


La culture sépharade: us et coutumes. In Shmuel Trigano, ed. Le monde sépharade, tome II. Paris, Editions de Seuil, 2006, 584-596.


Sabbath Sport on the Shores of Tripoli: Muscles and Memory among the Jews of Libya. In Jack Kugelmass, ed. Jews, Sports, and the Rites of Citizenship. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2007, pp. 131-144.


Harvey E Goldberg and Chen Bram. Sephardi/Mizrahi/Arab-Jews: Reflections on Critical Sociology and the Study of Middle Eastern Jewries within the Context of Israeli Society. Studies in Contemporary Jewry 22:227-256, 2007


From Sefaradi to Mizrahi and Back Again: The Changing Meanings of the Term Sefaradi in Its Social Environments. Jewish Social Studies 15:165-188, 2008. (Special issue on Sephardi Jewry)


Some Cautionary Tales from an Anthropological Romance with Jews from Libya. In Haim Hazan and Esther Hertzog, ed. The Anthropologist as Nomad: Serendipity in Ethnographic Work. Edwin Mellen Press (in press)





A Note on Pospisil's 'Correlates.' American Anthropologist 68:1488‑91, 1966.


Comment on 'Historical Inferences from Guttman Scales' The Return of Age‑area Magic. Current Anthropology 10:229‑39, 1969.


Review of 'Israeli Society' by S.N. Eisenstadt, American Anthropologist 72:492, 1970.


Review of 'World Without Time: The Bedouin' by E. Nevins and T. Wright. American Anthropologist 72:652‑53, 1970.


Review of 'American Myth of Success' by R. Weiss. American Sociological Review 35:935‑36, 1970.


Review of 'The Middle East: A Social Geography' by S. Longrigg. American Scientist 59:378, 1971.


(With Eugene Hammel), Letter to the Editor on 'Parallel Cousin Marriage Reconsidered' by F. Khuri. Man, n.s. 6:488‑89, 1971.


Review of 'Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior' by H. Schoeck. American Anthropologist 74:1370‑71, 1972.


Review of 'Tents of Jacob' by R. Patai. Jewish Social Studies 34:197‑98, 1972.


Review of 'Immigrant Voters in Israel' by S. Deshen. American Anthropologist 75:469‑70, 1973.

Review of 'Immigration and Social Change' by D. Weintraub. International Migration Review 7:215‑18, 1973.


Language and Culture of Traditional Tripolitanian Jewry. Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society, 1972. Philadelphia, 1973, 603‑604.


Review of 'Differentiation and Cooperation in a Veteran Moshav' by E. Baldwin. Megamot 19:435‑37, 1973 (Hebrew).


Review of 'Nation and Community Building in Israel' by D. Willner. American Anthropologist 76:439‑40, 1974.


Comparative Research on North African Jewish Communities. Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society, 1974. Philadelphia, 1975, 430.


Review of 'The Cooperative Farmer and the Welfare State' by J. Abarbanel and 'Frontiertown: The Politics of Community Building in Israel' by M. Aronoff. Middle Eastern Studies 14:393‑96, 1978.


Review of 'Ethnic Relations in Israel' by Y. Peres. Medinah u‑Mimshal 1979, 122‑26 (Hebrew).


Review of 'A Mediterranean Society, Vol. III: The Family' by S.D. Goitein. American Anthropologist 81:940‑41, 1979.


Review of 'Jews of the Latin American Republics' by Judith L. Elkin. International Migration Review 15:557‑58, 1981.


Review of 'Political Development and Social Change in Libya' by O.I.E.I. Fathaly and M. Palmer. Jerusalem Journal of International Relations 5, No. 2, 108‑109, 1981.


Review of 'From the Golden to the Promised Land' by A. Antonovsky and A. D. Katz. International Migration Review 15:782‑83, 1981.


Review of 'Literature and Violence in North Arabia' by M. Meeker. The New East 30:217-18, 1981 (Hebrew).


Review of 'Migrants in Tripoli: A Case Study of Assimilation' by Y. A. Elkabir. Middle East Studies Assoc. Bulletin 16, 2:46‑47, 1982.


Review of 'American Immigrants in Israel: Social Identities and Change' by K. Avruch. Middle East Studies Assoc. Bulletin 16,2:29‑30, 1982.


The Jews of Libya. Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Newsletter,

5, no. 1‑2:7‑8, 1982.


Atlas of North African Jewry: Jews of the Mzab. American Philosophical Society: Grantees Reports, 1982. Philadelphia 1983. 150.


Review of 'Le culte de la table dressée: Rites et traditions de la table juive algerienne' by J. Bahloul. Pe'amim 17:141‑43, 1983 (Hebrew).


(With H. Jason) Ethnography and Folkloristics in Israel: A Survey. Asian Folklore Studies Group Newsletter Nos. 11‑12:17‑21, 13:13‑15, 1983/4.


Review of 'Galut' by Arnold M. Eisen. Polin 3:366‑69, 1988.


Review of 'The Transformation of the Jews' by C. Goldscheider and A. S. Zuckerman. Polin 3:369‑72, 1988.


Modern Jewish Approaches to Anthropology. The Blackwell Companion of Jewish Culture. 1989, 25-29.


Review of 'Prayer and Community: The Havurah in American Judaism' by Riv‑Ellen Prell. American Anthropologist 92:523, 1990.


Review of ‘Stefanesti’: Portrait of a Romanian Shtetl' by G. Sternberg. Polin 5:477-79, 1990


Jews and Non‑Jews in North Africa: a Bibliography. Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Newsletter 3(1):10‑12, 1991.


Review of 'Travail in an Arab Land' by S. Romanelli. Jewish Quarterly Review 82:532-33, 1992.


Life is with People : Continuité et avancées de la recherché, in 'Débats et critiques' in Olam [French translation of Life is with People] by M. Zborowski and E. Herzog. Paris: Plon, 1992, 503-505.


"What's in a Name? Sephardic Jews in their Own Terms." The Melton Journal 26:3-4, 1992.


Review of 'Vilna on the Seine: Jewish Intellectuals in France since 1968' by J. Friedlander. American Anthropologist 94:232-33, 1992.


Review of ' A Place in History: Social and Monumental Time in a Cretan Town' by Michael Herzfeld. Journal of Mediterranean History 7:237-39, 1992.


Review of 'Religious and Secular: Conflict and Accommodation Between Jews in Israel' edited by C. Liebman. Studies in Contemporary Jewry 9:351-53, 1993.


Review of 'Tradition and Modernity in North African and Oriental Jewry' Miqqeddem Umiyyam 3, Joseph Chetrit, ed. Jewish Quarterly Review 84:317-18, 1993-94.


Review of ' Le-lo metzarim: the life and death of Rabbi Ya`aqov Wazana' by Yoram Bilu. Megamot 35:447-49, 1994 (Hebrew).


Review of 'The Jews of Iraq in the Twentieth Century' by N. Kazzaz. Studies in Contemporary Jewry 10:331-33, 1994.


Review of 'Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times' by N. Stillman. Studies in Contemporary Jewry 10:346-48, 1994.


Review of 'Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in Israeli Society' by E. Ben-Rafael and S. Sharot, and 'Defenders of the Faith: Inside Ultra-Orthodox Judaism' by S. Heilman. Journal of Religion 74:125-27, 1994.


Review of 'Change within Tradition among Jewish Women in Libya' by R. Simon, AJS Review 20:474-77, 1995.


Review of 'The Jews of Yemen in the Nineteenth Century: A Portrait of a Messianic Community' by B-Z. Klorman and 'North African Jewry in the Twentieth Century: The Jews of Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria' by M. Laskier in Middle Eastern Studies 31:391-95, 1995.


Course Syllabus: 'Jewish Society in North Africa'. In Jane S. Gerber, ed. Sephardic Studies in the University. Madison: Fairleigh Dickenson University Press, 1995, 232-37.


Anthropology. Hebrew Encyclopaedia, Supplement 3, 128-30. (Hebrew)


Review of 'Living Together Separately: Arabs and Jews in Contemporary Jerusalem' by M. Romann and A. Weingrod, Studies in Contemporary Jewry 11:353-54, 1995.


Ben-David , Hungary , and Middle Eastern Jewry. Jewish History 7:121-23, 1997.


Foreword to 'Bureaucrats and Immigrants in an Absorption Center' by Esther Hertzog (Tel Aviv: Tscherikover, 1998), 11-13 (Hebrew).


Review of volumes 19-20 of `Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore’ (For Dan Ben-Amos), Jewish Studies 39:139-42, 1999.


Human Dignity in Anthropological Perspective, in Human Dignity or Humiliation?: The Tension of Human Dignity in Israel, ed., A. Hareven and Ch. Bram ( Jerusalem: Van Leer, 2000), 44-48 (Hebrew).


Review of `Abraham on Trial: The Social Legacy of Biblical Myth’ by Carol Delaney, American Anthropologist 102:188-89, 2000.


Review of `Jewries at the Frontier’ ed. by Sander Gilman and Milton Shain, American Ethnologist 28:485-86, 2001.


Review of ‘A Torn Community: The Jews of Morocco and Nationalism, 1943-1954’ by Yaron Tsur, Soziologiyah Yisraelit 5:288-90, 2003 (Hebrew).

Review of ‘The Cult of the Saints Among Muslims and Jews in Medieval Syria’ by Josef W. Meri, AJS Review 28:360-61, 2004.


Review of ‘Rituals and Ritual Theory in Ancient Israel’ by Ithamar Gruenwald, Journal of Ritual Studies 18:196-98, 2004.


Shlomo Deshen, in Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology, ed. V. Amit ( London: Routldege, 2004), 120-21.


Recent Scholarship on Eastern Jewries. AJS Perspectives Spring 2005:8-10.


Review of ‘The Natural History of the Bible’ by Daniel Hillel, The European Legacy 12:257-58, 2007.


Jews in the Middle East after 1945. Zman yehudi hadash: tarbut yehudit be'idan hiloni, mabat entziklopedi (A New Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in a Secular Age, An Encyclopedic Look), Keter, 2007. Vol. 4, pp. 153-58. (Hebrew)


An Anthropological Glance at the Use of Tradition: A Response to the Lectures of Dov Maimon, Shlomo Fischer, and Zvi Zohar, in The Burden of Tolerance: Religious Traditions and the Challenge of Pluralism, ed., S. Fischer and A. Seligman ( Jerusalem: Van Leer, 2007), 355-63 (Hebrew).