David L. Graizbord
The Arizona Center for Judaic Studies
The University of Arizona
Louise Foucar Marshall Building
P.O. Box 210158B
845 N. Park Avenue, Suite 420
Tucson , AZ 85721-0158
(520) 206-9753, FAX: (520) 624-6127
Email: dlgraizb@email.arizona.edu
Assistant Professor of Judaic Studies, Committee on Judaic Studies, 2001-Present
Visiting Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies, Franklin and Marshall College, 2000-2001
M.A. (1996), Ph.D. (2000) in History, University of Michigan
Doctoral Thesis: Conformity and Dissidence among Judeoconversos, 1580-1700.
B.A. in Political Science (Magna Cum Laude, 1990), University of California, San Diego.
Hebrew University, Jerusalem. One-Year Program, 1988-1989.
Souls in Dispute: Converso Identities in Iberia and the Jewish Diaspora, 1580-1700. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.
“A Historical Contextualization of Sephardi Apostates and Self-Styled Missionaries of the Seventeenth Century.” Jewish History 19 (2005): 287-313.
“Converso Children Under the Inquisitorial Microscope: What may the Sources Tell us about Their Lives?” in Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: The Results of a Paradigm Shift in the History of Mentality, ed. Albrecht Classen ( Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, to be published in June, 2005).
“ La vida de los conversos en la Peninsula Ibérica después de 1492” in Los estudios sefarditas para estudiantes de español, ed. Julia Lieberman (Pegasus Press, forthcoming).
“Los judíos de la España musulmana” in the Chapter, “Los Sefardíes en la Edad Media,” (co-written with Julia R. Lieberman of Saint Louis University), in Los estudios sefarditas para estudiantes de español, ed. Julia Lieberman (Pegasus Press, forthcoming).
“The Judeo-Portuguese ‘Nation’ and its ‘Renegades’: Problems of Survival and Individual Adaptation in Seventeenth-Century Bayonne” in Survival and Adaptation: The Portuguese Jewish Diaspora in Europe, Africa, and the New World, ed. Joseph Abraham Levi ( New York: Sepher-Hermon Press for the American Society of Sephardic Studies, 2002), 13-32.
Renée Levine Melammed, A Question of Identity: Iberian Conversos in Historical Perspective ( Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), in American Historical Review (forthcoming).
David Cesarani, ed., Port Jews: Jewish Communities in Cosmopolitan Maritime Trading Centres, 1550-1950 ( Portland: Frank Cass Publishers, 2002), for H-Atlantic (May, 2005).
Judah M. Cohen, Through the Sands of Time: A History of the Jewish Community of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands ( Hanover: Brandeis University Press/University Press of New England, 2004) in American Jewish History (forthcoming).
Alan F. Benjamin, Jews of the Dutch Caribbean: Exploring Ethnic Identity in Curaçao ( New York: Routledge, 2002) in American Jewish History (forthcoming)
Todd M. Endelman, ed. Comparing Jewish Societies (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997) in Jewish Political Studies Review 13.1-2 (2001): 283-285.
Benjamin R. Gampel, ed. Crisis and Creativity in the Sephardic World (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997) in Jewish Political Studies Review 13.1-2 (2001): 285-286.
Work In Progress
“Inquisitorial Justice at Work in an Auto de fe, 1680.”
“Becoming Jewish in Early Modern France: Documents on Jewish Community-Building in Seventeenth-Century Bayonne and Peyrehorade.”
Entry, “Jacob Katz” for Handbook of Medieval Studies, ed. Albrecht Classen.
Entries, “Shelomo Molcho” and “Alborayque” for Dizionario storico dell'Inquisizione , eds. Adriano Prosperi and John Tedeschi ( Rome and Bari: Laterza, forthcoming)
Junior Faculty Development Leave, Fall 2006, University of Arizona.
Faculty Small Grant, University of Arizona, Office of the Vice-President for Research (2004).
Research Grant, The Maurice Amado Foundation for Sephardic Studies (2004).
Research Grant, Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports, and United States Universities (2004).
Subvention for the publication of Souls in Dispute by the University of Pennsylvania Press. Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports and United States Universities (2003).
Rackham Merit Fellowship, University of Michigan (1994-2000).
Rackham Discretionary Grant (for doctoral research, 1998).
Research Grant, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, University of Michigan (1997).
“Cultural Transmigration among Converso Merchants.” Rocky Mountain Consortium on Latin American Studies. Tucson, AZ, 2005.
“Marginal Jews and ‘New Jews’ in the Western Sephardi Diaspora: A Few Exemplars from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.” Sixteeenth Century Studies Conference. Toronto, Canada, 2004.
“Converso Children and Adolescents Under Inquisitorial Scrutiny in the Seventeenth Century.” Primer Congreso Internacional de Convivencia: Los Conversos y la Historia de España de 1248 a 1700. Saint Louis University , Madrid Campus. Madrid, Spain, 2004.
“ ‘Jewish’ Transients among Conversos in Seventeeth-Century Spain: The Case of Maestros Dogmatizadores.” Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies. Los Angeles, CA, 2004.
“Souls in Dispute: Religious Equivocators and Other Sephardi ‘Renegades’ of the Seventeenth Century.” The Schusterman/Josey Judaic Studies Evening Lecture Series. University of Oklahoma. 2004.
“Inquisitorial Documents as Windows to Popular Mentalities: Some Reflections on Methodology and Interpretation.” The Schusterman/Josey Judaic Studies JUST Brown Bag Lecture. University of Oklahoma, 2004.
“Marginal Jews as Christian Proselytes among Conversos in Seventeenth-Century Iberia.” Association for Jewish Studies. Boston, MA, 2003.
“Seventeenth-Century Sephardim between Bayonne and Madrid: ‘Parochial Cosmopolitans’?” Association for Jewish Studies. Los Angeles, CA. 2002.
“Sephardic Memory and History Intertwined: The Case of Southern France.” Association for Jewish Studies. Washington, D.C. 2001.
“Converso Merchants as Cultural Border-Crossers.” Modern Language Association. Chicago, IL. 2000.
“Judeo-Portuguese Bayonne and Its Dissidents: The Case of Antonio Rodríguez.” Modern Language Association. Chicago, IL. 1999.
“The Judeo-Portuguese ‘Nation’ and its ‘Renegades’: Problems of Individual Adaptation and Survival in Southern France (1580-1700).” Association for Jewish Studies. Chicago, IL. 1999.
“Iberians Reinvent Their Enemies: The Persecution of Diego Pereira de Castro, 1660.” The Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. St. Louis, MO. 1999.
“Flagellation as a Dynamic Motif in Castilian Popular Piety.” The 34th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University. 1999.
“Mercy and Vengeance: An Inquisitorial Sermon from 1680.” Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies. San Diego, CA. 1999.
“Response to Stephen Sharot’s ‘Religious Syncretism and Distinctiveness.’” Comparing Jewish Societies, a CSSH Conference. University of Michigan. 1994.
Fluency in Spanish.
Advanced reading proficiency in Hebrew, Portuguese, French, Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), and Italian.
Reading proficiency in Catalan and Yiddish.
Modern Jewish History (1789-1881)
Modern Jewish History (1881-1950)
Medieval and Early Modern Jewish History
Modern Jewish History
A History of Conversos
Classic Jewish Texts in Translation
Jewish-Christian Relations to 1789
A History of Judeophobia
Jewish Mysticism: Its History and Principal Phenomena
The European Inquisitions
European History from Augustus to Newton
Chair, Discussion Group on Sephardic Studies, Modern Language Association. 2004.
Anonymous Reviewer for the following publications:
Jewish Quarterly Review
Jewish History
Bar-Ilan Studies in History