Henriette Dahan Kalev
Gender Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ben Gurion
University, Beersheva, Israel
tel: 972-8-6472775 (W)
tel: 972-8-6424105 (H)
Fax: 972-8-6433230
E-mail: henms@bgumail bgu.ac.il
1996 - Lecturer, Ph.D., Researcher and teacher, School of Management, Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva
1997- Co-chair, Women Studies Program, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva
Courses taught
“Israeli Politics” - Graduate Level Course - Department of Public Policy,
Ben Gurion University
“Ethnic Politics” - Graduate Level Course - Department of Public Policy,
Ben Gurion University Hebrew University
“Leadership and Feminism” - Graduate Level Course - Department of Public
Policy, Ben Gurion University
“Feminist Political Theories” - Undergraduate studies - Ben Gurion
University, Hebrew University
“Political Thought” - Undergraduate studies - Ben Gurion University
“Globalism and the Welfare State” - Graduate studies - Ben Gurion University,
Hebrew University
“Israeli Feminism” - Undergraduate studies - Tel Aviv University
Scientific Publications
(a) Authored
* 1. Daphna Izraeli, Ariella Friedman, Henriette Dahan Kalev, Manar
Hassan, Hanna
Herzog, Hannah Nave, Sylvia Fogel-Bejawui.1999, Gender, Sex, Politics,
Am Oved (Hebrew)
(b) Articles
* 1. Dahan Kalev, H., “Adatiut Beisrael - Nekudat Mabat Postmodernit” (“Ethnicity
Israel - A Postmodern Point of View”), The Journal of Schools and
Tel Aviv University Press (Hebrew)
*2. Dahan Kalev, H.,1999, “Misud Defusei Dikui Beisrael - Vadi Saliv
Kemashal” “Patterns
of Oppression in Israel - The Case of Wadi Salib Rebels”, Theory and Criticism,
special volume for the Jubilee of Israel, Van Leer Institution (Hebrew)
*3. Dahan Kalev, H., 1997 “Oppression of Women by Other Women”,.
ISSR (Israeli
Social Science Research) vol.12 #1 pp. 31-44
*4. Dahan Kalev, H., 1996, ”Israeli Stereotypes’ Discourse”; The Journal
of History of
European Ideas, MIT Press, vol.1 #2, pp. 680-688
(c) Chapters in collective volumes
* 1. Dahan Kalev, H., 1999, “Zehut Zikaron Vadatiut” (“Identity, Memory
and Ethnicity”) Ben
Haani Lanahnu ed. A. Beshara; Van Leer Institute Jerusalem pp. 61-75
* 2. Dahan Kalev, H.,1997, “Bein Olim Levatikim” ("Immigrant and The Absorbing
Society"), Between Veterans and Immigrants 1948-1951; Ben Zvi Institute,
pp. 177-
189, (Hebrew)
*1. Dahan Kalev, H., “Gender Veadatiut Bahinuh” (“Gender and Ethnicity
in Education”)
Schools and Society, Tel Aviv University Press (Hebrew)
(d) Chapters in collective volumes
*1. Dahan Kalev, H., “Young Feminist For Peace”, in Young Women’s Human
Global Challenges, ed. Nancy Mandell, Shelagh Wilkinson and
Wenona Giles. JAI
Press, Stamfod CT
*2. Dahan Kalev, H., ”Mizrahi Women – Herstory”, The Leifer Institute For
Gender Studies,
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Hebrew)
* 3. Dahan Kalev, H., ”Mizrahi Women in The Mass Immigration”, The International
Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Jerusalem
*1. Ayala Mlach-Pines & Henriette Dahan Kalev & Sigal
Ronen; “The Influence of Feminist
Self-Definition on Democratic Attitudes of Managers” Social Politics: International
in Gender and Society
*2. Dahan Kalev, H.; “Adatiut In Israel – A Postmodern Perspective”,
Palestine Israel Journal
*3. Dahan Kalev, H.; “Mizrakhi Women: Between East and West”,
Women’s Studies
International Forum
*4. Dahan Kalev, H.; “The Dialectics of the Ethnic Problem In Israel”
submitted to the volume
on Israeli Politics to be published by SUNY
(University of New York Press)
(e) Professional report
*1. Dahan-Kalev, H.; Professional
Report of Kol HaIsha Organization, submitted to Henrich
Boll Foundation,
(f) Unrefereed professional articles and publications (a selected
*1. Dahan-Kalev, H.; Book review: Engendering Social Policy eds. L..Watson
& L. Doyal,
Open University Press, Buckingham. Reviewd for Sotziologia Israelit Journal
Tel Aviv
University, September 1999
* 2. Dahan-Kalev, H.; 1998 “Keshet: The Mizrakhi Democratic Rainbow”, Bridges,
Journal For Jewish Feminists And Our Friends, Vol. 7 # 2 pp. 30-36 (Hebrew)
* 3. Dahan-Kalev, H.; 1997 “Dyun Bikorti Beseder Hayom Hafeministi Beisrael”
Critical Discussion on The Feminist Agenda in Israel”,) Mifne Research
Center Yad
Yaary and Yad Tabenkin # 19 December pp.56-58 (Hebrew)
*4. Dahan-Kalev, H.; 1997, “Feminism - Helek Mehamavak Neged Dikui” ( “Feminism
A Part of the struggle Against Oppression”,) Mifne Research Center Yad
Yaary and
Yad Tabenkin #18 September pp.17-22 (Hebrew)
*5. Dahan Kalev, H.,“Cama She’at Yaffa” (“How Pretty You are”) To The Teacher;
P.Pery, Am Oved (Hebrew, Forthcoming)
• Lectures and Presentations at International Conferences (Not
Followed by Published papers):
(a) Presentation of Papers at Conferences
*1. Dahan Kalev,
. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1999, “Women Leaders in The Sepharadic
Community”, Bar-Ilan University
*2. H.; 1999
“Women’s Contribution to the Peace Process” Chair of Panel.
Economic Cooperation In The Mediterranean Basin Conference, Provance
*3. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1999, “The Mizrahi Women’s Impact on The Israeli-Palestinian
Conflict” Economic Cooperation In The Mediterranean Basin Conference, Provance
*4. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1999 “Women And Health” The First International
Congress On
Women’s Health, Sirocco Hospital, Chairing plenary panel, Beer-Sheva
*5. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1999 “Women’s Leadership at the Capital” The 5th International
Congress on Educating Cities, Jerusalem
*6. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1999 “Gender Citizenship and Identity”, The International
Seminar Challenging The National State, Beer-Sheva
*7. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1998 “The Unheard Voice Of Mizrakhi Women”, The International
Conference of The Association of Communication Jerusalem
*8 Dahan Kalev, H.;1998 “Mizrakhi Women In their First Steps In Israel”,
The First
International Conference on Women in The Yishuv and in the State Periods,
Hebrew University
*9 Dahan Kalev, H. 1998 ;“The Democratic Mizrakhi Rainbow”, Ben Gurion
The First International Congress of The Center for the Third Sector
10. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1995 Women Rights are Human Rights - Focus on Youth;
International Meeting for The Baijing Feminist Conference York University,
Toronto Canada
11. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1993 Ethnic Crisis In Israel, 4th International
Conference of The Society of History of European Ideas, Austria
12. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1992 Identity Crisis In The Modern State", 3rd International
Conference of The Society of History of European Ideas, Denmark
13. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1992 "Prominent Women In The Modern Society", 3rd
International Conference of The Society of History of European Ideas,
14. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1991 "Changes in The Center Periphery Relationship
in Israel
The 15th International Conference of APSA (American Political Science
Association), Argentina
15. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1991 "Ethnic Discrimination In Israel"; 1st and 2nd
Conference for The Study of Discrimination, Jerusalem
16. Dahan Kalev, H,; Conference for The Study of Discrimination, Jerusalem
(c) Presentations in annual conferences of professional associations
in Israel
*1. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1999 “Women Between Ethnic and Gender Discrimination”,
The Impact
Of Mizrahi Culture
On the Israeli Society, Van Leer Institute
*2. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1999, “Black Feminist Methodology” 1st Annual Conference
Gender Studies Association, Tel Aviv University
*3. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1999, “Bureaucracy, Democracy and the Respect
Problem” The
Center for Tolerance Education” Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem
*4. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1997, “Women in Parties and Parties of Women”, The
Conference of Political Science Association, Bar Ilan University
*5. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1998, Zionism and The ethnic Problem” The Center
For Ben
Gurion Heritage, Ben Gurion University
*6. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1998, “The Decent Society and The Individual” The
Conference of Avihy fund Bar Ilan University
*7. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1997, “Mizrahi Feminism” The Annual seminar of Leifer
Center for
Women Studies, The Hebrew University
*8. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1994, “Prominent Women In Israel” The Annual seminar
of Leifer
Center for Women Studies, The Hebrew University
(c) Keynote speaker
at informal international seminars
1. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1994 “Women’s Role in Peace Promotion”, The International
Institute For Peace Promotion, Japan - Keynote speaker
(d) Seminar presentations
at universities and institutions
1. Dahan Kalev, H.; 1991 “Social Protest Influence on The Israeli
Binational Conference Bulgaria-Israel, Sophia
Articles in preparation
1. Dahan Kalev, H.; “Gender and Ethnicity – The Case of Israeli Women”.
To be published
in a collection on Israeli Feminism, accepted,
before revision, to be published in
Routledge Press
Research in Progress
1. Leadership and Democracy in Municipalities in Israel, Beer-Sheva, 1999-
Co-researcher - Yotam Lurie
Research proposal sent to Sapir Fund, Tel Aviv and to be sent soon to Gugenheim
Fund. Expected date of completion - January 2000 (First stage)
2. Golda Meir – A Profile of A Women Leader, Co-researcher Rakefet Levkowitz
(a) Membership on Board
of directors
1. 1995- The New Israel Fund - The international Jewish fund for the promotion
democracy and tolerance in Israel, Washington
2. 1996- Betzelem - Israe Information Center for Human Rights, Jerusalem
3. 1995- Adva Center for Social Research, Tel Aviv
4. 1996- Mitzad Sheni - The journal of the Center for Alternative Information,
5. 1996- The Democratic Mizrahi Rainbow - Founder and member of the accountability
(b) Organization and Initiation of Academic Conferences
1. May 2000 - Women In The Negev – Gender Studies at Ben Gurion University
2. 1998 - Developing Leadership in Local Government Fuhr Institute, School
Management Ben Gurion University
3. 1997 - Local Government in Israel, Fuhr Institute, School of Management
Ben Gurion
Activity in the School of Management
1. 1996- Admission Committee, Public Policy and Administration, School
Management, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva
2. 1997, 1998 - Presentation of two papers in the School of Management
3. 1997- Organization of the seminar of the department of Public and Policy
4. 1997- Construction and application of a course on Political thought
management students
5. 1998- Construction and implementation of a course for women in their
midcareer in
the public service in Israel.
(d) Editor of
Readers for the School of Management Students
1. Dahan Kalev, H., 1997 A reader in political thought, Ben Gurion
2. Dahan Kalev, H., 1997 A reader in Israeli politics, Ben Gurion University
B.A. - 1978,
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Political Science
M.A. - cum laude,
1982, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Political Science
Advisor: Dr. Bryan Knei-Paz
Title of thesis: Intellectuals in Politics
Ph.D. - 1992, Hebrew
University Jerusalem, Political Science
Advisor: Professor Yithak Galnoor
Title of thesis: Self Organizing Systems: Wadi Salib and The Black Panthers
Implications on the Israeli Society