- "Neoclassical Growth in an Interdependent World"
(joint Benny Kleinman, Ernest Liu and Motohiro Yogo), revise and resubmit, American Economic Review, NBER Working Paper, 31951, January 2024.
[Online Appendix]
[VoxEU Article]
[Becker Friedman Research Brief]
- "The Economics of Spatial Mobility: Theory and Evidence Using Smartphone Data" (joint with Yuhei Miyauchi and Kentaro Nakajima), reject and resubmit, Quarterly Journal of Economics, revised version of NBER Working Paper, 28497, April 2022. Awarded best paper prize AREUEA conference 2021.
[Online Appendix]
[Presentation Slides]
[VoxEU Article]
- "Slavery and the British Industrial Revolution"
(joint with Stephan Heblich and Joachim Voth), revise and resubmit, Review of Economic Studies, and NBER Working Paper, 30451, August 2023.
[Online Appendix]
[Online Supplement]
[Trade Talks Podcast]
[Vox Talks Podcast]
[CEP Centerpiece]
[Economist Graphic Detail]
[Global Echo]
- "Neighborhood Effects: Evidence from Wartime Destruction in London" (joint with Daniel Sturm), NBER Working Paper, 32333, July 2024
[Online Appendix]
- "Quantitative Urban Economics," paper prepared for Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, NBER Working Paper, 33130, November 2024.
[Online Appendix]
- "The Distributional Consequences of Trade: Evidence from the Grain Invasion" (joint with Stephan Heblich and Yanos Zylberberg), NBER Working Paper, 32958, September 2024.
[Online Appendix]
- "Spatial Economics," commissioned for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, NBER Working Paper, 33125, October 2024. [PDF]
- "Evaluating Transport Improvements in Spatial Equilibrium," commissioned for the Advances
in Economics and Econometrics monograph for the World Congress of the Econometric Society in South Korea in
2025, January 2025. [PDF]
- "Structural Change Within Versus Across Firms: Evidence from the United States"
(joint with Xiang Ding, Teresa Fort and Peter Schott), NBER Working Paper, 30127, June 2022.
[Online Appendix]