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AEE Teaching Plans Page

Last Page update 5/25/98


In an effort to distribute the valuable information that we all develop for our programs, AEE is now hosting this page to serve as a clearing-house for work done by our members. Frequently on the AEELIST there are calls for information on teaching plans. The ones that have been shared extremely helpful, but quickly vanish into the email abyss. Our goal is to gather Teaching Plans (instructional methods about an particular activity) to help improve all of our programs. Files will be stored either as Web Pages (HTML) or Adobe Acrobat format (PDF).

If you are willing to post teaching plans which you have developed for your program, here is the process.

  1. Create your file in your favorite word processor. Save it either as Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Rich text Format or Adobe Acrobat Format using all your normal formatting. If you are using any graphics in the document they should be saved in the document. [If you are using another word processing program, check in with us, we do not have the time to reformat your document.]
  2. You can also create the page as a Web Page and save it as an HTML file. this may be more time consuming (unless you are preparing the page for Web distribution anyway) since it often means reformatting text and graphics.
  3. In either case, please use the following format at the top of your document:
  4. Title:
    Submitted by:

    For Example:
    Title: Caving Trip Protocols
    Category: Caving
    Outdoor Action Program, Princeton University
    Submitted by:
    Rick Curtis

  5. In many cases you will be sharing an existing document from your program. We suggest that you remove all sensitive information such as names, personal addresses, and phone numbers.
  6. Email your the document as an attached file to
  7. The files will be transferred to Adobe Acrobat format which will retain all of your formatting including any graphics. These files will be saved in such a manner that they can be downloaded and printed but not altered. Acrobat format also prevents the spread of macro viruses often associated with word processing files. You can check out a sample protocol below. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free from Any files sent as HTML will be posted directly on the site.
  8. Files will be posted here at the Web Site by category. As the number of files grows, we hope to index the files in a database for searching and download.

Teaching Plans

Title: Caving Trip Teaching Plan
Category: Caving
Outdoor Action Program, Princeton University
Submitted by:
Rick Curtis

Leadership & Group Dynamics Workshop
Category: Group Dynamics
Outdoor Action Program, Princeton University
Submitted by:
Rick Curtis

Facilitators Workshop
Category: Group Dynamics
Outdoor Action Program, Princeton University
Submitted by:
Rick Curtis