More letters from alumni
about ingnorance
of history
16, 2001
Ben Edelmans riposte
to Alex Rawsons article on the need for more historical exposure
deserves a riposte in turn. I have no doubt Edelman speaks for the
future Princeton that Harold Shapiro began to shape, "Princeton
in the service and in the service of all nations." A hundred
years from now, at Princetons tercenquinquagenary, it may
well be that we will no longer be an American university. We may
be a purely global enterprise, one thats merely "situated
in New Jer-see." Until then, however, I take Rawsons
side. Princeton boasts American roots. We have an American identity.
We are an American university.
Edelmans reply
was both thoughtful and articulate, but it shows, unfortunately,
what happens when a representative of one of those worthy cultures
that make up Princetons (and Americas) diverse and worthy
array feels compelled to assert that groups claims to curricular
hegemony. Of the five items he considers indispensable for all Princeton
undergraduates, two focus on what I take to be his Edelmans
cultural priority the Holocaust and the Middle East. Do those
events deserve coverage? Of course. Should the lessons they teach
be analyzed and absorbed? Absolutely. But to make them the spine
of any American universitys historical curriculum strikes
me an act of distorted cultural self-interest.
Im with those who
say that all Princetonians, and especially those who come to us
from abroad, ought to learn some of the crucial facts and principles
of American history and culture. If this means knowing the name
of John Marshall, the dominant shaper of the third branch of the
U.S. government, then by all means lets learn it. And learn
it first. Global affairs, as we are now even more aware, are going
to impinge increasingly on our way of life. Our teaching of history
should take note of that pressure its sources, its beliefs.
But we should have a clear knowledge of our culture first. Such
a mastery could in fact prove instrumental in helping us shape that
wider world according to those unique ideals we as a nation have
Jamie Spencer 66
St. Louis, Mo.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
24, 2001
On the Campus in May 16 was depressing. It appears to mirror a growing
liturgy of reports concerning the ignorance of the U.S. populace
at large as to our country's history in particular and world history
in general.
Of particular interest
was the cartoon question posed in the upper right of the page concerning
the term "Civil War." Since there was no answer sheet,
I do not know the politically correct response, but here again the
very term promotes inaccuracy. The conflict within our country during
1861-65 was not technically a "civil war," as that refers
to two opposing political spheres resorting to force for the same
seat of government. This was of course not the case in the better-described
"War Between the States." Wonder if that was on the answer
Barton Campbell '61
Midlothian, Va.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
24, 2001
Alex Rawson '01's On
the Campus on historical illiteracy (May 16) probably resonated
with more Princeton graduates than would wish to admit it.
I would have shuddered,
especially as a graduate of Princeton and a history major, had I
been given such a test as Rawson discussed in his article when I
walked out FitzRandolph Gate in June 1997.
I also would have shuddered
if someone told me I would be one of those pitiable and gloomy creatures
called a grad student getting a master's degree in history at the
University of Montana four years later.
Only now, as I wrap
up my master's and finish grading a foot-and-a-half high stack of
American history bluebooks can I honestly say I feel confident about
my historical literacy.
Princeton students can
get through four years debating theory (for instance, the philosophy
of Rousseau or Hobbes) without really having to learn about the
times in which the theorists lived nor their influence on American
history. I fault an advising system that is too lenient or apathetic
to deal with the bulk of students, favoring instead, a non-imposing
style that gives undergrads too much room to wiggle.
Make a standard U.S.
history course mandatory (two for history majors). Why? While bright
minds deserve some flexibility and diversity in their course choices,
many of the same bright minds will skirt important courses and choose
an easier route if allowed. GPAs are all too important these days,
and frankly, the course descriptions of some American history classes
can impress upon a young mind such an impending sense of torturous,
rheumatic suffering amidst dusty, ancient tomes in Firestone library
that they simply choose one of the many alternatives to what may
have been a rewarding and fundamentally important class.
Dan Wennogle '97
Missoula, Mont.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
14, 2001
I found Alex Rawson
'01's On the Campus column (May 16) "Condemned to Repeat It"
to be a narrow-minded diatribe aimed at the wrong problem. I am
sure that Mr. Rawson is correct in stating that many college students
-- even Princeton students -- don't know as much history as they
should. But he misses the point entirely when he states "global
understanding should build on rather than replace national identity."
To whose national identity
is Mr. Rawson referring? His own as an American? What about the
identities of over 400 of his fellow Princetonians who aren't from
this country? While Mr. Rawson laments the fact that "most
embarrassingly, five students ... could not identify John Adams
as the second president of the U.S." I would be surprised if
he could name the second president / sovereign / prefect / prime
minister of more than a handful of countries other than his own.
Should this ignorance disqualify Mr. Rawson from admission to Oxford,
McGill, or the University of Kinshasa? I would hope not.
Yes, history is important,
and yes, most Princetonians probably do not know enough of it. But
knowing the minutiae of which chief justice presided over Marbury
vs. Madison, which U.S. president was second and which was third,
and which army general was present at Yorktown, is not the history
that Princetonians need to know.
The history we need
to understand is about the British and French Mandates in the Middle
East that formed the basis for the half-century of conflict between
Israelis and Palestinians. We need to analyze the U.S.'s shift from
an agrarian to an industrial to a service economy, and the effects
of that shift on urban and rural poverty. We need to learn about
the tragedies of the Holocaust, the Khmer Rouge, and the Stalinist
mass murders so that we are not, in fact, condemned to repeat them.
But memorize which Supreme Court justices presided over which cases?
I don't think so.
I hope Mr. Rawson will
open his eyes and look at his fellow students from all over the
world. Then perhaps he will realize the need for an understanding
of history that goes beyond what you must know to win at Trivial
Ben Edelman '93
New Haven, Conn.
to this letter
a letter to PAW
the methodology of Alex
Rawson '01's survey in his On the Campus column (May 16) about
historical illiteracy was a little suspect, I think the main point
stands: Ignorance of history is still at a pretty high level among
those who are (or will be) among the most highly educated. Every
few years, someone does a survey like this and there is a big hue
and cry. (In Canada, my home country, a similar story was published
during my last year of high
school.) Of course, all of this might be an improvement over the
past: I should like to see the results of a similar poll taken in
the 1950s, if it existed, before I would forecast the downfall of
American democracy.
Although it's awfully
important to have a global perspective, the fact remains that Princeton
is a university in the U.S., hopefully educating some of its future
leaders. If those persons don't have a certain base level of knowledge
about its history, the country's institutions do suffer. In attempting
to provide breadth, sometimes we sacrifice depth. I think that a
certain deeper understanding of history should be the province of
an informed and active citizen. Also, although we celebrate the
international character of our student body, we must face the fact
that over 90 percent of undergraduates are American citizens. Furthermore,
given that the rest of the students have chosen to study at an American
institution, they might benefit from a grounding in American history.
I might also add that
Rawson suggested that this additional education happen at Princeton,
not before. An additional requirement, though perhaps tiresome to
a few students, would not actually prevent anyone from studying
I don't think it's merely
a game of Trivial Pursuit (invented by a pair of Canadians, incidentally)
to ask students about the history of the development of the Constitution
or other major events. (Given the recent prominence of the Supreme
Court's decisions, it might be useful to know why it is able to
strike down laws...) In an era of declining political participation,
such knowledge might actually be of assistance in allowing citizens
to create or continue a civil discourse. Is it so terrible to be
knowledgeable about the history of one's own country?
Benjamin Sharma '03
Toronto, Canada
to this letter
a letter to PAW
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