Letters from
an alumni about four-year residential colleges and the eating clubs
and Steve Caputo 01's essay about them November 19, 2002 I was impressed by Mr. Caputo's language and commentary, managing to put the issue forward wrapped in all its controversey without alienating through opinionation, thereby offering to bring all alumni (and who has more direct experience and insight?) into the fold of this discussion. I think PAW is obligated to spark a richer, broader discussion of these issues as they relate to and are affected by alumni, and I think the Mr. Caputo's commentary, or a more extensive discussion along these lines (including the obviously well-researched voice of Mr. Caputo) is overdue in the print version of PAW (as a headlining follow-up to the recent article on Demetri Porphyrios, perhaps?). I am excited to see that some alumni are getting actively involved in the struggle for defining the Princeton of the future (this should not be an issue exclusively for big donors and trustees, after all), and I think with the proper initiative sparked by a provocative PAW piece, more alumni would follow suit, to the benefit of the entire Princeton community students, faculty, alumni, administration, trustees, etc. With the right spark, the alumni community may be encouraged
to observe the example of the students, faculty, etc. who participated
in the two Prospects competitions mentioned in the article (admirable
indeed!) and throw their voice into the as of yet relatively quiet debate
rapidly shaping the future of Princeton. Respond
to this letter I urge you to forward Steve
Caputo 01's thoughtful piece to the trustee committee and university
staff responsible for "integrating" Whitman College into campus
life. Respond
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