A letter from a reader about Frist Center space could be better used I write in response to the Nov.
8 Notebook article regarding the dedication
of a student center for Princeton’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
community; I assume that Homosexuality – issues of morality and legality aside – is a sexual preference; it is not akin to distinctions of race, nationality, gender, or, depending on your outlook, a physical handicap. Sure, space at the Frist Center could be better allocated than to provide a University-sanctioned venue for the campus “queer community” – the latter term being Mr. Barrett’s usage, not mine. President Tilghman’s enthusiastic endorsement of the LGBT Center does not surprise me, given her apparent vision for Princeton, and I concur, as your reporter observes, that this bizarre enclave may be “a symbol of how far the University’s LGBT community has come in recent years.” We have, indeed, come a long way since the days of Parson Witherspoon, who is, one imagines, presently doing 350 rpm’s in his shroud. T. JAMES BINDER ’77 Respond to
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