Web Exclusives: Books Received 2002-03.
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New books by alumni and faculty.
Undergraduate alumni books are listed by class year; graduate alumni books and faculty books in alphabetical order by author.

Last updated: May 1, 2003

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Books by undergraduate alumni


Planning and the Human Condition: Conceptual Development, Prospective Conclusions — Melvile C. Branch ’34 *36. Writer’s Showcase. Branch looks at planning as an essential part of human existence and cautions that careful planning for the future will be necessary if we as a species hope to maintain the environment and successful international relations. Branch is Distinguished Professor of Planning Emeritus at the University of Southern California.

Philosophy & Literature: Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Commitment - Cameron Thompson ’34 *35 and Peter S. Thompson ’70. iUniverse.com $29.95. An interdisciplinary anthology of philosophical ideas designed for high school and college students. Cameron Thompson died in 1989. Peter Thompson teaches at Roger Williams University in Providence.




Young George Washington and the French and Indian War, 1753-1758 — Robert M. McClung ’39. Shoe String $22.50.This book for young readers tells the story of Washington’s uneven beginning steps into greatness. McClung lives in Amherst, Massachusetts.


In a Nutshell: A Memoir — Henry Mueller ’41 (Vantage). This memoir relates Mueller’s various experiences, including growing up in depression-era New York City, graduating from Princeton in two years, and serving as U. S. chairman for an international corporation after retiring from Citibank in 1982. Mueller is a former chairman of Citibank’s Credit Policy Committee.


The Way Things Are: The Changing Perspective of Human Existence John F. Brain [John F. Brinster ’43]. Xlibris $24.99. Using the term "neurocultural evolution" to describe the mechanisms of learning and memory as the principal force in human progress, the author suggests that long-term mind changes will result in greater reality, fading religion, more peaceful coexistence, and a globalized society without borders. Brinster lives in Skillman, New Jersey.

Wars R’ Us: Taking Action for Peace — Otis Carney ’43 (1st Books Library). The author addresses American foreign policy and war propaganda, encouraging Americans to oppose violent solutions to international problems. Carney is the author of several books and winner of the Freedom Foundation and Western Heritage awards.

The Notebook of an Amateur Politician (And How He Began the D. C. Subway) — Gilbert Hahn, Jr. ’43. Lexington. The author’s personal account of life and politics in the nation’s capital. A lawyer, Hahn lives in Washington, D. C.

The Night Sky – Frederick Morgan ’43 *52. Story Line Press $60. This is Morgan’s 11th collection of poems, accompanied by black and white photographs by Gaylen Morgan. Frederick Morgan is the 2001 winner of the Aiken Taylor Award.

The One Abiding — Frederick Morgan ’43 *52 (Story Line). Morgan’s 10th book of verse addresses the discovery and recovery of the self that perseveres through change and across time. Morgan is editor emeritus and co-founder of The Hudson Review.

Creating The New World — Theodore Rockwell ’43 *45 (1st Books Library). Rockwell gives a first-hand account of the development of the nuclear age, the Manhattan Project, and many of the scientists who were involved in it. Rockwell worked in the nuclear field for nearly 60 years and had Distinguished Service Medals from both Navy and Atomic Energy Commission.

The Rickover Effect: How One Man Made a Difference — Theodore Rockwell ’43 *45 (iUniverse). An insider’s account of what it was like to work with Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, the man responsible for creating the nuclear Navy and building the world’s first atomic power station. Rockwell is a nuclear engineer and former technical director for Admiral Rickover.

History of U.S. Television: A Personal Reminiscence - Lawrence H. Rogers II ’43
. 1stbooks.com $16.95 paper/$5.95 e-book. A detailed account of the television industry from its inception in the late 1940s until the author retired in 1976 as president of Taft Broadcasting Company. Rogers lives in Cincinnati.




Chatham’s Admiral: Charles H. Rockwell, 1840-1908 — Robert D.B. Carlisle ’44. Stage Neck Publications (P.O. Box 316, Chatham, Massachusetts 02633) $19.95. A biography of the Cape Cod native who went to sea at 13 and retired as a rear admiral. Carlisle lives in Chatham, Massachusetts.


Death at Island Life — Donald King Lourie ’47. Xlibris $27.89 cloth/$17.84 paper. In this suspense novel the police suspect murder when a wealthy, much-hated curmudgeon dies working out at a health club. Lourie lives on Nantucket.

Dearly Beloved — William Prickett ’47. Cedar Tree. The story of a Princeton senior, his rebellious bride, and her tumultuous past as their uncertain wedding approaches. Pricket is a lawyer and lives in Delaware.

The Pilot’s Tale and Other Stories — Robert Steiner ’47. Writers Club. A collection of short stories, ranging from the realistic to the supernatural to the autobiographical. Steiner lives in Maryland.

The Beauty Contest and Other Stories - Robert Steiner ’47. iUniverse $12.95. This collection of short stories deals with science fiction, fantasy, social problems, and philosophy. Steiner lives in Ellicott City, Maryland.


Some Wine for Remembrance - Edmund Keeley ’48. White Pine $15. This novel is set in Nazi-occupied Greece during WWII. Keeley is Charles Barnwell Straut Class of 1923 Professor of English Emeritus and professor emeritus of English and creative writing at Princeton.

Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas: A Short Companion - Charles Rosen ’48 *51. Yale $29.95. A practical guide for listeners and performers, this book places the composer’s sonatas in context and details the role of the piano in his life and work. Includes a CD of the author performing extracts from several of the sonatas. Rosen is a pianist and scholar living in New York.


The Evolution and Function of Cognition — Felix E. Goodson ’49. Lawrence Erlbaum. An integrated textbook on cognitive psychology, including discussions of historical continuity and information processing and reaction. The study also establishes the relationship between evolutionary psychology and mainstream psychological theory. Goodson lives in Greencastle, Indiana.


Turning Points: Create Your Path Through Uncertainty and Change — Phoebe Ballard and Jack Ballard ’50 (TPE). A self-help book designed to help people through periods of transition, particularly into the “third half of life.” Jack Ballard is the vice president of Turning Points Inc.

Spreading the Risks: Insuring the American Experience — John A. Borgardus Jr. ’50 with Robert H. Moore (Posterity). A history of the insurance industry from colonial times to the present, this book shows how the industry developed in response to major American social and economic events such as the Chicago fire of 1871 and the terrorist attacks of 2001. Bogardus is a former president, CEO, and chairman of Alexander & Alexander.

Peter Becomes a Trail Man – William C. Carson ’50 (Illustrations by Pat Oliphant). University of New Mexico $12.95. This adventurous young adult novel takes place in the 1850s, detailing the story of Peter Blair, a twelve year old who journeys along the Santa Fe Trail in search of his father. Carson lives in Santa Fe.

Art of War: Eyewitness U.S. Combat Art From the Revolution Through the Twentieth Century — H. Avery Chenoweth ’50 (Friedman/Fairfax). This book brings together paintings, drawings, and sketches of armed conflicts around the world and across three centuries of American history. The selections depict the hardships of war and are set in historical and biographical contexts. Chenoweth is a retired Marine Corps officer.

Grotties Don’t Kiss: A Prep School Memoir — Clinton Trowbridge ’50. Vineyard. Offers a touching glimpse into life at a prestigious prep school during the 1940s. Trowbridge is a writer and lives in Maine.


Keen of Philadelphia: The Collected Memoirs — edited by W.W. Keen James ’51. William L. Bauhan $40. Keen was one of America’s pioneer surgeons and medical educators. James lives in Rhode Island.

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Going to See the Elephant: Pieces of a Writing Life — George Garrett ’52 *82, edited by Jeb Livingood. Texas Review $18.95. A collection of meditations on the art and craft of writing by Garrett. He lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The Best of Fort Wayne, Volume One - George R. Mather '52. G. Bradley $40. A photographic essay of the city's early years, from the 1850s to World War I. Mather lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The Best of Fort Wayne, Volume II - George R. Mather ’52
. G. Bradley $40. The over 200 archival photographs in this book document the city’s history from the end of WWI through the 1970s. Mather lives in Fort Wayne.

The Time of Ripe Figs — Allen C. West ’52. White Eagle. This collection of poetry is the winner of the White Eagle Coffee Store Press Fall 2001 national contest. West’s poems reflect the difficulty of facing grief and personal loss. The author is a retired professor of chemistry at Williams College and Lawrence University.


The Gallup Guide: Reality Check for 21st Century Churches — George Gallup Jr. ’53 and D. Michael Lindsay GS (Group). As Americans are increasingly interested in spiritual matters, the authors developed this handbook to help local church leaders harness and channel this religious yearning. The reproducible surveys included in the book are intended to help them learn more about their congregations’ spiritual needs and opinions on religious topics. The guide also includes advice for sampling public opinion. Gallup is chairman of the George H. Gallup International Institute. Lindsay is pursuing a Ph.D. in sociology as a National Science Foundation graduate fellow at Princeton.

Invisible Giants: The Empires of Cleveland’s Van Sweringen Brothers — Herbert H. Harwood, Jr. ’53 (Indiana). Harwood recounts the story of Oris Paxton and Mantis James Van Sweringen in their rise from poverty to control America’s largest railway system. In spite of their prominence in the business and transportation world, the brothers lived and died as reclusive and mysterious figures. Harwood has written 11 books on railroad and electric railway history.

The Founding Fish – John McPhee ’53. Farrar, Straus and Giroux $25.00. McPhee, an avid shad fisherman, chronicles the shad’s natural and American history while detailing his own adventures with the fish. McPhee is the B.A. Lecturer in the Council of Humanities at Princeton University.


Bamboozled! How America Loses the Intellectual Game with Japan and Its Implications for Our Future in Asia — Ivan P. Hall ’54. M.E. Sharpe $68.95 cloth/$26.95 paper. The author argues that American ideological hubris and Japanese pleading for special treatment have misled the U.S. Hall is a visiting professor in Japanese history at Temple University of Japan in Tokyo.


The Prime Minister of Taste: A Portrait of Horace Walpole — Morris Brownell ’55. Yale. The author recasts the English author and collector Horace Walpole as a sophisticated art patron, historian, and collector. Brownell is a professor of English at the University of Nevada, Reno.

The True Marriage: A Guidebook for a Lifelong Journey — Locke Rush ’55. Ilm House. Drawing on his experience as a marriage counselor and on his struggles in his own marriage, Rush writes this spiritual guide to happy, balanced marriage. Rush is a psychotherapist and marriage counselor and a former officer in the U. S. Marine Corp.

Trial and Error: The Education of a Courtroom Lawyer, John C. Tucker ’55 (right). Carroll & Graf.— Tucker, who twice argued before the Supreme Court, chronicles his own courtroom dramas, including the criminal representation of indigents; the representation of government employees fired for political reasons; and the defense of the “Chicago Seven” antiwar protestors — and their attorneys.



Occasional Glory: A History of the Philadelphia Phillies - David M. Jordan ’56. McFarland $29.95. A history of the baseball club from its inception in 1883 through the 2000 season. Jordan lives in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania.

American Childhoods — Joseph E. Illick ’56. Pennsylvania $49.95 cloth/$18.95 paper. Beginning with Native Americans, European settlers, and African slaves, this cross-cultural history moves through the 19th century to suburban, inner-city, and rural Americans in the 20th century. Illick is a professor of history at San Francisco State University.

Living Wild and Domestic: The Education of a Hunter-Gardener — Robert Kimber ’56 *65 (Lyons). Drawing on his experience as a hunter, fisherman, sheep farmer, and dog owner, the author reflects on our place in the natural world and searches for a moral vision that restores some of the wild to our modern lives. This book raises moral dilemmas, such as how people can justify keeping domestic pets while destroying the habitats of wild creatures. Kimber is an author and freelance writer living in Maine.

The Free Speech Movement: Reflections on Berkeley in the 1960s—edited by Reginald E. Zelnik ’56 and Robert Cohen. California. This collection of scholarly articles and personal memoirs illuminates Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement of 1964. Zelnik is a history professor at the University of California, Berkley



Call Me Kick! — John Osander ’57. Beaver’s Pond. A comic novel depicting youth and love in the 1950s carrying on the story of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s narrator Nick Carraway detached from his origins in The Great Gatsby. Osander is former director of the Office of Admission and has taught and administered at numerous colleges.

Principles of Solid Mechanics - Rowland Richards, Jr. '57 *64. CRC $89.95. This textbook covers the application of the full-range theory of deformable solids for analysis and design. Each of the 200 figures was hand-drawn by the author. Richards is a professor of civil engineering at the State University of New York, Buffalo.


The Journals of Lewis and Clark — newly abridged by Anthony Brandt ’58 (National Geographic). This modern-English edition of the famous journals corrects the badly spelled and ungrammatical writing of the authors and is tied together with detailed summaries by Brandt. Brandt is a columnist for National Geographic.

Joseph Henry Lumpkin: Georgia’s First Chief Justice – Paul DeForest Hicks ’58. Georgia $39.95. The first biography of this antebellum southern judge and evangelical Presbyterian reformer. Hicks lives in Rye, New York.

The Paradox of American Power: Why the World’s Only Superpower Can’t Go It Alone - Joseph S. Nye Jr. ’58. Oxford $26. The author argues that in the new century the U.S. will rely less on traditional measures of power and more on what he calls "soft power" that derives from the appeal of American culture, values, and institutions. Nye is dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.

In the Hands of the Great Spirit: The 20,000-Year History of American Indians — Jake Page ’58 (Free Press). A sweeping history of the continent’s first inhabitants and their descendants from the Ice Age to the present. It begins with the migration of Asian hunter-gatherers across the Bering land bridge and ends with 21st-century legal battles over casinos and access to sacred sites. In between is a story of conquest, disease, and all too often, cultural and physical annihilation. Page and his wife, photographer Susanne Page, live in Corrales, New Mexico, and have collaborated on two earlier books, about the Hopis and Navajos.


Army of the Potomac: Birth of Command: November 1860-September 1861 – Russel H. Beatie ’59. Da Capo Press $37.50. An examination of the senior officers of the Army of the Potomac, the most well-known army fielded by the Lincoln administration during the Civil War. Beatie concentrates on the commanders’ personalities, leading to conclusions about their actions which differ from traditional opinion. He lives in New York City.

Organization Smarts: Portable Skills for Professionals Who Want to Get Ahead — David W. Brown ’59. Amacom. Brown offers advice for professionals who need to be able to adapt quickly to different work environments. He is a professor of professional practice at the New School's Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy.

Lessons from Afghanistan - David Fleishhacker ’59
. DfLessons@aol.com $13.95. The author’s memoirs of his experiences as a Peace Corps volunteer and English teacher in Afghanistan in1962. Fleishhacker lives in San Francisco.

Propaganda & the ethics of persuasion – Randal Marlin ’59. Broadview $19.95.
Drawing on a myriad of examples, from ancient Greek theories, to Nazism, to the World Wide Web, Marlin gives a short history of Western propaganda, examines its ethical implications in conjunction with freedom of expression and encourages public awareness of its increasing power. Marlin is the Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at Carleton University.

China Basin – Clemens Starck ’59. Story Line $13.95. Starck’s second full-length collection of poems. Starck is a journeyman carpenter and poet-in-residence at Willamette University.

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Death is That Man Taking Names: Intersections of American Medicine, Law, and Culture — Robert A. Burt ’60 (California Milbank). Examines the ethos of rational self-control that emerged in American culture in the 1970s and its conflict with a more traditional ambivalence towards death. Burt discusses the effect of this conflict on judicial reforms addressing abortion, capital punishment, and euthanasia. The author is Alexander M. Bickel Professor of Law at Yale.

Navajo Placenames and Trails of the Canyon de Chelly System, Arizona — Stephen C. Jett ’60. Peter Lang $34.95. Based upon taped interviews with area natives, this dictionary seeks to codify the Navajo names for all the trails and physical features in the area. Jett lives in Abingdon, Virginia.

A House Divided: The Antebellum Slavery Debates in America, 1776-1865 — edited by Mason I. Lowance, Jr. ’60 (Princeton). This anthology includes a number of pro- and anti-slavery historical documents that address varied debates about slavery. They include examples of Bible-based arguments for and against slavery, writings by former slaves, and writings by prominent contemporary thinkers such as Whitman, Thoreau, and Emerson. Lowance is a professor of English at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Against Slavery: An Abolitionist Reader - edited by Mason Lowance ’60. Penguin Putnam $13.95. This original anthology of primary documents from the 18th- and 19th-century antislavery movements includes speeches, lectures, and essays. Lowance is a professor of English at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


Bruner & O’Connor on Construction Law — Philip L. Bruner ’61 and Patrick J. O’Connor, Jr. West Group. This seven-volume text offers an in-depth explanation and analysis of American construction law in a historical context. Bruner and O’Connor are partners in the American law firm Faegre &Benson in Minneapolis.

Social Construction of International Politics: Identities & Foreign Policies, Moscow, 1955 & 1999 — Ted Hopf ’81 (Cornell). In this book, the author establishes a link between cultural identity and international relations as a basis of analysis for Soviet foreign policy in 1955 and Russian foreign policy in 1999. The author argues that state identity at a domestic level affects how decision-makers understand other states in international affairs. Hopf is an associate professor of political science at Ohio State University.

A Way of Life Like Any Other — Darcy O’Brien '61. New York Review Books $12.95. A humorous novel about the coming-of-age of the son of two faded Hollywood stars. O’Brien died in 1998.

The Flame Charts - Paul Oppenheimer ’61. Spuyten Duyvil $10. This is Oppenheimer’s third collection of poems. He teaches at The City College and The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

Rubens: A Portrait — Paul Oppenheimer ’61. Cooper Square $32. This biography focuses on the Flemish painter’s quest for absolute beauty. Oppenheimer is a professor of comparative medieval literature, English, and the history of science at CUNY.

The Nile Basin: National Determinants of Collective Action – John Waterbury ’61.
Yale $35. Using theories of collective action and international relations, the author confronts issues ranging from food security and famine prevention to political stability. Waterbury is president of the American University of Beirut.


Buzkashi: Game and Power in Afghanistan — G. Whitney Azoy ’62. Waveland $12.95. The updated, second edition of Azoy’s anthropological examination of buzkashi, a game based on the struggle of hundreds of horsemen over a mutilated calf carcass. Azoy is a writer, consultant, and field anthropologist based in northeastern Spain.

New Faiths, Old Fears: Muslims and Other Asian Immigrants in American Religious Life — Bruce B. Lawrence ’62 (Columbia). Lawrence examines the presence and practice of Asian religions in America and compares their integration into society with those of other groups in the population. Lawrence is the Nancy and Jeffrey Marcus Professor of Religion and chair of the religion department at Duke.

A Magic Web: The Tropical Forest of Barro Colorado Island — Egbert Giles Leigh Jr. ’62 (Oxford). In this book, studded with colorful photographs by Christian Ziegler, Leigh explores Panama’s tropical forest and the complex relationships between its plants and animals. A Magic Web also describes the importance of tropical forests to the people living near them and to the world at large. Leigh is a biologist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama.


Open Source: the Unauthorized White Paper — Donald K. Rosenberg ’64. John Wylie & Sons. Written primarily from a business point of view, this book gives a broad overview of the open source phenomenon from its history to a look at its future and how it is affecting the lives of all of us. The author also discusses how businesses may be built on software that is given away and how any business may go about benefiting from it. Rosenberg runs a small consulting business, Stromian Technologies, specializing in the licensing of software between software companies.

The State of Nonprofit America — edited by Lester M. Salamon ’64. Brookings. This volume of essays provides an assessment of nonprofit associations in the U.S., their contributions to society, and the forces that influence them. Salamon is the director of the Center for Civil Society Studies at the Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies.


New York Notebook — translated by Gordon E. McNeer ’65 *76. Universidad Popular. A bilingual edition of Spanish poet Jose Hierro’s collection of verse, Cuaderno de Nueva York, winner of the Cervantes Prize in 1998. McNeer is an associate professor of Spanish and director of the Santander Program at North Georgia College and State University.

The Career Portfolio Workbook: Using the Newest Tool in Your Job-Hunting Arsenal to Impress Employers and Land a Great Job — Frank Satterthwaite ’65 and Gary D’Orsi (McGraw-Hill). This instructional text shows job seekers how to create effective résumés and portfolios, which could include letters from colleagues and clients and performance reviews. Satterthwaite is a career coach with Career P.E.A.K.S., based in Providence, Rhode Island.



Kingston, New York: The Architectural Guide — William B. Rhoads ’66 *75. Black Dome. Documents the architectural heritage of one of the earliest Dutch settlements in colonial New York and the first capital of New York State. Rhoads is a professor of art history at the State University of New York at New Paltz.


The Lost Itinerary of Frank Hamilton Cushing — edited by Curtis M. Hinsley ’67 and David R. Wilcox. Arizona. This collection of original writings offers a cultural history of the Hemenway Expedition and anthropology in the American Southwest. Hinsley is a history professor in the Department of Applied Indigenous Studies at Northern Arizona University.

The American Jury System — Randolph N. Jonakait ’67 (Yale). This book traces the development of the American jury system and contrasts it with legal processes in other countries, ultimately endorsing the jury system for the role it plays in legitimizing the American justice system to society. Jonakait is a professor of law at New York Law School.

Repairing the American Metropolis: Common Place Revisited — Douglas S. Kelbaugh ’67 *72. University of Washington $50 cloth/$29.95 paper. Based on the author’s 1997 book Common Place: Toward Neighborhood and Regional Design, this volume includes new text, charts, and images on architecture, sprawl, and New Urbanism. Kelbaugh is Dean of the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan.

North Point North new and selected poems – John Koethe ’67. Harper Collins $26.95. This volume includes Koethe’s newest uncollected work and a selection of the best poems from his previously published collections. Koethe is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.


Control Theory for Humans: Quantitative Approaches to Modeling Performance — Richard J. Jagacinski ’68 and John M. Flach. Lawrence Erlbaum. This textbook provides an introduction to behavioral applications of control theory as well as discussions of perception and decision making. Jagacinski is a psychology professor at Ohio State University.

The Rights of Indians and Tribes — Stephen L. Pevar ’68. Southern Illinois. Discusses such subjects as tribal authority to tax, to regulate property, to control hunting, fishing, and water usage, and jurisdiction over non-Indians. Pevar is a senior staff counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union.

Environmental Justice in America: A New Paradigm — Edwardo Lao Rhodes ’68 (Indiana). This book addresses environmental justice as a public policy issue and discusses methodological approaches to the problem of implementing environmental justice. Rhodes also considers race and class as factors in environmental policy. Rhodes is a professor of public and environmental affairs at Indiana University.


It’s Time – Reginald Gibbons ’69. Louisiana State University paper: $15.95/ cloth: $22.95. This is Gibbons’ seventh volume of poetry. He is a Professor of English at Northwestern University.


The Jessica Project – Thomas D. Farrell ’70. PublishAmerica $19.95. A romantic thriller about a chameleon-like assassin, this novel pushes the boundaries of gender identity, and explores the possibility that love might help a person reinvent him or herself. Farrell lives in San Diego.

The Magic Window: American Television, 1939-1953 — James Von Schilling ’70 (Haworth). This book describes the early history of television in America, beginning with its debut at the 1939 World’s Fair. Von Schilling discusses the gradual acceptance of television into American culture through the stories of entertainment personalities, early programs, and political events that marked that period. Von Schilling is a professor of English at Northampton Community College in Pennsylvania.

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Miscarriage: Why it Happens and How Best to Reduce Your Risks: A Doctor’s Guide to the Facts — Henry Lerner ’71. Perseus. A guide for doctors and women, this book addresses causes of miscarriage and describes current diagnostic tests and medical procedures. It also offers advice for recovery and for coping with the anxiety and depression often associated with pregnancy loss. Lerner is an obstetrician/gynecologist in Newton, Massachusetts.

International Public Opinion and the Bosnia Crisis — edited by Richard Sobel ’71 and Eric Shiraev. Lexington. This book evaluates the relationships between public opinion, media coverage, and foreign policy decision-making, specifically in the context of the Bosnia Crisis. Sobel is a senior research associate in the Program in Psychiatry and the Law at Harvard.


The Old Breed of Marine: A World War II Diary — Abraham Felber With Franklin S. Felber '72 and William H. Bartsch. McFarland $29.95. A detailed diary with historical annotations, indexes, and 56 photos by 1st Sgt. A. Felber of the war years from 1941 through 1945, including the first-wave assault on Guadalcanal and combat in the Cape Gloucester campaign. Abraham lives in East Windsor, New Jersey. Felber is a physicist in San Diego, California.

Traveling the Pennsylvania Railroad: Photographs of William H. Rau – edited by John C. Van Horne ’72. Pennsylvania $49.95. In the 1890s Rau produced a series of images that explored the relationship between the Pennsylvania Railroad and the natural and industrial landscapes through which it passed. This book reproduces almost 100 of these photographs and includes essays that place Rau and his work in the context of the history of American advertising and landscape photography. Van Horne is librarian of the Library Company of Philadelphia.


The Imagined Civil War: Popular Literature of the North & South, 1861-1865 — Alice Fahs ’73 (Chapel Hill). This cultural history explores the prolific popular literature created during and in response to the Civil War. The author’s analysis of the songs, romances, histories, and other literature of the period shows how they articulated attitudes about race and other issues and also how they helped redefine relationships between individuals and the nation. Fahs is an associate professor of history at the University of California.

Introduction to Jungian Psychotherapy: The Therapeutic Relationship — David Sedgwick ’73 (Brunner-Routledge). This book explains the Jungian approach to the patient-therapist relationship and the treatment process. Sedgwick is a Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist and the author of several books.


When Every Moment Counts: What You Need to Know about Bioterrorism from the Senate’s Only Doctor - Bill Frist ’74. Rowman & Littlefield $14.95. Written in a question-and-answer format, this book discusses biological agents, chemical weapons, and the vulnerabilities of food and water supplies. Frist is a U.S. senator from Tennessee.

Neuropsychotherapy and Community Integration: Brain Illness, Emotions, and Behavior — Tedd Judd ’74 (Kluwer/Plenum). This book takes a multicultural and international perspective on current interventions for emotional and behavioral problems in victims of all types of brain illnesses and injuries in adults. Judd is a practicing clinical neuropsychologist.

The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes — Jonathan Rose ’74 (Yale). The author draws on oral history, social surveys, school records, library registers, and workers’ memoirs to construct a history of the British autodidact from the pre-industrial era to the 20th century. This book describes how and why people educated themselves and sheds light on working class politics, ideology, and popular culture. Rose is a professor of history at Drew University and director of the graduate program in book history.


Terrorism and War: Unconscious Dynamics of Political Violence — edited by Coline Covington ’75, Paul Williams, Jean Arundale and Jean Knox (Karnac). This collection of papers, drawn together in the aftermath of September 2001, reflects psychoanalytic responses to war and terrorism in the 20th century. Covington is the chair of the British Confederation of Psychotherapists and a consultant editor of the Journal of Analytical Psychology.

Holocaust: A History — Debórah Dwork ’75 (left) and Robert Jan van Pelt. Norton $27.95. Examines the vast sweep of events in which the Holocaust was rooted, from the middle ages to the modern era. Dwork is the founding director of the Strassler Family Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies and Rose Professor of Holocaust History at Clark University.

Before Taliban: Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad - David B. Edwards ’75. California $17.95. Traces the lives of three recent Afghan leaders – Nur Muhammad Taraki, Samiulla Safi, and Qazi Amin Waquad – to explain how the promise of the 1960s crumbled into the present tragedy. Edwards is a professor of anthropology at Williams.

Six Strokes Under — Roberta Isleib ’75 (Berkley Prime Crime). Golfer Kaitlin Rupert is beautiful and talented, but her hostile personality wins her little sympathy from other players for her troubled past and ongoing family scandal. When Kaitlin’s psychiatrist is murdered, golf rival Cassandra Burdette becomes the prime suspect, and Cassandra must uncover the mystery before falling victim herself. Isleib is a clinical psychologist and avid golfer.

A Buried Lie — Roberta Isleib ’75 (Berkley Prime Crime). In this sequel to Six Strokes Under, Cassie has passed Qualifying School and is playing in a pro-am tournament. When one of her teammates is found dead, she realizes that the rest of her team, all colleagues at the same pharmaceutical company, is playing a much more lethal game of their own. Isleib is a clinical psychologist.

"One! Two! Three! This Book's for Me!"— Stuart Samuel '75. Jupiter Scientific $11.95. A children's counting and reading book in rhythm and rhyme with bold, colored illustrations aimed at teaching preschoolers a variety of early-learning issues. Stuart Samuel lives in the Bay Area of California and works part-time at the Lawrence Berkeley National Library doing physics research.

The Round Barn – Suzi Wizowaty ’75. University Press of New England $24.95. Wizowaty’s first novel centers around the acquisition of a historic round barn by a museum in Northern Vermont, interweaving the museum’s staff’s attempts to fulfill and understand their own frustrated desires into the main plot of the barn’s relocation. Wizowaty lives in Burlington, Vermont.


I Like Being in Parish Ministry: Deacon — Thomas Baker ’76. Twenty-Third Publications $4.95. Examines the opportunities for developing the ministry of deacons within parishes and out in the world. Baker is a permanent deacon at St. David the King Parish in Princeton Junction, New Jersey.

Justice, Luck, and Knowledge — S. L. Hurley ’76 (Harvard). The author draws together moral responsibility and distributive justice, arguing that while responsibility can help determine what to distribute, it cannot inform an egalitarian pattern of distribution. Moral responsibility can, however, play other roles in justice, such as influencing incentive-seeking behavior. Hurley holds a chair at the University of Warwick.

Images of America Chestnut Hill – Thomas H. Keels ’76 and Elizabeth Farmer Jarvis. Arcadia $19.99. A collection of photographs, taken between the late 1800s and the present, chronicles the history of a village in Northwestern Philadephia, with the aid of small, informational captions. Keels is a Historian.


Capitalists against Markets: The Making of Labor Markets and Welfare States in the United States and Sweden — Peter A. Swenson ’77 (Oxford). This book relies on original theory and historical evidence to challenge the conventional wisdom that welfare state builders took only labor and other progressive interests into consideration and argues that social reformers also looked to capitalist preferences. Swenson is a professor of political science at Northwestern.

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Oxidative Stress and Cardiac Failure — edited by Marrick L. Kukin ’78 and Valentin Fuster (Blackwell). Provides supportive data for the hypothesis that oxidative stress may be a common source for the diverse mechanisms — muscle dysfunction, cellular remodeling, and myocyte death, for example — that cause the progression of heart disease. Kukin is an associate professor of medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and director of the Heart Failure Program at Mount Sinai Medical Center.




Environmental Justice: Law, Policy, and Regulation — Clifford Rechtschaffen ’78 and Eileen Gauna. Carolina. This textbook provides an interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental justice. Rechtschaffen is a professor and director of the environmental law program at Golden Gate University School of Law.

A Bed for the Night: Humanitarianism in Crisis — David Rieff ’78. Simon and Schuster $26. The author argues that humanitarian organizations are often betrayed and misused and have increasingly lost sight of their purpose. Rieff is a journalist and visiting professor at Bard College.

CDMA Capacity and Quality Optimization — by Sid Kemp and edited by Adam N. Rosenberg ’78 (McGraw-Hill). Aimed primarily at a technical audience, this book provides a discussion of code division multiple access (CDMA), the latest technology in mobile telephones. Kemp and Rosenberg explain the latest technology and standards and how to optimize a wireless telephone system. Rosenberg is an industrial mathematician and currently works for Six Continents Hotels.

Craze: Gin and Debauchery in an Age of Reason — Jessica Warner ’78. Four Walls Eight Windows. A social history that examines the introduction of gin to eighteenth-century London and its role as “the original urban drug.” Warner is a professor of history at the University of Toronto.



Theory of Devolution – David Groff ’79. University of Illinois paper: $19.95/ cloth: $30.00. A debut collection, this volume has been chosen by Mark Doty as one of five collections published in 2002 as part of the National Poetry Series. Groff is a writer and book editor in New York City.

Seems Like Murder Here: Southern Violence and the Blues Tradition — Adam Gussow ’79 *00 (Chicago). Establishes a relationship between spectacle lynchings in the Deep South and the development of blues music as a veiled response to racial violence. Gussow is an assistant professor of English and southern studies at the University of Mississippi.

Separation of Church and State — Philip Hamburger ’79. Harvard $49.95. The author argues Jefferson and others supported separation largely through fear and prejudice. Hamburger is John P. Wilson Professor of Law at the University of Chicago.


Christian Perspectives on Legal Thought — edited by Michael W. McConnell, Robert R. Cochran Jr., and Angela C. Carmella ’80. Yale. Examines the relationship between American legal theory and a variety of Christian traditions. Carmella is a law professor at Seton Hall University.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Small Group Ministry – Bill Donahue ’80 and Russ Robinson. Zondervan Publishing House U.S. $19.99/CAN $29.95. This book is a troubleshooting guide designed to identify and address common challenges that hinder the development of small groups in the local church. Donahue is executive director of Small Group Ministry for the Willow Creek Association.

The Best American Political Writing 2002 — Royce Flippin ’80. Thunder's Mouth. A collection of previously published essays by writers and scholars that address significant political issues, including the war on terrorism, global warming, and stem-cell research. among the articles in this collection are Princeton professor and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's critical look at Alan Greenspan's support of tax cuts and Henry Kissinger's take on America's foreign policy in the Persian Gulf. Flippin is a fomrer senior editor of American Health magazine.

On the Sweet Spot: Stalking the Effortless Present — Richard Keefe ’80 (Simon & Schuster). This book looks at how athletes change their mental state to become more absorbed in the moment — often referred to as “being in the zone.” Keefe, who describes some of the brain science behind this mental state, has found that “the zone” resembles a meditative state. Keefe is a clinical psychologist, neuroscience researcher, and the director of sports psychology at Duke University.

Higher Education Law The Faculty — Steven G. Poskanzer ’80. Johns Hopkins $19.95 paperback/$49.95 hardcover. A concise, readable guidebook for higher education faculty and administrators concerning the legal principles which govern both the individual and collective at colleges and universities. Poskanzer is vice provost of the State University of New York.

SYNC: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order — Steven Strogatz ’80 (Theia). The author explains how a feature of nature known as synchrony — order and coordination of action — emerges from chaos. A pioneer in the science of synchrony, Strogatz discusses the mathematical patterns underlying spontaneous order in the universe and explores questions such as why fireflies flash in unison and why our body clocks synchronize with night and day. Strogatz is a professor of applied mathematics at Cornell.


Reconfiguring Modernity: Concepts of Nature in Japanese Political Ideology — Julia Adeney Thomas ’81. California $37.50. Thomas argues that from the 19th to the early 20th century, nature was redefined in Japan, moving from a universal, spatial concept, through temporal, social Darwinian ideas of inevitable progress and competitive struggle, to a celebration of the nation as uniquely in harmony with nature. The author is an associate professor of history at the University of Notre Dame.


Life’s Work: Confessions of an Unbalanced Mom - Lisa Belkin ’82. Simon & Schuster $23. The author explores the intersection of life in work and considers such issues as working from home, business travel, family, and vacations. Belkin’s column "Life’s Work" appears biweekly in the New York Times.

Next: The Future Just Happened — Michael Lewis ’82. W. W. Norton $22.95. Examining the social implications of the Internet, the author discusses the shift from a pyramidal edifice of power to a populist "pancake." Lewis lives in Berkeley, California.

The Devil’s Workshop - Demetria Martínez ’82
. Arizona $24.95 cloth/$14.95 paper. This collection of poems explores romantic love, the failure of political systems, spirituality, and social and personal transformation. Martínez lives in Tucson.


Constitutional Self-Government – Christopher L. Eisgruber ’83. Harvard $45. Focusing on the Constitution’s seemingly undemocratic features, the author defends a strong role for courts in democratic deliberation. Eisgruber is the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Public Affairs.

Shadow of the Sentinel: One Man’s Quest to Find the Hidden Treasure of the Confederacy — Warren Getler ’83 and Bob Brewer. (Simon & Schuster). This book weaves together the history of the Knights of the Golden Circle, a Civil War-era secret society, with Brewer’s own story of deciphering KGC codes to uncover the location of buried Confederate gold across the South and Southwest. Getler is an investigative journalist based in Washington, D.C.

Nothing Sacred: The Truth About Judaism — Douglas Rushkoff ’83 (Crown). The author argues that contemporary American Jewish practice is stolid and aimed at preserving a dwindling population. Rushkoff identifies the religion’s strengths as its emphasis on social justice and freedom of inquiry, and he calls on a return to its dialectic roots. Rushkoff is a professor of communications at New York University. Nothing Sacred is his first book on religion. Click here for an interview with Rushkoff.

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Introduction to Digital Audio Coding and Standards — Marina Bosi and Richard E. Goldberg ’84 (Kluwer). This book describes audio coding, discussing the methods, implementations, and official standards of current technology. Goldberg is a partner at the Brattle Group management-consulting firm.

The Pearl of Kuwait — Tom Paine ’84 (Harcourt). Paine’s first novel is the comic story of two marine privates, Tommy Trang, the love child of a former Vietnam War marine, and Cody Carmichael, a California surfer, who fight in the 1991 Gulf War. When Trang falls for Lulu, a 16-year-old Kuwaiti princess trapped in Iraqi-occupied Kuwait, the two marines go AWOL to sneak behind enemy lines and rescue her. Paine, the author of Scar Vegas (2000), a collection of short stories, teaches creative writing at Middlebury College.


Taking Liberties: Early American Women’s Magazines and Their Readers — Amy Beth Aronson ’85 (Greenwood). Aronson examines early American women’s magazines as a forum for public discourse and as a medium for women’s self-expression and cultural growth. Aronson is an independent author and co-editor of several books.

The Melancholy of Race: Psychoanalysis, Assimilation, and Hidden Grief — Anne Anlin Cheng ’85. Oxford. A study of racial identity and melancholy that explores the complexities of American racial culture. Cheng is an associate professor of English and American Literature at the University of California, Berkeley.

Bittersweet: Diabetes, Insulin, and the Transformation of Illness — Chris Feudtner ’85 (Chapel Hill). This history of diabetes chronicles the experience of living with the disease across the 20th century and illustrates the irony of the discovery of insulin in 1921, which transformed diabetes from a fatal condition into a chronic illness. Feudtner is a pediatrician at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

The Secret Agent — Francine Mathews ’85. Bantam $23.95. A novel of global espionage based upon the history of Jim Thompson ’28, Thailand’s “Legendary American.” Mathews lives in Colorado.


Wandering, Begging Monks: Spiritual Authority and Promotion of Monasticism in Late Antiquity — Daniel Caner ’86. California. Caner examines the development of monasticism in late Roman society, focusing on struggles for ecclesiastical authority between bishops and monks. Caner is an assistant professor of history and classics at the University of Connecticut, Storrs.


All Things Shakespeare — Kirstin Olsen ’87. Greenwood. This encyclopedia provides illustrations, historical details, and descriptive information about a variety of terms and topics that appear in Shakespeare’s works. Olsen lives in California.


The Deed — Keith Blanchard ’88. Simon and Schuster. In Blanchard's comic first novel, Jason, a single guy in New York, gets involved with Amanda, a beautiful law student in search of the long-lost deed to Manhattan. Maxim is editor-in-chief of Maxim magazine.

Translating Southwestern Landscapes The Making of an Anglo Literary Region – Audrey Goodman ’88. University of Arizona $40. Goodman examines the history of the Southwestern United States through the works of authors, ethnographers, translators and photographers, such as Willa Cather, Charles Lummis, Zane Grey, Mary Austin and Ansel Adams. The book explores the struggle between Anglo desires to understand the Southwest’s native cultures, and the simultaneous need to rule these cultures in a state of imperial mastery. Goodman is the Assistant Professor of American Literature at Georgia State University.

Babies by the Bay: The Insider’s Guide to Everything from Doctors and Diapers to Playgrounds and Preschools in the San Francisco Bay Area — Michelle L. Keene and Stephanie S. Lamarre ’88. Wildcat Canyon. This guide provides listings and ratings for parent and baby resources for everything from healthcare and childcare to shopping and parents’ groups. Lamarre is a former intellectual property lawyer.

Architecture in the United States, 1800-1850 — W. Barksdale Maynard ’88. Yale. The author traces the development of American architecture from the age of Jefferson to the antebellum era. He examines American architecture’s dependence, in both theory and practice, on Europe and particularly Great Britain. The volume reproduces rare historic prints of important buildings that have been demolished or altered. Maynard is an independent scholar living in Newark, Delaware.

Renewing Birmingham: Federal Funding and the Promise of Change, 1929-1979 — Christopher MacGregor Scribner ’88. Georgia. Analyzes the role of federal funding in transforming the city of Birmingham, focusing on the social issues and benefits involved in the change. Scribner is an independent scholar in Birmingham, Alabama.


Suspect Identities: A History of Fingerprinting and Criminal Identification — Simon A. Cole ’89. Harvard. Cole's history reviews the development of criminal identification, from photography to fingerprinting to DNA typing. Cole is an assistant professor of criminology, law, and society at the University of California, Irvine.

Red Meat Cures Cancer — Starbuck O’Dwyer ’89 (Midnight). A satire of the fast-food industry and its place in pop culture, O’Dwyer’s first novel traces fast-food giant Sky Thorne in his struggle to increase the market share of his restaurant chain, Tailburger, in the face of growing opposition from health-food advocates. Thorne decides to drop the pretense that fast food is healthy in favor of a “Torture Your Body” ad campaign. O’Dwyer is a corporate health care attorney in Washington, D.C. Click here for a story on O’Dwyer.



The Ugly Princess and the Wise Fool – Margaret Gray ’91. Illustrations: Randy Cecil. Henry Holt $15.95. The ugly princess Rose, in spite of warnings from her fairy god mother and a wise fool, wishes for beauty in order to win a prince’s heart, yet finds neither to be as satisfying as she expected. This delightful children’s fairy tail details her attempt to undo the spell. Gray lives in Los Angeles.

In Her Shoes — Jennifer Weiner ’91. Atria. In this, Weiner's second novel, brainy, zaftig lawyer Rose Feller and her sister, the zany, svelte Maggie, sort out their relationship and try to find common ground.


Germany’s Cold War: The Global Campaign to Isolate East Germany, 1949-1969 — William Glenn Gray ’92 (Chapel Hill). Offers an analysis of the struggle of East Germany for international recognition and West Germany’s corresponding attempt to bar its success. Gray discusses how West Germany used its influence against its neighbor and why it finally relented. Gray is an assistant professor of history at Texas Tech University

Redeeming the Communist Past: The Regeneration of Communist Successor Parties in East Central Europe — Ann Grzymala-Busse ’92. Cambridge $23. Examines the transformation of communist parties from authoritarian rulers to democratic competitors. The author is an assistant professor of political science at Yale.


The World of Prometheus: The Politics of Punishing in Democratic Athens — Danielle S. Allen ’93 (Princeton). An analysis of the cultural debate over punishment and the nature of justice in ancient Athens, using punishment as a point of departure for an exploration of Athenian political and social values. Allen is an associate professor in classical languages and literatures and political science at the University of Chicago.

The Perfect Store: Inside eBay - Adam Cohen ’93. Little, Brown $25.95. The author was granted total inside access to eBay for this story of the Internet company’s success. Cohen is on the editorial board of the New York Times.

Alpha & Omega: The Search for the Beginning and End of the Universe — Charles Seife ’93 (Viking). Seife explores discoveries and observations that have led to a major shift in our understanding of the universe, shedding light on theories from the Copernican model to the Big Bang. Among other things, he explains the significance of the spectacular images of the cosmic microwave background (the faint, ubiquitous afterglow of the Big Bang) and the discovery that neutrinos have mass. Seife, the author of Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea (2000), is a science journalist in Washington, D.C.


The Way to Somewhere — Angie Day ’94 (Simon and Schuster). The book chronicles the rocky but picaresque coming-of-age of Taylor Jessup in working-class Houston. The book follows Taylor's tumultuous family life, first loves, adventures south of the border, serendipitous interest in furniture restoration, move to New York, and evolving sense of self and famiily.




Between Two Stones — Joshua Weitz ’97. Sheep Meadow $12.95. This is Weitz’s first collection of poems. He is a doctoral candidate in physics at MIT.

Returning as Shadows — translated by Ezra E. Fitz ’00 (St. Martins). A humorous novel by Paco Ignacio Taibo II, translated from Spanish by Fitz. Set in Mexico in 1941, a group of friends, including Ernest Hemingway, unite to combat the Nazi network that is spreading through the country. Fitz is a literary agent and translator focusing on Latin American literature.


Ballpark Blues — C. W. Tooke ’98 (Doubleday). This novel tells the story of minor-league catcher Casey Fox and his friend Russ Bryant, a lonely sports reporter. When Casey joins the Red Sox and becomes a star at Fenway Park, Russ’s career takes off, too, as his proximity to baseball’s hottest new player attracts the notice of Sports Illustrated. But in spite of their newfound success, both men struggle to reconcile professional achievement with personal happiness. Tooke is a former PAW editor. For an interview with him, click here.



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By Graduate Alumni (Listed alphabetically by author)

Dictators, Democracy, and American Public Culture: Envisioning the Totalitarian Enemy, 1920s-1950s — Benjamin L. Alpers *94 (North Carolina). Alpers traces the evolution of the American perception of totalitarian leaders through popular media focusing on Mussolini’s Italy, Hitler’s Germany, and Stalin’s Russia. Alpers is Reach for Excellence Assistant Professor in the Honors College and assistant professor of history and film and video studies at the University of Oklahoma.

Protestantism in America — Randall Balmer *85 and Lauren F. Winner. Columbia $35. Describes Protestantism’s history, subgroups, and activities, and the way in which its dialectic with American culture has shaped society. Balmer is the Ann Whitney Olin Professor of American Religion at Barnard.

Greed and Injustice in Classical Athens — Ryan K. Balot *93. Princeton $39.50. Integrating ancient philosophy, poetry, and history, and drawing on modern political thought, the author demonstrates that the Athenian discourse on greed was an essential component of Greek social development and political history. Balot is an assistant professor of classics at Washington University in St. Louis.

To The Digital Age: Research Labs, Start-Up Companies and the Rise of MOS Technology – Ross Bassett *98. Johns Hopkins University Press $44.95 (hardcover). A comparative study of the development of semiconductor technology at vertically integrated east coast companies and Silicon Valley start-ups. Bassett is ab assistant professor of history at North Carolina State University.

Heaven’s Kitchen: Living Religion at God’s Love We Deliver — Courtney Bender *97 (Chicago). Drawn from her own experience working in a soup kitchen for AIDS victims, the author uses that setting to explore the ways in which people unconsciously express their spirituality on a daily basis. Bender is an assistant professor of religion at Columbia University.

Global Backlash: Citizen Initiatives for a Just World Economy — edited by Robin Broad *83. Rowman & Littlefield. An analytical look at the antiglobalization movement, this book explores the issues behind the backlash and attempts to answer the question “But what do they want?” Broad is an associate professor of international development at American University.

For the Common Good: Popular Politics in Barcelona, 1580-1640 — Luis R. Corteguera *92. Cornell $32.95. This book explores how the political actions, ideas, and language of Barcelona’s craftsmen shaped relations between the Spanish monarchy and Catalonia in the decades leading to the Catalan revolt. Corteguera is an associate professor of history at the University of Kansas.

From Isolation to War, 1931-1941 – Justus D. Doenecke *66 & John E. Wilz. Harlan Davidson $14.95. This book, the third edition, stresses historiographal controversies and debates and also covers American foreign policy from the time Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 through the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941. Doenecke is a professor of history at New College of Florida, Sarasota.

Itanium Architecture for Programmers: Understanding 64-Bit Processors and EPIC Principles, 1/e — James Evans *66 and Gregory Trimper (Prentice Hall). Provides an introduction to the capabilities of the new 64-bit Itanium architecture and places the Itanium design within the broader context of contemporary computer architecture. Evans is a professor of computer science and chemistry and director of information technology planning at Lawrence University.

War under Heaven: Pontiac, the Indian Nations and the British Empire — Gregory Evans Dowd *86. Johns Hopkins. This book offers a reinterpretation of the five-year conflict (1763-1765) between Chief Pontiac, an Ottawa Indian military leader based in present-day Michigan who led a coalition of Great Lakes' Indian nations, and the British Empire. Dowd is a professor of history and American culture and Director of Native American Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea — Charles Edward Eaton *37. Cornwall. Eaton’s 16th collection of verse, this poetry addresses subjects of humor, romance, nature, violence, and philosophy. Eaton taught creative writing at the universities of Missouri and North Carolina and lives in Chapel Hill.

Eavesdropping in the Novel from Austen to Proust — Ann Gaylin *95 (Cambridge). This study examines human curiosity and eavesdropping in the nineteenth-century English and French novels of Austen, Collins, Balzac, and Proust. Gaylin discusses the relationship between the rise of information technology and personal privacy. Gaylin teaches at Yale.

Susan Glaspell in Context: American Theater, Culture, and Politics, 1915-48 – J. Ellen Gainor *88. Michigan $52.50. Explores the playwright’s dramatic work within its context: the worlds of Greenwich Village and Provincetown bohemia, of the American frontier, and of American modernism. Gainor is a professor of theatre, women’s studies, and American studies at Cornell.

Energy Revolution — Howard Geller *79 (Island). Discusses the necessity of a transition from a carbon-based economy to one based on renewable resources. Geller examines governmental opposition to such a transition and explores policy options for attaining sustainability. Geller is the director of the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project in Boulder, Colorado.

Thick Moralities, Thin Politics: Social Integration Across Communities of Belief — Benjamin Gregg *96 (Duke). The author looks at how to make broadly consensual public policy in light of the varying moral values of a heterogeneous society and argues that public policy suffers when politics are laden with moral doctrines. Gregg is an associate professor of government at the University of Texas.

Defunctive Music — William Guy *76 (Xlibris). This collection of poems spans a wide array of subjects, from American history and politics to memory and the flux of personality across a lifetime. Guy is an author and lives in Pittsburgh.

Sexual Violence and American Manhood — T. Walter Herbert *69. Harvard. Traces the ideologies that have created the sexually abusive behavior of men in 19th and 20th century America. Herbert is an English professor at Southwestern University.

Massachusetts Politics and Public Policy: Studies in Power and Leadership — Richard A. Hogarty *65. University of Massachusetts $70 cloth/$19.95 paper. An inside view of the state’s political arena, including the workings of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as the administrative bureaucracy. Hogarty is a professor emeritus of political science at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and lives in Marblehead.

The Flirt’s Tragedy: Desire without End in Victorian and Edwardian Fiction — Richard A. Kaye *96. Virginia $32. The author makes a case for flirtation as a unique species of eros that finds fulfillment in the 19th- and early 20th-century novel. Kaye is an English professor at Hunter College.

Eisenhower: Soldier-Statesman of the American Century — Douglas Kinnard *73. Brassey. A biography of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Kinnard is a professor of political science, emeritus, at the University of Vermont.

The Rural Life — Verlyn Klinkenborg *82 (Little, Brown). A collection of essays from Klinkenborg’s column in the New York Times. A member of the Times’s editorial board since 1997, Klinkenborg lives with his wife on a farm in upstate New York.

Failure of Empire: Valens and the Roman State in the Fourth Century A. D. — Noel Lenski *95. California. This biography of Roman emperor Valens uses archaeological, Gothic, and Armenian sources to explore the sociological attributes of the Roman Empire under his rule. Lenski is an associate professor of classics at the University of Colorado, Boulder.


Secret Missions to Cuba: Fidel Castro, Bernardo Benes, and Cuban Miami — Robert M. Levine *67 (Palgrave). A history of Cuban-American relations in the second half of the 20th century. Levine examines the politics of Cuba’s exiles and the role of Bernardo Benes, a Cuban-American lawyer who acted as intermediary with Castro during the Reagan and Carter administrations. Levine is director of the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Miami.

The Myth of the French Bourgeoisie: An Essay on the Social Imaginary, 1750-1850 — Sarah Maza *78 (Harvard). This social history investigates the identity of the French bourgeoisie and arrives at the conclusion that it was a fictitious social class: the bourgeoisie was a conception that functioned as an imagined embodiment of the threat of consumerism and popular culture. Maza is Jane Long Professor of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University.

Imagining Numbers (particularly the square root of minus fifteen) — Barry Mazur *59 (Farrar, Straus & Giroux). Written for those more comfortable with poetry than mathematics, this book offers an introduction to mathematical and even literary thinking through the illusive subject of imaginary numbers. Mazur is Gerhard Gade University Professor at Harvard.

Russian Opera and the Symbolist Movement – Simon Morrison *97. The University of California Press $60. A study for four scores, this book examines Russian Opera in the Silver Age, exploring both the Symbolist Enterprise and Russian musicology through the works of composers such as Tchaikovsky and Scriabin. Morrison is an assistant professor of music at Princeton.

Contemporary Jewish Writing in Switzerland: An Anthology — edited by Rafaël Newman *94 (Nebraska). This anthology includes varied works by 18 modern Jewish-Swiss writers and addresses issues of Jewish identity and Switzerland’s involvement in the Holocaust. Newman is a writer and translator and has published several books.

The Strike That Changed New York: Blacks, Whites, and the Ocean Hill-Brownsville Crisis — Jerald E. Podair *97 (Yale). This book looks at the racially charged firings of 19 white teachers by a predominantly black school board in the Ocean Hill-Brownsville area of Brooklyn in 1968. The firings prompted three teachers’ strikes and angry confrontations. Podair explores its continuing influence on city politics and culture. Podair is an assistant professor of history at Lawrence University.

Law, Society and Culture in the Maghrib, 1300-1500 — David S. Powers *79. Cambridge. Powers examines Islamic law in the 14th and 15th centuries. He analyzes several legal cases and argues that Islamic legal heritage is more closely related to Western values than is commonly thought. Powers is a professor of Arabic and Islamic studies at Cornell University.

Taking Parenting Public: The Case for a New Social Movement — Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Nancy Rankin *75, and Cornel R. West *80. Rowman and Littlefield. This research-based text argues for the necessity for parenting to be considered as a public responsibility. Rankin is the director of policy research and advocacy for the Community Service Society of New York. West is a religion professor at Princeton.

Benjamin’s Ghosts: Interventions in Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory — edited by Gerhard Richter *96. Stanford $55 cloth/$24.95 paper. The contributors engage with a wide range of issues to explore the implications of Walter Benjamin’s work for contemporary critical concerns. Richter is an associate professor of German and an affiliate professor of comparative literature at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

The Devil and Daniel Silverman – Theodore Roszak *58. Leapfrog $15.95. A “biting” social commentary, Roszak’s novel details the culture clash between Daniel Silverman, a warm hearted liberal gay Jewish novelist from San Francisco who comes to lecture and is accidentally “snowed in” on the campus of a deeply evangelical Midwestern college faculty. Roszak is a Professor of History at California State University, Hayward.

Chaotic Transitions in Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamical Systems: Applications of Melnikov Processes in Engineering, Physics, and Neuroscience — Emil Simiu *71. Princeton. Simiu offers an advanced discussion of applications of the Melnikov method in fields such as architecture, oceanography, and stochastic resonance. Simiu is a fellow of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Research Professor at the Witting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.

On Quaternions and Octonions — John H. Conway and Derek A. Smith *99. A K Peters. This book discusses octonion algebra and the special properties of three- and four-dimensional Euclidean spaces, concluding with a new theory of octonion factorization. Conway is John Von Neumann Professor in Applied and Computational Mathematics.

Who Knows?: A Study of Religious Consciousness — Raymond M. Smullyan *59 (Indiana). This book addresses questions of religious belief, the doctrine of Hell, and cosmic consciousness. Smullyan is a retired professor of philosophy.

Sparks of Life: Darwinism and the Victorian Debates over Spontaneous Generation — James E. Strick *97. Harvard. A historical approach to questions of the origins of life that abounded in Victorian intellectual circles. Strick is an assistant professor in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society at Franklin and Marshal College.

The View from the States: National Politics in Local Newspaper Editorials — Jan P. Vermeer *79. Rowman & Littlefield $75 cloth/ $26.95 paper. The author demonstrates how public discourse on national politics at the local level influences the perceptions and responses of citizens and policy makers. Vermeer is a professor of political science at Nebraska Wesleyan University.

Curso de Análisis Matemático II [A Course in Intermediate Analysis] and Análisis Matemático II: Problemas y Soluciones [Problems in Intermediate Analysis] – Luis M. Navas Vicente *93 Librería Cervantes $30, $20. These two textbooks, written in Spanish, cover the main topics of differential, integral, and tensorial calculus. The first volume is devoted to theory and the second to the solution of problems. The author is a professor of mathematics at the University of Salamanca, Spain.

The Spiritual Chicks Question Everything: Learn to Risk, Release, and Soar –Tami Coyne and Karen Weissman *89. Red Wheel/Weiser $14. Coyne and Weissman define spirituality as the process of exploring our connection to the universe, and offer a myriad of questions in this book designed to help the reader tap into the One Life Principle.

The Pepperdogs — Bing West *67. A former Marine captain who fought in Vietnam, West has drawn on his own combat experience in writing his first novel, The Pepperdogs. Bing founded a war-gaming and combat-training company, GAMA Corp., based in Springfield, Virginia

Richard Caton Woodville: American Painter, Artful Dodger — Justin Wolff *93 (Princeton). Wolff analyzes the life and work of popular 19th century painter Woodville and examines his paintings in the context of antebellum literature and culture. Wolff is a preceptor in expository writing at Harvard University.


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By Faculty (Listed alphabetically by author)

Thinking It Through: An Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy — Kwame Anthony Appiah (Oxford). Appiah explores why philosophy is important for people who want to live thoughtful lives, and he explains not only what philosophers think, but also how they think. Organized around eight topics — mind, knowledge, language, science, morality, politics, law, and metaphysics — the book looks at how philosophers have considered these subjects, and major questions that engage philosophers today. Appiah is a Princeton philosophy professor.



Trains of Thought: Memories of a Stateless Youth – Victor Brombert (right), Norton $25.95. The author recalls his childhood in France, his experiences in the U.S. army, and his discovery of his scholarly vocation. Brombert is Henry Putnam University Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature, Emeritus. Click here for a story about Brombert.

China’s Economic Transformation – Gregory C. Chow. Blackwell $64.95 cloth/$29.95 paper. Combining historical-institutional and theoretical-quantitative approaches, Chow analyzes the factors that have contributed to China’s economic success. Chow is the Class of 1913 Professor of Political Economy, Emeritus.

Failed Crusade: America and the Tragedy of Post-Communist RussiaStephen F. Cohen. Norton $14.95. This critique of U.S. foreign policy has been updated for the paperback edition to expand the author’s analysis through the middle of 2001. Cohen is a professor of politics, emeritus.

On Quaternions and Octonions — John H. Conway and Derek A. Smith *99. A K Peters. This book discusses octonion algebra and the special properties of three- and four-dimensional Euclidean spaces, concluding with a new theory of octonion factorization. Conway is John Von Neumann Professor in Applied and Computational Mathematics.

Constitutional Self-Government – Christopher L. Eisgruber ’83. Harvard $45. Focusing on the Constitution’s seemingly undemocratic features, the author defends a strong role for courts in democratic deliberation. Eisgruber is the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Public Affairs.

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The Origins of Criticism: Literary Culture and Poetic Theory in Classical Greece — Andrew Ford. Princeton $45. The author demonstrates that the roots of criticism stretch back to public commentary on the performance of songs and poems in the preliterary era of ancient Greece. Ford is a professor of classics.

The Challenge of Global Capitalism: The World Economy in the 21st Century – Robert Gilpin. Princeton $19.95. The author examines the political circumstances that have enabled global markets to develop and function and suggests ways to strengthen the global economy. Gilpin is the Eisenhower Professor of International Affairs, Emeritus.

Bring Out Your Dead: The Past as Revelation – Anthony Grafton. Harvard $39.95. This collection of essays presents a series of Renaissance humanists who labored to recover ancient texts. Grafton is Henry Putnam University Professor of History.

Special Interest Politics — Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman. MIT $40. This book discusses the mechanisms by which special interest groups affect policy in modern democracies and develops theoretical tools for studying the interactions among voters, interest groups, and politicians. Grossman is Jacob Viner Professor of International Affairs.

Identity in Democracy — Amy Gutmann (Princeton). Gutmann addresses issues of identity politics, such as whether some identity groups undermine the greater democratic good and how a democracy can distinguish between groups like the KKK and the NAACP. This book argues that rather than attempting to abolish identity politics, democracies should distinguish between the demands of groups that aid justice and those that impede it. Gutmann is Laurance S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and the University Center for Human Values, and provost of the university.


Preparation for a Revolution: The Young Turks, 1902-1908 – M. Sükrü Hanioglu. Oxford $72. The first book on the Young Turk Revolution to draw on both the extensive memoirs and papers of the Young Turks as well as the extensive diplomatic archives around the world. Hanioglu is a professor of Near Eastern Studies.


Walking with Thoreau: A Literary Guide to the Mountains of New England – commentary by William Howarth. Beacon $16. Presents Thoreau’s writings about nine mountain journeys, along with Howarth’s commentary retracing the trails and interpreting the stories Thoreau created. Howarth is a professor of English.

Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings Volume 4, 1938-1940 — edited by Howard Eiland and Michael W. Jennings (Harvard). This volume includes Benjamin’s studies of Baudelaire, Brecht, and Carl Jochmann as well as appraisals of photography, film, and poetry. The central issue explored in these writings is how art can survive and thrive in a time of crisis. Jennings is a professor of German.

Europe in the High Middle Ages — William Chester Jordan *73 (Viking). This history covers the era of Gothic architecture and the Crusades, during which Dante and Thomas Aquinas flourished, and in which the modern European nation-state began to emerge. Among other topics, Jordan looks at peasant life and the effects of the plague in 14th-century Europe. Jordan is director of Princeton’s Program in Medieval Studies. Click here for a story on Jordan.

Some Wine for Remembrance - Edmund Keeley ’48. White Pine $15. This novel is set in Nazi-occupied Greece during WWII. Keeley is Charles Barnwell Straut Class of 1923 Professor of English Emeritus and professor emeritus of English and creative writing at Princeton.

Lectures on the Theory of Games — Harold W. Kuhn (Princeton). This collection of lectures, first presented at Princeton in 1952, describes game theory. The material is presented within its historical context and includes exercise to test the readers understanding. Kuhn is a professor of mathematics, emeritus, and joint winner of the 1980 von Neumann Prize in Theory.

Music of a Distant Drum: Classical Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Hebrew Poems – Bernard Lewis. Princeton $19.95. Includes 129 poems, most of which make their English-language debut in this volume, that span the seventh to the early 18th century. Lewis is the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Emeritus.

Land of Enchanters: Egyptian Short Stories From the Earliest Times to the Present Day — edited by Bernard Lewis and Stanley Burstein. Markus Wiener. A collection of stories spanning the cultures of the Nile valley from ancient times to today,including Greek and Roman culture, Christianity, and Islam. Lewis is Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies, emeritus. Burstein is a professor of history at California State Univesty in Los Angeles.

Applications of Monte Carlo Methods to Finance and Insurance — Thomas N. Herzog and Graham Lord. Actex. This text discusses a number of Monte Carlo methods and illustrates their application to practical problems. Lord is a visiting lecturer with the Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering.



Moral and Political Education – edited by Stephen Macedo *87 and Yael Tamir. NYU $55. The contributors offer philosophical, political, and legal reflections on the practical questions of how education should be changed to meet the needs of the 21st century. Macedo is Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Politics at the University Center for Human Values.

Diversity and Distrust: Civic Education in a Multicultural Democracy — Stephen Macedo *87 (Harvard). The author argues that education policy in a culturally diverse democracy such as the United States should usually but not always emphasize diversity. The complicating factor about diversity is that many social and religious groups oppose basic ideas of liberty and equality and hence cannot be reconciled with a goal of highly valuing diversity. Macedo is the Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor of Politics.

Russian Opera and the Symbolist Movement — Simon A. Morrison *97 (California). A historical and theoretical study of four scores by Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Scriabin, and Prokofiev. Morrison explores the relationship between symbolist poetry and contemporary opera. Morrison is an assistant professor in the music department.

Moy Sand and Gravel – Paul Muldoon. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux $22. This is Muldoon’s ninth volume of poetry, excluding Poems 1968-1998, a collection of the author’s first eight volumes. He is the Howard G. B. Clark Professor in the Humanities and director of the creative writing program at Princeton/


The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 30: January 1, 1798 to January 31, 1799 — edited by Barbara B. Oberg (Princeton University Press). The latest volume of Jefferson’s papers covers part of his term as vice president under President John Adams and includes letters to his daughters and to Aaron Burr 1772. Jefferson’s papers are being edited at Princeton, under the auspices of the history department. The first volume was published in 1950. Oberg is a senior research historian and lecturer at Princeton

Imagining Karma: Ethical Transformation in Amerindian, Buddhist, and Greek Rebirth — Gananath Obeyesekere. California. An exploration of rebirth concepts from cultures across the world and through time. This book challenges readers to reconsider conventional ideologies and the boundaries of existence. Obeyesekere is a professor of anthropology, emeritus.

Democracy in Suburbia – J. Eric Oliver. Princeton $47.50 cloth/$17.95 paper. Argues that suburbanization has negated the benefits of "small town" government and deprived metropolitan areas of valuable civic capacity. Oliver is an assistant professor of politics and public affairs.

Southern History Across the Color Line — Nell Irvin Painter. Chapel Hill. The essays in this book offer a social analysis of the lives of blacks and whites in the 19th and 20th century South, concluding that their lives, far from being separate, were thoroughly entangled. Painter explores such themes as interracial sex, white supremacy, and the physical and psychological violence of slavery. Painter is the Edwards Professor of American History and the author of Sojourner Truth: A Life, A Symbol (1996).




Vectors: Aphorisms and Ten-Second Essays — James Richardson '71. Ausable $24 cloth/$14 paper. This is Richardson's sixth book of poetry. He is a professor of English and creative writing.


Mirror of His Beauty: Feminine Images of God from the Bible to the Early Kabbala — Peter Schaefer. Princeton. Schafer explores the origins of a female manifestation of God in Jewish mysticism and suggests the medieval cult of Mary as the appropriate framework for understanding those feminine elements. Schafer is a professor of religion and Ronald O. Perelman Professor of Jewish Studies.

The Hills of Holland – Esther Schor. Archer Books $15. This is Schor’s first volume of poetry. She is an associate professor in the Department of English at Princeton.

Pushing Time Away: My Grandfather and the Tragedy of Jewish Vienna — Peter Singer (Ecco). In this book that explores the life and times of David Oppenheim, Peter Singer’s grandfather, who was a classicist and occasional collaborator with Sigmund Freud, Singer reflects on issues ranging from ethics to psychoanalytic theory. He finds in the life of Oppenheim, who died in a Nazi concentration camp, many parallels to his own. Singer is the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bio-ethics.

Visionary Film: The American Avant-Garde, 1943-2000, Third Edition — P. Adams Sitney. Oxford. A historical and theoretical look at American avant-garde film. The author includes a delineation of the dramatic developments that have occurred in the field over the last two decades. Adams is a professor of the Council of the Humanities and visual arts.

Teaching Literature — Elaine Showalter (Blackwell). The author draws on 40 years of personal and anecdotal experience in writing this guidebook for teachers of English and American literature. The book addresses anxieties instructors have and theories of teaching literature to undergraduates. Showalter is a professor of English.

Extremities: Trauma, Testimony, and Community — edited by Nancy K. Miller and Jason Tougaw (Illinois). This collection of essays explores human responses to individual trauma and cultural crises and the ways in which people bear witness to unspeakable events. Tougaw is a lecturer in the writing program and the author of numerous scholarly articles.

Church and State in American History: Key Documents, Decisions, and Commentary From the Past Three Centuries, Third Edition — John F. Wilson and Donald L. Drakeman (Westview). This updated volume offers a chronological history of legal controversies over religion and includes colonial charters, court opinions, and legislation, as well as 20th-century analyses of the issues presented. Wilson is Collord Professor of Religion. Drakeman is a lecturer in the politics department.

All in Sync: How Music and Art are Revitalizing American Religion — Robert Wuthnow (California). This book narrates the experience of a woman who overcame a personal crisis to find spiritual renewal, arguing that contemporary spirituality is enhanced by the arts because of the emphasis on transcendent experience and personal reflection. Wuthnow is Gerhard R. Andlinger ’52 Professor of Social Sciences and director of the Center for the Study of Religion.

The Mirror of Justice: Literary Reflections of Legal Crises — Theodore Ziolkowski (Princeton). Ziolkowski analyzes literary works, such as Antigone and The Merchant of Venice, that reflect crises in the evolution of Western law and locates them in their historical and legal contexts using principles from the anthropological theory of legal evolution. Ziolkowski is Class of 1900 Professor of German and Comparative Literature.