a PAW web exclusive column
by Wes Tooke '98 (email: cwtooke@princeton.edu)
22, 2000:
How Bradley
Got His Groove Back
deep and abiding apologies to Santa Claus and his lawyers.
By Wes Tooke '98
'Twas the night before
the election, and outside the White House
Not a voter was stirring,
not even Jerry Krause;
The promises had been
made to the Journal with care,
The government's cupboard
would soon be quite bare;
The spin-doctors were
nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of cabinet
jobs danced in their heads;
And Dubya with his tax
cut, and Al with his big plan,
Were both hoping Nader
would be an also-ran
When out in the Rose
Garden there arose such a clatter,
Clinton sprang from his
burger to see what was the matter.
Away to the Oval Office
he flew like a flash,
Tore past the Secret
Service and threw up the sash.
The spotlight on the
crest of the newly-redone roof
Gave the lustre of mid-day
to the Marines below,
When what to Clinton's
wondering eyes should appear,
But a towering Senator
Bradley drawing quite near,
With a little jump hook,
so lively and quick,
Clinton knew in a moment
it wasn't a trick.
More rapid than eagles
the Marines they came,
And Bradley whistled,
and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now Donnie! Now
David! Now Paulie and Vinnie!
On Clarence! On Carry!
On Dickie and Benny!
To the top of the porch!
To the top of the wall!
Now dash away, dash away,
dash away all!"
As servants that before
Hillary's temper do fly,
When they meet with her
anger, pray to the sky,
So up to their positions
the Marines they flew
With guns all ablazing
and Senator Bradley too.
And then, in a twinkling,
Clinton heard on the roof
The sounds of surrender-it
wasn't a spoof.
As he staggered from
the window and was turning around,
Down the chimney Senator
Bradley came with a bound.
He was dressed like a
Knick, from his head to his foot,
And his briefcase was
all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of Congressional
Records he had flung on his back,
And he looked like an
accountant as he reached in the sack.
His eyes - how they sparkled!
His features not wary!
His unguarded expression
almost bordered on merry!
And Clinton suddenly
realized, his heart filling with woe,
That Bradley had become
a wolf - no longer a doe.
"So Bill,"
Bradley said, clenching his teeth,
"I have come for
your crown, which you wear like a wreath.
The American people deserve
more from their boss
Than a halfwit from Yale
or a total Harvard loss."
Clinton spoke not a word,
just collapsed like a jerk,
And Bradley sat down
and went right to his work.
He fixed Social Security,
passed a sensible tax plan,
And on social issues
he was quite the man.
Across this broad nation
Princetonians rejoiced,
And other Americans learned
to salute their old choice.
Bradley's horrible primary
was soon long forgotten.
That terrible night in
Harlem when things turned so rotten.
For Bradley had climbed
down from Olympus, he had gotten the call,
Those checks that you
wrote weren't wasted after all.
He had talked to Phil
Jackson, somehow found his Zen,
And he fought for what
is right like other great men.
And when Bradley work
was finally done, he gave a quiet whistle,
Then flew off to New
Jersey like the down of a thistle.
The last words we all
heard before he disappeared from sight:
Wes Tooke is a regular
contributor to PAW Online. You can reach him at cwtooke@princeton.edu