Notebook - May 20, 1998
Princeton ova are in demand
Annals of Research: What professors are exploring
Female students at Princeton have a commodity that some people want: healthy eggs that (they hope) promise smart, attractive, and athletic offspring. For the last few years, individuals and fertility centers have advertised in The Daily Princetonian, seeking students to "donate" their eggs for $3,500 to $6,000....
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Nell Irvin
Emily Martin, Nell Irvin Painter, Frank R. Dobbin, Jennifer L. Hochschild, and Michael N. Danielson *62 describe their current projects.
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In Memoriam

Mitigating natural disasters
Arthur Stanley Link, John Turkevich *34.
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Last fall, about a dozen geology students, led by visiting professor of geosciences Gregory E. van der Vink *83, began studying the problems created by catastrophes in a course titled Dealing with Natural Disasters (Geosciences 499).
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University says "yes!' to 13.1 percent
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Bioethics discussions during Reunions
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