Pulling Together By Frank Wojciechowski The Class of 1947 held a 55th Reunion Row on Saturday, June 1, on Lake Carnegie, only the second class to put on such an event. (The first was the Class of 1943.) In honor of President Tilghman, the crew invited members of this years womens crew to join them. The rowers dedicated their efforts to the memory of their late classmate Bob Lorndale, who took part in their 50th Reunion Row, and to the Princetonians killed on September 11, who included Buff Wohlforth 76, son of their classmate Bob Wohlforth. The boat held, from left, Michelle Parris 04, Kim Taggart 04,
Dave Gebhard 47, Tucker Bittel 05, Tom Faix 47, Aleca
Stirling 05 (obscured), Bill Porter 47, Peter Andrews 47
(obscured), and Christina Otero 05.