This final PAW for the academic
year affords me an opportunity to think back over my first year as It has also, of course, been
a year of unusual challenge, beginning as it did with the terrorist attacks
of September 11, followed shortly thereafter by the anthrax scare that
seemed to emanate from our own local post office. In the days immediately
after September 11, four members of our facultyJames McPherson,
Toni Morrison, Paul Muldoon and Marta Tiendaparticipated in a memorial
service on Cannon Green for all who lost their lives that day. Later in
the fall we conducted a service in the Chapel for the 13 of them who were
Princeton alumni, and this summer we will begin planning a garden in their
memory between Chancellor Green and Nassau Hall. A year of learning My year of learning has included
meetings with the chairs of all the academic departments and with other
faculty members to learn first-hand about their aspirations and concerns.
I have spent time with undergraduates and graduate students in the classroom
and the laboratory; at cultural, athletic and other extracurricular activities;
over meals in the residential colleges, at many of the clubs and in other
settings; at meetings of the student government; and during my regular
office hours. I have witnessed again and again the exceptional dedication
of members of the staff, and I have been tutored in everything it takes
to administer a modern research university, from mastering the intricacies
of the budget, to strengthening procedures for emergency preparedness,
to making due provision for pest control. My learning experience also
has extended off campus, especially as I have traveled to meet with literally
thousands In every case I have been struck
by your interest, your commitment, your generosity and your excellent
questions. A year of achievement There are many ways to measure
the accomplishments of a particular year, and a good place to begin is
with the achievements of our students and faculty. As I noted before a
gathering of alumni on the Saturday morning of Reunions, our undergraduates
and graduate students competed very well this year in a number of national
competitions. For example, two seniorsLillian Pierce and Katharine
Buzickywon Rhodes Scholarships. Lillian, a mathematics major from
California, also was one of the winners of the Pyne Prize and this years
valedictorian, while Katharine, an East Asian Studies major from Minnesota,
earned the Army ROTC Distinguished Leadership Award in 2000. Four seniors
won Marshall Scholarships, including Lillian; our other Pyne Prize recipient,
Abbie Liel, a civil engineering student from Oregon; Matthew Frazier,
a Woodrow Wilson School major from Atlanta; and Courtney Mills, a politics
major from Indianapolis. Looking ahead, the quality
of the students we will be enrolling next fall is simply stellar. At the
undergraduate level, our yield (the percentage of those admitted who accept
our offers of admission) has increased to 74 percent, and the percentage
of the class on financial aid is expected to be in the range of 50 percent.
The changes that Princeton has made in its financial aid program in recent
years, including the replacement of required loans with grants, mean that
the doors of this University really are completely open, irrespective
of financial circumstances. I hear frequently from students and their
families about how grateful they are, and I remind them that they owe
their gratitude to the generations of Princetonians whose support for
financial aid has made our program possible. Similarly, the improvements
we have made in recent years in our programs of support for graduate students
help us to attract some of the very best students in the world. One of
our current priorities is to create additional graduate student housing
so we can more fully meet the needs of these exceptional students. We also have increased Princetons
distinction this past year by recruiting excellent new members of the
faculty. Each of them will strengthen Princeton in an important way, and
will help to enhance our position of leadership in teaching and research.
As I noted in one of my Presidents Pages earlier this spring, it
wasnt until I became president that I fully appreciated the amount
of time and effort a university expends not only recruiting, but also
retaining, its faculty. But I have long known that
there is nothing more important that a university does. Like our students, our faculty
members have won prestigious prizes this past year. Last fall, David Spergel
82, a professor of astrophysical sciences, won a MacArthur Foundation
genius award as one of the most innovative, creative
and thoughtful astrophysicists of his generation. (Of the 23 grants
made this year, four went to Princeton alumni.) This spring, a Princeton
professor of civil engineering and environmental science, Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe,
won the Stockholm Water Prize, an award known informally as the Nobel
Prize of water. Elias Stein, a professor of mathematics, was one of 15
scientists to receive the National Medal of Science, and two of our faculty
members in the humanities, Peter Brown and Alexander Nehamas, were among
the first five recipients of the Andrew Mellon Foundations new Distinguished
Achievement Awards for scholars in the humanities. Professor Brown, a
historian, is credited with having created the study of the period known
as late antiquity. Professor Nehamas, a professor in the humanities and
in the departments of philosophy and comparative literature, has chaired
the Council of the Humanities since 1994. A year of new leadership
In addition to new faces in
the student body and on the faculty, there are a number of new faces in
the Universitys senior administrative ranks, and in making many
of these appointments I
reached into the very deep pool of talent that is the Princeton alumni
body. Our new senior vice president for administration, Charles Kalmbach
68 *72, served for 30 years as his class agent for Annual Giving
and played a key role on the advisory council for our School of Engineering
and Applied Science. Our new vice president for development, Brian McDonald
83, was serving as chair of the national Annual Giving committee
when we persuaded him to convert his lifelong avocation as a Princeton
volunteer into his more-than-full-time job. Our new dean of the Woodrow
Wilson School, Anne-Marie Slaughter 80, a faculty member at Harvards
Law School and its John F. Kennedy School of Government, is a second generation
graduate of the Wilson School who won the Daniel M. Sachs Memorial Scholarship,
one of Princetons top honors, in her senior year. Stan Allen *88,
who earned his master of architecture degree at Princeton, returns to
campus this summer as dean of the School of Architecture. Also this year I appointed
the Rev. Thomas Breidenthal as dean of religious life and promoted Peter
McDonough, A year of construction We tapped another graduate
alumnus, Demetri Porphyrios *80, as the architect for Princetons
landmark Whitman College, the first residential college that Princeton
will be able to create in its entirety. Made possible by a $30 million
gift from Meg Whitman 77 and her family, the college will be built
north of Baker Rink in a collegiate gothic style and will house 500 undergraduates
from all four classes as well as a number of graduate students and some
faculty. The college is scheduled to open in the fall of 2006 when we
begin to admit undergraduate classes that are about 10 percent larger
than our current classes. The planning for Whitman College is part of
a more comprehensive effort to assess and prepare for all of the implications
of a larger student body in the classroom, in residential and extracurricular
life, and in many other areas of the University. While Whitman College is the
largest construction project on our agenda, as any visitor to campus will
know it is far from the only one. (The Class of 1992 chose campus construction
as its 10th reunion theme, wearing construction worker outfits and featuring
cranes and backhoes in the P-Rade, rather than the more conventional marching
bands.) We completed several major projects this past year, including
the Bobst Center for Peace and Justice in the renovated former eating
club at 83 Prospect Avenue, and the Friend Center for Engineering Education,
which faces both William Street and a new quadrangle that it forms with
the computer science building, Mudd library, Shapiro Walk and the Princeton
University Press. Made possible by a gift from Dennis Keller 63,
the building is already an extraordinary success not Projects currently under construction
include the Carl C. Icahn Laboratory, which will house our new Lewis-Sigler
Institute for Integrative Genomics. Designed by Rafael Viñoly,
the architect who designed Princeton Stadium, this building will join
Scully dormitory and a new dormitory now under construction in forming
an ellipse along the northern perimeter of Poe and Pardee fields. The
new dormitory will include an arch through which future P-Rades will march
before passing the reviewing stand. Also under renovation and construction
is a humanities center that will be named for Gerhard Andlinger 52,
whose gift is helping us to create it out of a substantially renovated
East Pyne and Chancellor Green, Joseph Henry House and a small new building
that will be constructed just to the east of Joseph Henry House. We also
are completing construction on Robertson Hall, expanding our art library,
and continuing our ongoing programs of dormitory renovation and landscape
improvement. Along with Whitman College,
we are beginning to design another landmark project, a science library
at the corner of Washington Road and Ivy Lane that has been made possible
by a $60 million gift from Peter Lewis 55. To meet the challenge
of designing a building that will accommodate the ever-changing needs
of 21st century students and scholars and ever-changing technologies,
we have engaged the internationally acclaimed architect, Frank Gehry,
who we are confident will provide us with a building worthy of its prime
site and critical mission. Looking ahead With a new leadership team
in place, I am looking forward this summer to thinking further about where
Princeton should be five to ten years from now and what it will take to
get there. In the fall, we will take a longer look into the future at
a special trustee retreat that will focus on areas in which we believe
Princeton can play a special leadership role, both nationally and internationally.
We will continue to press forward with implementation of the recommendations
in the Wythes Committee report, and we hope to make progress in a number
of other areas where task forces have been hard at work, including one
that has been looking at the field of international studies and another
that has been developing strategies to attract and retain talented women
faculty in the natural sciences and engineering. I have no doubt that
it will be a full and busy summer.