April 4, 2001:
education for a high-tech world
Engineering school
dean James Wei reflects on 10 years of change
by Kathryn Federici Greenwood
As its dean for a decade,
James Wei has led the School of Engineering and Applied Science
through its evolution - adjusting curriculum and research to fit
the world's emerging needs. He has overseen a host of changes, among
them the spawning of inventions and new technologies, the increase
in the number of women on the faculty, the construction of the Friend
Center for Engineering Education due to open next fall, and the
development of new courses and research programs in conjunction
with other science and humanities departments.
Each year about one-fifth
of Princeton's undergraduates major in one of the six engineering
departments. Although there are no typical engineering students,
they routinely achieve high marks. In the last 10 years, four engineering
students were named university valedictorians. In any year, some
50 percent of academic achievement awards given out at Opening Exercises
in September go to SEAS students. Considered one of the top programs
in the nation and the best among the Ivies, the school's prime mission
is to produce students who are comfortable both with technology
and the liberal arts.
With just a little over
a year to go before his appointment as dean expires in June 2002,
Wei, who came to the U.S. in 1949 from China and earned his doctorate
in chemical engineering from M.I.T., talked with PAW about the accomplishments
and goals of the school.
Why do undergraduates
decide to study engineering, and what do they end up doing in their
There's a whole variety
of reasons why they come here for engineering. The career pattern
in the past used to be manufacturing - making useful things like
light bulbs or cars. But increasingly our economy is changing to
a service economy. More and more students end up in investment banking,
brokerage firms, consulting, and so forth.
Roughly one-fourth of
our students start and stay in engineering jobs. The other three-quarters
do other things or go to graduate school, either medical, business,
law, or a Ph.D. program. Engineering becomes part of the background
that teaches them quantitative skills, organization, ways with technology,
and so forth.
Do you wish more alumni
stayed in engineering?
Our job is not to tell
them where they should go. Our job is to prepare them so that they
can find their own place in the world. Whatever it is, if they are
successful and happy, we are happy. We don't take the position they
should all be making cars or light bulbs. There's more to life than
I've heard that engineering
graduates joke that a Princeton degree doesn't prepare you to actually
do engineering.
It's usually true. I've
been talking to a number of my graduates who are executives in manufacturing.
They said, "If we were to hire a Texas A&M graduate, and
put him in this oil field in Texas, he would immediately know which
valve to turn and how to get more oil out of the ground. But if
I hire one of your graduates, it will take a year or two before
they are up to that speed." I said, "You don't like our
graduates?" And they said, "Oh, no, no. Quite the opposite.
Inside three to five years, your graduate would outperform the Texas
A&M graduate because your students know more about people, about
economics, about politics. They would just excel. They're just not
geared to narrowly focused engineering jobs." I was very glad
to hear that.
Our students don't all
go work in an oil field. Some work for pharmaceutical companies
or cosmetics. And each company has its own special needs. It is
not our intention to teach them how to hit the ground running in
all these industries. And this is not the purpose of education anyway.
That's the kind of thing industry should teach them. Our kids are
not educated to know which valve to turn.
How are Princeton
engineering students different from those at institutions like M.I.T.,
Caltech, and Stanford?
The ones that go to M.I.T.
are probably planning to become engineers for a long time and dedicate
themselves to studying and learning math, physics, chemistry, and
so forth. We tend to get students who are just as good in these
areas but they spend a lot more time on liberal arts and working
in team student organizations, taking leadership positions.
Before I came to Princeton,
I was a department head at M.I.T. for 14 years. There used to be
a saying at M.I.T: M.I.T. is good at producing chief engineers,
but somehow they very often end up working for CEOs who are Princeton
Every year or so I stage
the Gordon Wu lectureship. We have had many outstanding leaders
give these lectures, such as [former CEO of Lockheed Martin] Norman
Augustine '57 *59, Phil Condit *65 of Boeing, and most recently
we had Jeff Bezos '86 of Amazon.com. And when people ask them what
they attribute their success to, they always mention that they had
a rigorous education in science and engineering at Princeton, but
they also got great exposure to the liberal arts, which helps to
broaden their understanding; they know more about people and organizations
than engineers from other places.
Why do you think that
a lot of Princeton's academic awards go to engineering students?
The engineering students
take studying at Princeton more seriously. They are better organized
and more disciplined. They spend more hours studying than most other
students. We usually split the top academic prizes with the real
ferocious departments like math, physics, and astrophysics.
The engineering school
is developing courses that are attractive to liberal arts students,
such as former Harvard Business School professor, congressman, and
entrepreneur Ed Zschau '61's course High-tech Entrepreneurship.
Why is it important for a history major, for example, to know something
about engineering?
Because technology is
making such rapid strides and controlling so much in the world,
our liberal arts students should know something about engineering
and technology before they graduate. Right now, something on the
order of 30 to 40 percent of liberal arts graduates take one or
more courses in the engineering school. I don't think that's enough.
We need to find courses
that the liberal arts students will find useful to their own careers
and to their own understanding.
How has the curriculum
changed for engineering students?
Our students used to
be taught that they were supposed to make useful things that people
want. So there were only two parties involved - the buyer and the
seller. Gradually it became more evident than ever that there's
a third party involved - it includes the public and biodiversity,
the water, the air. We have to teach our students how to deal with
the environment and what is involved. And how to be responsible
for these changes.
What is the research
strategy you see for Princeton's future?
Our research strategy
is controlled by a few factors that we have to mention first. People
usually associate M.I.T., Stanford, and Berkeley with having the
best engineering programs. All three of them are three to four times
bigger than Princeton engineering. We have about a hundred professors,
and they have 300 to 400 professors. So we compete with them by
trying to do a few things exceptionally well, because we cannot
do everything. If they have 10 programs, we cannot have 10 programs.
We could have two or three. We pick and choose to see which are
the areas that we have an advantage in. We find departments in the
sciences and in humanities that can back us up.
And there are some research
areas in which we are the strongest in the world because we picked
them well and put a lot of faculty there. We are very good in computer
theory, and we're very good at multimedia, meaning combining computers
with sound and pictures. In electrical engineering we are good at
POEM [the Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials].
Princeton's one-year,
no-thesis master of engineering degree sounds very un-Princeton.
Has it been hard to promote?
Not really. Princeton
is such an old school with a great tradition. Usually what you want
to do is persuade everybody that this is not a new idea, but an
old idea, and everybody would feel better. We always had a master's
degree, it's just that we didn't put much emphasis on it until recently.
The master's is not a
research degree, but neither do we want all our Princeton alumni
doing research and teaching. Our purpose is to prepare them for
leadership positions, whichever way they go.
Most of the master's
degrees in the past were based on doing a thesis, which tends to
take an indefinite length of time. So a lot of people don't want
to do a thesis because they fear that they would be out of circulation
for too long. But if you have an assurance that you can earn a master's
in one year, a lot more people are willing to take the plunge. At
Stanford there are as many as 900 master's degrees a year in engineering.
Mainly these are people who work in Silicon Valley, and they never
show up on campus. They go to their company cafeterias in the evenings
and turn on the TV and hear the lecture. It is a big money-making
proposition. But we're not going to do that.
What's the advantage,
then, to offering the one-year program?
In the words of one of
my faculty members, "This is to help Princeton cast a longer
shadow." We need to help the people who have companies around
us. New Jersey is quite an innovation state with all the pharmaceuticals,
electronics, and so forth. More companies would be willing to locate
here and hire a lot of engineers if they could have a chance to
come to Princeton and get a master's degree. Many of the engineers
would like to get more education; we should provide that.
I understand that
close to three-fourths of Princeton's patents are generated by faculty
members associated with the engineering school. Has collaboration
with industry been a new development for the SEAS?
We used to pay no attention
to patents and inventions. In the last 10 years, we've come a long
way. We're beginning to do a lot more patenting and doing a lot
more spawning out new companies. Ten years ago there was almost
nothing. But now with POEM, and Ed Zschau, the professors are more
and more conscious of the idea of starting new companies. Engineering
shouldn't be all theory but also deliver something that will make
people's lives better.
As far as national
averages go, Princeton is above the curve on the percentage of women
on the SEAS faculty - one-tenth - and the number of female undergraduates
- one-third of SEAS students (twice the national average). Has there
been an effort to recruit women to the faculty and attract more
female students?
Indeed. When I first
came we had two women on the faculty. We've come a long way. Though
I would like to see those numbers grow. But we also have other targets,
too. We have one black faculty member out of a hundred. We need
more. We have an offer out to a second black professor, and we hope
he will come.
Have you tried to
encourage black undergraduates, who comprise just 9 percent of the
engineering program, to pursue careers in academia?
I have a lot of black
undergraduates here and I ask them, "Are you going on to graduate
school?" They say, "Oh no. I want to make money."
I tell them, "Somebody has to go to graduate school."
"Not me," they say. "We don't care about your statistics,
we want our own career." Bless them. They have their own goals
in mind.
How many hours a week
do you spend at work?
The dean of engineering
job involves general oversight, so there is a great deal of discretion
on what is most worthwhile to work on. I also teach and do research
on a regular basis. So I do what I can, and then I go to paint and
play the piano.
Kathryn Federici Greenwood
is PAW's staff writer.