January 24, 2001:
Notable Alumni of the Graduate School
Since William Libbey
received the first doctoral degree conferred by Princeton, in 1879,
thousands of graduate alumni have gone on to make names for themselves
in the wider world. In honor of the celebration of the Graduate
School's centennial, an Alumni Council committee, together with
the Princetoniana committee, has been working to compile a list
of notable graduate alumni of the 20th century. The following 100
names have been selected by the editors of PAW, somewhat arbitrarily,
from that much larger compilation. Suggestions? Additions? Corrections?
Let us know.
Princeton University
Harold Dodds *14, History,
Politics & Economics · 1933-57
Robert Goheen '40 *48,
Classics · 1957-72
William Bowen *58, Economics
· 1972--88
Harold Shapiro *64, Economics
· 1988-2001
Clinton Davisson *11,
Physics · 1937
Arthur Holly Compton
*16, Physics · 1927
Edwin McMillan *33, Physics
· Chemistry 1951
John Bardeen *36, Mathematics
· Physics 1956
Robert Hofstadter *38,
Physics · 1961
Richard Feynman *42,
Physics · 1965
Philip Anderson *49,
Physics · 1977
John Nash *50, Mathematics
· Economics 1994
Steven Weinberg *57,
Physics · 1979
Richard Smalley *74,
Chemistry · 1996
James Heckman *71, Economics
· 2000
Academics, Researchers,
& Inventors
Henry Norris Russell
*1900, Astronomy
Coinventor of Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, crucial to understanding
of stellar evolution; Princeton professor, 1905-57
Henry DeWolf Smyth '18
*21, Physics
Author, Atomic Energy for Military Purposes on the Manhattan Project;
member of Atomic Energy Commission, 1949-54; Princeton professor,
Willard Thorp *26, English
Oversaw compilation of Literary History of the United States; Princeton
professor, 1926-90
Harry Hammond Hess *32,
In 1960, originated the concept of Sea Floor Spreading, which led
to the "Plate Tectonic Revolution" in the earth sciences;
Princeton professor 1934-69
Lyman Spitzer *38, Physics
Known as the "Father of the Hubble Space Telescope," Princeton
professor, 1947-97
Alan Turing *38, Mathematics
Developed principles of the "Turing Machine," a device
that laid the foundation for the modern computer; leader in breaking
German "Enigma" codes during World War II
John Tukey *39, Mathematics
Important statistician, known for work in telecommunications industry;
coined the terms "bit" and "software"; Princeton
professor, 1950-2000
William McElroy *43,
Pioneer in bioluminescence; discoverer of luciferase, the firefly
enzyme; chancellor, University of California-San Diego, 1972-80
Harrison White *60, Sociology
Leader in mathematical analyses of business firms and market operation;
professor, Columbia
W. Robert Connor *61,
Director, National Humanities Center; Princeton professor, emeritus
Robert Kahn *64, MS,
Electrical Engineering
CEO, Corporation for National Research Initiatives; former director
at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, where he
developed ARPANET, which led to the Internet
Burton Malkiel *64, Economics
Author, A Random Walk Down Wall Street; current Princeton professor
W. Jason Morgan *64,
First to propose that the earth's surface was formed of plates;
cowinner, 2000 Vetlesen Prize for Earth Science Achievement; current
Princeton professor
Elizabeth Bailey *72,
Chair, Public Policy and Management, Wharton School at the University
of Pennsylvania; Commissioner, Civil Aeronautics Board, 1977-83
Margaret Geller *75,
MacArthur Fellow; codiscoverer, Great Wall of Galaxies; professor,
Edward Witten *76, Physics
Pioneer in string theory; winner of the Fields Medal, highest honor
for mathematicians; professor, Institute for Advanced Study
Elaine Fuchs *77, Biochemical
Pioneer in biochemical and molecular studies of human skin diseases;
professor, University of Chicago
West *80, Philosophy
Noted author, lecturer, and expert on race relations; professor,
David Card *83, Economics
Labor economist; won Clark Medal for best U.S. economist under the
age of 40; professor, University of California-Berkeley
Allison Booth *86, English
Chair, English Department, University of Virginia
NASA Scientists/Astronauts
Gerald Soffen *61, Biology
Project scientist, Viking Mars Project; founder, Mission to Planet
Earth program, creator, NASA Academy
Gerald Carr *62, MSE,
Aeronautical Engineering
Astronaut, Skylab 4
James Adamson *77, MSE,
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Astronaut, Shuttle STS 43
Daniel Barry *80, Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science
Astronaut, Shuttle STS 72, STS 96
Gregory Linteris '79
*90, MSE, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Astronaut, Shuttle STS 83
Lee Iacocca *46, MSE,
Mechanical Engineering
Chair and CEO, Chrysler Corp., 1979-92
George Rathman *51, Chemistry
Founder, Amgen
Norman Augustine '57
*59, MSE, Aeronautical Engineering
Chair, Lockheed Martin
Michael Jordan *59, MSE,
Chemical Engineering
CEO, Westinghouse, 1993-97
Philip Condit *65, MSE,
Aeronautical Engineering
Chair and CEO, Boeing Corp.
Robert Johnson *72, MPA,
Chair and CEO, Black Entertainment Television
Arthur Levinson *77,
Biochemical Sciences
President and CEO, Genentech
Ann Kirschner *78, English
President and CEO, Fathom, a Web company offering online learning
Peter Dawkins *79, WWS
Vice chair, Citigroup; Heisman Trophy winner
Barbara Cassani *84,
CEO, Go Airlines
Presidents of colleges
and universities
Karl Compton *12, Physics
MIT, 1930-48; brother of Nobel laureate Arthur *16
Frederick Seitz *34,
Rockefeller University, 1968-78
John Toll *52, Physics
Washington College; chancellor, emeritus, University of Maryland
Chang Lin-Tien *59, Mechanical
University of California, Berkeley, 1990-97
Ilhi Synn *66, German
Keimyung University, Daegu, South Korea
Don Randel '62 *67, Music
University of Chicago
Daniel Christman *69,
USMA (West Point)
Hunter Rawlings *70,
Cornell University
Marsden *72, Sociology
York University, Toronto
Janet Holmgren *74, Linguistics
Mills College
John Gerhart *75, WWS
American University, Cairo
Prize winners
Thornton Wilder *26,
Modern Languages
The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1927), Our Town (1938), and The Skin
of Our Teeth (1942)
George Will *68, Politics
Washington Post commentary (1977)
F. Taylor Branch *70,
Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63 (1988)
Sheryl Wu Dunn *88, MPA,
New York Times coverage of Tiananmen Square revolt, China (1990)
Robert P. Tristram Coffin
*16, Unknown
Lowell Thomas *16, History
and Politics
Radio and television broadcaster; chronicled exploits of Lawrence
of Arabia, hosted "High Adventure with Lowell Thomas"
(CBS, 1957-58)
Frederick Crews *58,
Wrote The Pooh Perplex, a bestselling parody of literary criticism
Jason McManus *58, MPA,
Editor-in-chief, Time Warner, 1987-94
Verlyn Klinkenborg *82,
New York Times columnist
Richard Preston *83,
Bestselling author of The Hot Zone,
The Cobra Event
Patricia Cohen *86, MPA, WWS
Editor, Art & Ideas, New York Times
Milton Babbitt *42 MFA,
*92 Ph.D, Music
Renowned modern composer; in 1982 received special Pulitzer citation
for his body of work; Princeton professor, emeritus
Robert Venturi '47 *50,
MFA, Architecture
Architect; designer of several buildings on Princeton's campus
Charles Rosen '48 *51,
Modern Languages and Literature
Concert pianist and music scholar; professor, University of Chicago,
John Harbison *63, MFA,
Composer of opera Gatsby
Leaders in the Arts/Nonprofits
Alfred Barr '22 *23,
Art and Archaeology
Founding director, Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Wen Fong '51 *58, Art
and Archaeology
Consulting chair, Asian Art department, Metropolitan Museum of Art,
1971-99; Princeton professor, emeritus
Hoving '53 *60, Art and Archaeology
Director, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1967-77; now editorial director,
Ralph Gomory *54, Mathematics
President, Sloan Foundation
Peter Bell *64, MPA,
President, CARE
James Johnson *68, MPA,
Chair, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Barry Munitz *68, Comparative
Chair, Getty Foundation; Princeton trustee
William Thorsell *72,
CEO, Royal Ontario Museum
Lawrence Goldman *76,
President and CEO, New Jersey Performing Arts Center
Syngman Rhee *10, Unknown
President of the Republic of Korea, 1948-60
Allen Dulles *16, History
and Politics
CIA Director, 1953-61
Paul van Zeeland *21,
Economics and Social Institutions
Belgian premier, 1936-37
Andrew Goodpaster *50,
Politics (*49 MSE)
General; NATO Commander, 1969-74; Superintendent, USMA, 1977-81
Murray Weidenbaum *58,
(*54 MPA, WWS)
Chairman of President's Council of Economic Advisers, 1981-82
W. Michael Blumenthal
*56, Economics
(*53 MPA, WWS)
Secretary of the Treasury, 1977-79
Josephat Njunga Karanja
*62, History
Former vice president of Kenya
William Crowe, Jr. *65,
Admiral; Chair, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1985-89
Meldon Levine *66, MPA,
U.S. Congressman (D--CA), 1983-93
Robert Taft *67, MPA,
Governor, State of Ohio
Richard Holbrooke *70,
U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.
N. Lloyd Axworthy *72,
Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1996-2000
V. Manuel Camacho Solis
*72, MPA, WWS
Mayor of Mexico City, 1988-94
W. Anthony Lake *74,
National Security assistant, 1993-97
Ryan Crocker *85, MCF**,
U.S. Ambassador to Syria
Degrees are Ph.D.s unless
otherwise noted.
** The Mid-Career Fellows
program was a non-degree program offered by the Woodrow Wilson School.