October 11, 2000
What They
Did on Their Summer Vacations
semester is in full swing, and the memory of summer fades as surely
as the days grow shorter. But summer activity on campus leaves lasting
legacies. The most visible, to the eye at least, are new facilities,
including the wonderful Frist Campus Center which was completed
in early September. In addition, the Sociology Department, the Office
of Population Research, the social sciences library and members
of the Woodrow Wilson School occupied the new Wallace Hall; the
Finance Program settled into Bendheim Hall, the refurbished Dial
Lodge; students took up residence in the renovated Blair dormitory;
and Princeton's men's and women's crews moved
into expanded headquarters at the Shea Rowing Center. The most important
activities that take place over the summer appear later in the classroom,
in scholarly publications, or in the University's academic
program. Faculty use the summer to develop or renew courses and
to further research. Often both undergraduate and graduate students
are intimately involved with these activities.
The following brief summaries
will give you some idea of
how teaching and research here at Princeton were advanced this summer
by faculty and students who are in
the sciences and engineering. Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering Naomi Leonard *85 is heading up a team of researchers,
including both undergraduate and graduate students, that is trying
to answer an age-old question in biology: How does a group -- whether
schools of fish, flocks of birds, or herds of land animals -- move
in a synchronized, seemingly intelligent way in the absence of any
apparent designated leader? The research group used the summer to
construct a submersible vehicle to help decipher the "traffic laws"
that control this aspect of group behavior. Answers to the question
could lead to the creation of a "school" of autonomous underwater
vehicles that could greatly improve ocean exploration -- searching
for plumes of pollution or airplane wreckage. Such a fleet, of unmanned
submarines for example, could travel in formation and navigate obstacles
without external prompting.
Our efforts to promote
and foster excellence in teaching through the 250th Anniversary
Fund for Innovation in Teaching gain important momentum during the
summer months. One of the fund's objectives is to promote
curriculum development. With support from the fund this summer,
Professor of Physics David Wilkinson began work on a new course
intended to introduce sophomores to the techniques, methods and
equipment familiar to professional research scientists. The focus
is on hands-on learning and mentoring by professionals. Students
will work in groups of three on experiments and will be encouraged
to seek advice from faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students
and physics staff members. The course will help them decide whether
they want to pursue a laboratory science as an area of concentration
by showing them what experimental science is really like. Professor
Wilkinson explains that the course will also bring gifted young
researchers to the attention of faculty. As he says, some students
who may not excel in their regular course work, really "catch
fire" in the laboratory. This course will bring these talents
to light at a much earlier stage in the student's career
than is now sometimes possible.
Several of the science
departments sponsor summer programs specifically intended to engage
undergraduates in ongoing research being conducted at the University.
Under a program offered by the Department of Molecular Biology and
partly funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, undergraduates
between their third and fourth years spend the summer working in
the laboratory on projects that often give them a head start on
their senior theses.
For over a decade, Dr.
Henry Gingrich and Kirsten Erwin in the Department of Chemistry
have organized the Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)
to enable eight to ten first- and second-year undergraduates to
participate in research in the department. Funding for the program
is provided largely by pharmaceutical and chemical companies, with
additional support from research grants to individual faculty members.
Undergraduates accepted into the program work on a research project
in the laboratory of one of the faculty members and participate
in a seminar program in which they give a public presentation on
their project.
As part of SURP, this
summer Garani Nadaraja '02 participated in Dr. Suzanne Walker's
research group studying a bacterial enzyme called MurG. This particular
enzyme is essential to the bacteria's survival because of
the role it plays in making the bacterial cell wall. What Dr. Walker
and her group learn about the enzyme can help other scientists identify
substances that can be used to destroy or impair MurG, and eventually
lead to new antibiotics. Since bacteria are rapidly developing resistance
to the full array of current clinically-used antibiotics, contributions
to our understanding of such enzymes are of enormous importance.
Like other students in
SURP and participants in research projects in other departments,
over the summer Garani gained six weeks of intense hands-on laboratory
experience and, in her case, made discoveries that will contribute
to a possible new arsenal in fighting bacterial disease. She also
discovered that chemistry is the field she wants to pursue as her
area of concentration at Princeton -- not a bad end result for a
summer "off."