Acid Rain and Transported Air Pollutants: Implications for Public Policy
NTIS order #PB84-222967
Full Report ~7492K

Front Matter ~37K
Table of Contents ~62K
1: Summary ~413K
2: The Policy Dilemma ~216K
3: Transported Air Pollutants: The Risks of Damage and the Risks of Control ~297K
4: The Pollutants of Concern ~491K
5: The Regional Distribution of Risks ~528K
6: Policy Options ~151K
7: Legislating Emissions Reductions ~204K
A: Emissions and the Costs of Control ~2335K
B: Effects of Transported Pollutants ~1405K
C: Atmospheric Processes ~986K
D: Existing Domestic and International Approaches ~414K
Index ~267K