The Role of Genetic Testing in the Prevention of Occupational Diseases
NTIS order #PB83-233734
Full Report ~3267K
Front Matter ~37K
Table of Contents ~20K
Part I: Introduction to Genetic Testing
1: Executive Summary ~167K
2: Introduction: Occupational Illness and Genetic Testing ~187K
3: Survey of the Use of Genetic Testing in the workplace ~90K
Part II: Underlying Scientific Principles
4: Essentials of Genetics ~146K
5: Principles of Genetic Testing ~62K
Part III: An Assessment of the State of the Art
6: Genetic Monitoring in the workplace ~579K
7: Genetic Screening for Heritable Traits ~469K
Part IV: Legal, Ethical, and Economic Issues
8: Legal Issues Raised by Genetic Testing in the workplace ~350K
9: Application of Ethical Principles to Genetic Testing ~57K
10: Prospects and Problems for the Economic Evaluation of Genetic Testing ~98K
Part V: Congressional Issues and Options
11: Issues and Options ~39K
A: Survey Design and Methodology ~60K
B: Report From the National Opinion Research Center ~176K
C: Survey Materials ~131K
D: Background Frequencies for Chromosomal Aberrations ~185K
E: Background Frequencies for Sister Chromatid Exchanges ~56K
F: Screening Tests (Available at Hospitals or Medical Centers) for Heritable Traits ~54K
G: Other Contractors and Contributors ~15K
Index ~513K