An Assessment of Development and Production Potential of Federal Coal Leases
NTIS order #PB82-149378
Full Report
Front Matter
Table of Contents
1: Executive Summary
2: Background and Introduction
3: Federal Coal Leases and Preference Right Lease Applications: An Overview
4: Federal Coal Resources
5: Markets and Projected Demand for Federal Coal
6: Development Potential and Production Prospects of Federal Coal Leases
7: The Powder River Basin "A Case Study"
8: Transportation
9: Federal Coal Lease Management
10: Implications-of Environmental and Reclamation Issues for the Development of Federal Coal
11: Mining Technology
12: Revenues and Socioeconomic Impacts
13: Patterns and Trends in Ownership of Federal Coal Leases and PRLAs 1950-80
A: Development and Production of Federal Coal Leases in the Southern Rocky Mountain States
B: OTA Working Lease List and Lessee Index
C: Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Glossary
D: Some Key References
E: Availability of OTA Working Papers