Issues and Options in Flood Hazards Management
NTIS order #PB80-151087
Full Report ~1681K
Front Matter ~66K
Table of Contents ~19K
1: Executive Summary ~74K
2: Introduction ~5K
3: Floods: A National Policy Concern ~453K
4: A Framework for Flood Hazards Management ~193K
5: Trends and Images of the Future ~33K
6: The Issues ~20K
7: The National Flood Insurance Program ~247K
8: Flood Insurance Issues ~176K
9: Legal Aspects of Floodplain Regulation in the 1970's ~161K
10: The Roles of Federal, State, and Local Governments ~100K
11: Knowledge Gaps and Research Needs ~108K
12: Some Policy Options ~71K
A: Coastal Erosion ~22K
B: Executive Order 11988 ~47K