New Technology for NATO: Implementing Follow-On Forces Attack
NTIS order #PB87-200267
Full Report ~4200K
Front Matter ~38K
Table of Contents ~9K
Part I: Principal Findings and Summary
1: Principal Findings ~63K
2: Summary ~814K
Part II: Analyses
3: Introduction and Background ~27K
4: The Soviet/Warsaw Pact Ground Forces Threat to Europe ~350K
5: Objectives for Attacks of Follow-On Forces ~99K
6: Operational Concepts for Attacks of Follow-On Forces ~470K
7: Soviet Responses to FOFA ~192K
8: European Views on FOFA ~394K
9: Current Capabilities ~48K
10: Technology Issues: Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition to Support Follow-On Forces Attack ~556K
11: Technology Issues: Munitions and Delivery Systems ~573K
12: Packages of Systems and Capabilities for Attacks of Follow-on Forces ~519K
13: Summary of Recent Studies of Follow-On Forces Attack ~101K
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms ~153K