Life-Sustaining Technologies and the Elderly
NTIS order #PB87-222527
Full Report ~16244K

Front Matter ~45K
Table of Contents ~7K
1: Summary and Policy Options ~420K
2: The Context of the Report ~1395K
3: Legal Issues ~1468K
4: Ethical Issues ~1130K
5: Resuscitation ~1991K
6: Mechanical Ventilation ~2392K
7: Dialysis for Chronic Renal Failure ~1244K
8: Nutritional Support and Hydration ~2269K
9: Life-Sustaining Antibiotic Therapy ~1972K
10: Manpower and Training ~705K
A: Method of the Study ~31K
B: Acknowledgments ~16K
C: Future Developments in Life-Sustaining Technologies ~790K
D: NRCBL International Directory of Bioethics Organizations ~44K
E: NIH Workshop Summary: Withholding and Withdrawing Mechanical Ventilation ~205K
F: The Effect of Normal Aging on the Assessment of Nutritional Status ~71K
G: Recommended Antibiotic Regimens for Elderly Patients With Selected Life-Threatening Infections ~165K
H: Glossary of Acronyms and Terms ~62K
Index ~168K