![Report cover](8529/8529_T.GIF)
Technology and Aging in America
NTIS order #PB86-116514
Full Report ~11673K
![. . . . .](../../resource/5dotblue.GIF)
Front Matter ~65K
Table of Contents ~6K
1: Executive Summary ~833K
2: Introduction: Technological Change and the Older U.S. Population ~556K
3: Selected chronic Conditions, Technology, and Biomedical Research ~2135K
4: Health Promotion/Disease Prevention and Nutrition in the Elderly ~238K
5: Medications and the Elderly ~338K
6: Information Technology and the Health of an Aging Population ~271K
7: Technologies, Functional Impairment- and Long-Term Care ~1506K
8: Health Care Costs and Access to Technology for Older Persons ~379K
9: Technology, Housing, and the Living Environment of the Elderly ~939K
10: Workplace Technology and the Employment of Older Adults ~764K
A: Morbidity and Mortality Data ~2352K
B: The Cell Biology of Aging ~154K
C: Nutrition Information ~702K
D: Biotechnology ~223K
E: Workplace Technology and the Employment of Older Adults ~319K
F: Glossary of Terms and Acronyms ~43K
G: List of Contractors ~7K
Index ~169K
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