![Report cover](9547/9547_T.GIF)
Wireless Technologies and the National Information Infrastructure
GPO stock #052-003-01421-1
Full Report ~2929K
![. . . . .](../../resource/5dotblue.GIF)
Front Matter ~109K
Table of Contents ~98K
Executive Summary ~173K
Part A: Overview
1: Introduction & Policy Issues ~574K
2: Mobility and the Implications of Wireless Technologies ~196K
Part B: Wireless Technologies & Applications
3: Voice Technologies and Applications ~721K
4: Wireless Data ~527K
5: Broadcast and High-Bandwidth Services ~442K
Part C: Issues & Implications
6: Standards & Interoperability ~167K
7: Regulation of Interconnection ~171K
8: Zoning Regulations and Antenna Siting ~134K
9: Wireless Technologies and Universal Service ~121K
10: Privacy, Security, & Fraud ~169K
11: Health Issues ~137K
12: Electromagnetic Interference and Wireless Devices ~120K
A: Radio Communication Basics ~164K
B: Federal Government Roles ~97K
C: Acronyms and Glossary of Terms ~92K
D: Reviewers & Contributors ~85K
E: Workshop Participants ~81K
Index ~93K
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