U.S.-Russian Cooperation in Space
GPO stock #052-003-01410-6
Full Report ~1561K

Front Matter ~74K
Table of Contents ~66K
Executive Summary ~66K
1: Introduction & Findings ~376K
2: History and Current Status of the Russian Space Program ~336K
3: The Cooperative Experience to Date ~506K
4: Other Countries' Space Cooperation with Russia ~71K
5: Opportunities for and Impediments to Expanded Cooperation ~100K
6: Domestic Impact and Proliferation Concerns ~76K
A: 1992 and Subsequent U.S.-U.S.S.R. Space Agreements ~92K
B: Public Sector U. S.-Russian Cooperative Projects ~123K
C: Private Sector U.S.-Russian Cooperative Projects ~72K
D: Space Cooperation with the Soviet Union (Russia): A French Point of View ~66K
Index ~61K