Bringing Health Care Online: The Role of Information Technologies
GPO stock #052-003-01433-5
Full Report ~2051K

Front Matter ~77K
Table of Contents ~52K
1: Introduction, Summary, and Options ~254K
2: Information Technologies for Transforming Health Care ~637K
3: Networks for Health Information ~451K
4: Using Information Technology To Improve the Quality of Health Care ~414K
5: Telemedicine: Remote Access to Health Services and Information ~433K
A: Workshop Participants ~55K
B: Reviewers & Contributors ~55K
C: Applications of Clinical Decision Support Systems ~68K
D: Executive Branch Telemedicine Activities ~66K
E: Electronic Health Information Sources ~69K
F: Boxes, Figures, & Tables ~52K
G: Abbreviations & Glossay ~82K
Index ~65K