Industry, Technology, and the Environment: Competitive Challenges and Business Opportunities
GPO stock #052-003-01362-2
NTIS order #PB94-134616
Full Report ~6304K
Front Matter ~125K
Table of Contents ~91K
1: Summary ~549K
2: Issues and Options ~455K
3: Context and Conceptual Framework ~331K
4: The Global Environmental Market: Trends and Characteristics ~663K
5: U.S. Competitiveness in Environmental Technologies and Services ~721K
6: Export Promotion Programs ~611K
7: Environmental Requirements and U.S. Manufacturing Industry Competitiveness ~1420K
8: Pollution, Prevention, Cleaner Technology, and Compliance ~771K
9: Regulations and Economic Incentives in a Competitive Context ~587K
10: Research, Development, and Demonstration ~715K
A: Effects of Environmental Regulations on Economic Growth: A Review of Research ~227K
B: List of Acronyms ~97K
Index ~218K