Researching Health Risks
GPO stock #052-003-01360-6
NTIS order #PB94-134749
Full Report ~3389K
Front Matter ~118K
Table of Contents ~74K
1: Summary, Issues and Options ~624K
2: An Introduction to Health Risk Assessment and Its Research Base ~365K
3: Federal Research in Health Risk Assessment ~334K
4: Setting Priorities for Risk Assessment Research ~875K
5: Research and Decisionmaking ~404K
6: Indoor Radon: A Case Study in Decisionmaking ~359K
7: Structuring the Future of Health Risk Assessment Research ~276K
A: International Risk Assessment ~402K
B: Department of Health and Human Services Organization Chart ~88K
C: Federal Obligations for Health R&D by Source or Performer ~157K
D: FY 1992 Estimates of Funding Support by DHHS Agencies ~145K
E: List of Abbreviations ~85K
F: Acknowledgements ~77K
Index ~92K