Dismantling the Bomb and Managing the Nuclear Materials
NTIS order #PB94-107554
Full Report ~4658K
Front Matter ~110K
Table of Contents ~139K
1: Summary ~272K
2: Analysis of Warhead Retirement Programs and Plans ~574K
3: Warhead Dismantlement Programsand Plans ~1323K
4: Future Disposition of Nuclear Materials From Dismantled Weapons ~1165K
5: Public Concerns and Information Access ~369K
6: Opportunities to Aid Russian Dismantlement ~894K
7: Policy Issues and Initiatives ~166K
A: Plutonium Pit Storage at Pantex ~231K
B: States and Russia Joint Understanding on Strategic Offensive Arms ~80K
C: United States and Russian Agreement on the SSD Program ~86K
D: United States and Russian Agreement on the Disposition of Uranium from Nuclear Weapons ~86K
E: Labor and the Mission Change Within DOE ~122K
F: Acronyms and Glossary ~88K
G: Reviewers ~80K