An Inconsistent Picture: A Compilation of Analyses of Economic Impacts of Competing Approaches to Health Care Reform by Experts and Stakeholders
GPO stock #052-003-01327-4
NTIS order #PB93-203719
Full Report ~2616K
Front Matter ~109K
Table of Contents ~93K
Part I: Summary and Overview of Competing Approaches to Health Care Reform ~1245K
Part II: Potential Economic Impacts of Selected Reform Approaches ~76K
2: Impacts on National Health Care Spending and Savings ~116K
3: Impacts on Federal, State and Local Budgets ~132K
4: Impacts on Employers ~124K
5: Impacts on Employment ~105K
6: Impacts on Households ~168K
7: Impacts on Other Costs in the Economy ~106K
8: Impacts on Administrative Costs ~114K
Part III: Additional Policy Considerations and Conclusions ~575K
A: Overview of OTA Assessment: Technology, Insurance, and the Health Care System ~83K
B: Summaries of Specific Analyses of the Economic Impacts of Competing Approaches to Health Care Reform ~317K
C: Acknowledgments ~79K
D: Acronyms and Glossary of Terms ~122K
References ~223K
Index ~119K