Adult Literacy and New Technologies: Tools for a Lifetime

GPO stock #052-003-01330-4
NTIS order #PB93-218881

Report cover

Full Report ~11844K
Front Matter ~170K
Table of Contents ~181K

1: Summary and Policy Options ~1829K
2: The Changing Character of Literacy ~1206K
3: Adults as Learners ~2022K
4: The Literacy System: A Patchwork of Programs and Resources ~1751K
5: The Federal Role in Adult Literacy Education ~1323K
6: Improving the System: Promising Roles for Technology ~1335K
7: Technology Today: Practice vs. Promise ~2254K
8: Looking Ahead to a Future With Technology ~857K

A: List of Boxes, Figures, and Tables ~139K
B: Major Federal Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Programs ~179K
C: Key Coordination Provisions in Literacy Laws and Regulations ~136K
D: Glossary ~148K
E: List of Acronyms ~133K
F: Workshop Participants, and Reviewers and Contributors ~149K
G: Contributing Sites ~133K
H: Contractor Reports Prepared for This Assessment ~127K
Index ~161K