Biotechnology in a Global Economy
NTIS order #PB92-115823
Full Report ~4587K
Front Matter ~49K
Table of Contents ~8K
1: Summary ~831K
2: Introduction ~64K
Part I: Commercial Activity ~2K
3: Introduction: Commercial Activity ~20K
4: Financing ~423K
5: The Pharmaceutical Industry ~525K
6: Agriculture ~564K
7: The Chemical Industry ~180K
8: Environmental Applications ~402K
Part II: Industrial Policy ~3K
9: Introduction: Industrial Policy ~35K
10: Science and Technology Policies ~238K
11: Regulations ~500K
12: Intellectual Property Protection ~412K
A: Perspective: Biotechnology in 14 Countries ~154K
B: Comparative Analysis: Japan ~42K
C: Federal Funding of Biotechnology Research and Development ~50K
D: List of Conference and Workshop Participants ~15K
E: Acknowledgments ~20K
F: Acronyms and Glossary of Terms ~60K
Index ~168K