Biological Rhythms: Implications for the Worker
NTIS order #PB92-117589
Full Report ~5828K

Front Matter ~54K
Table of Contents ~4K
1: Summary, Policy Issues, and Options for Congressional Action ~497K
2: Introduction and Overview ~435K
3: Circadian Rhythms ~885K
4: The Prevalence and Use of Shift Work ~507K
5: Biological Rhythms and Work Schedules ~1071K
6: Legal and Regulatory Issues ~212K
7: Case Study: Nuclear Powerplant Control Room Operators ~232K
8: Case Study: Registered Nurses and Resident Physicians ~1050K
9: Case Study: The Military ~512K
A: International Regulation of Shift Work ~187K
B: Federal Research Activities ~48K
C: Participants in the Workshop on Shift Work and Extended Duty Hours ~4K
D: Acknowledgments ~15K
E: List of Contractor Documents ~6K
F: Decade of the Brain ~12K
G: Acronyms and Glossary of Terms ~37K
Index ~180K