Outdoor Action Library List
- Backpacking in the '90s
- Backpacking in the 80's
- Backpacking in the 90's: Tips, Techniques & Secrets
- Backpacking One Step at a Time
- Basic Essentials of Women in the Outdoors
- Desert Hiking
- Harsh Weather Camping
- NOLS Wilderness Guide
- The Best About Backpacking
- The Camper's Companion
- The Complete Wilderness Training Book: Field Skills for Adventure
in the Outdoors
- The New Complete Walker
- The Wilderness Educator: The Wilderness Assoc. Curriculum
- Trailside's Hints & Tips for Outdoor Adventure
- Walking Softly in the Wilderness
- Wilderness Basics
- Wilderness with Children: A Parent's Guide to Fun Family Adventures
Number of Titles 17
- 25 Bicycle Tours in Delmarva
- 25 Bicycle Tours in Eastern PA
- 25 Bicycle Tours in Maine
- 25 Bicycle Tours in NJ
- Anybody's Bike Book
- Basic Bicycle Repair
- Basic Riding Techniques
- Bicycle Maintenance & Repair
- Bicycle Maintenance Manual
- Bicycle Touring
- Bicycle Touring Manual
- Bicycling in NJ
- Bicycling the Blue Ridge
- Bike Touring
- Bikecentennial
- Easy Bicycle Maintenance
- Effective Cycling
- Hike and Bike Rides in New Jersey
- Instant Bicycle Repair
- Maine Geographic Bicycling Maps
- Richard's New Bicycle Book
- Ride Guide - South Jersey
- Ride Guide for North Jersey
- Ride Guide Hudson Valley & Sound Shore
- Ride Guide to South Jersey
- Ride Guide--Central Jersey
- Riding & Racing Techniques
- Roadside Bicycle Repairs
- Short Bike Rides in Eastern Pennsylvania
- Short Bike Rides in Eastern Pennsylvania
- Short Bike Rides in NJ
- Sloane's Handy Pocket Guide to Bicycle Repair
- The Bike Bag Book
- The Bike Stop
- The Cyclists' Yellow Pages
- The Mountain Bikers Guide to Central Appalachia
- The Mountain Bikers Guide to Northern New England
- The Mountain Bikers Guide to Southern New England
- Touring on Two Wheels
Number of Titles 39
- Adirondack Canoe Waters: North Flow
- Adirondack Canoe Waters: South and West Flow
- AMC River Guide, Volume 1: Maine
- AMC River Guide, Volume 2: Central/Southern New England
- Appalachian Waters 2: The Hudson River & Its Tributaries
- Appalachian Waters 3: The Susquehanna River & its Tributaries
- Appalachian Waters 5: The Upper Ohio and its Tributaries
- Appalachian Waters: The Delaware and its Tributaries
- Boundary Waters Canoe Area: Vol. 2 The Eastern Region
- Canoeing and Rafting
- Canoeing the Delaware River
- Canoeing the Jersey Pine Barrens
- Canoeing the Jersey Pine Barrens
- Canoeing Waterways: California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii
- Exploring the Little Rivers of New Jersey
- Exploring the Little Rivers of New Jersey
- Kayaking Puget Sound, The San Juans and Gulf Islands
- Maryland-PA Countryside Canoe Trips: Central Maryland
- New England White Water River Guide
- Paddle America
- Quiet Water Canoe Guide: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode
- Rivers of the Southwest
- Running the Rivers of North America
- The Delaware River
- The Whitewater Sourcebook
- Virginia White Water
- Water Trails of Washington
- White Water: Running the Wild Rivers of North America
Number of Titles 28
- A Canoeist Manual for the Promotion of Environ. & Ethical
- AMC White Water Handbook for Canoe and Kayak
- Boat Builder's Manual
- Canoe Travel Handbook
- Canoeing and Kayaking for Persons with Physical Disabilities
- Canoeing and kayaking: The American Red Cross
- Canoeing Instruction and Leadership
- Canoeing Safety & Rescue
- Introduction to Canoeing
- Kayaking
- Performance Kayaking
- River Rescue
- River Safety Report, 1982-1985
- Song of the Paddle
- The Basic Essential of Sea Kayaking
- The Basic Essential of Whitewater Kayaking
- The Best of the River Safety Task Force Newsletter
- The Bombproof Roll and Beyond!
- The Canoe and White Water
- The Complete Guide to Kayaking
- The Complete Wilderness Paddler
- The Roll Book
- The Roll Book
- Whitewater Kayaking
- Whitewater Rafting
- Wildwater: Sierra Club Guide to Canoeing and Kayaking
Number of Titles 26
- Caving
- Caving Basics
- Manual of U.S. Cave Rescue Techniques
Number of Titles 3
- ABC's of Avalanche Safety
- Accidents in North American Mountaineering
- Accidents in North American Mountaineering 1986
- Advanced Rockcraft
- Annapurna: A Woman's Place
- Avalance Safety for Skiers and Climbers
- Basic Rockcraft
- Bergsteigen: Basic Rock Climbing
- Climb PA
- Climbing Fit
- Climbing Ice
- East of Everest
- Everest
- Face Climbing
- Flash Training
- Glacier Travel and Crevasse Rescue
- Gym Climb!
- Gym CLimbing
- High Angle Rescue Techniques
- How to Rock Climb: Climbing Anchors
- How to Rock Climb: Face Climbing
- Ice Craft
- Leading Out: Women Climbers Reaching for the Top
- Learning to Rock Climb
- Lightweight Expeditions
- Military Mountaineering
- Modern Rope Techniques
- Modern Snow & Ice Techniques
- Mount McKinley Climber's Handbook
- Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills
- On Rope
- Performance Rock Climbing
- Rock Gear
- Rope Rescue Manual
- Ropes Knots and Slings for Climbers
- The American Alpine Journal
- The Big Walls
- The Morrow Guide to Knots
- The Vertical World of Yosemite
- Women Climbing
Number of Titles 40
- A Climbers Guide to the Adirondacks
- A Rock Climber's Guide
- Adirondack Rock and Ice Climbs
- Climb Pennsylvania
- Climbing Guide to the Delaware Water Gap
- East Coast Rock Climbs
- Rock ClLimbs of the Tohickon Gorge: A Climbers Guide to High
- Seneca Rock West Virginia: A Climber's Guide
- Shawangunk Rock Climbs
- Shawangunk Rock Climbs
- Southern Rock
- The Climber's Sourcebook
- The Gunk's Guide
- The Gunk's Guide
- The Gunks Guide
Number of Titles 15
- Cooking
- Gorp, Glop and Glue Stew
- Kayak Cookery
- NOLS Cookery
- NOLS Cookery
- The Backpacker's Food Book
- The Expedition Cookbook
- The Healthy Trail Food Book
- The Hungry Hikers Book of Good Cooking
- The One Pan Gourmet
- The Well-Fed Backpacker
- Trailside's Trail Food
- Wilderness Cuisine
- Wilderness Ranger Cookbook
Number of Titles 14
- 1987 Skiers Guide to New Jersey
- A Critical Guide to Cross-Country Ski Areas
- A Guide to Cross-country Skiin in Eastern Pennsylvania
- Best Ski Touring in America
- Colorado 10th Mountain Trails
- Cross-Country Skiing Yellowstone Country
- Nordic Skiing Trails
- Nordic Skiing Trails in New York State
- Northern Adirondack Ski Tours
- Ski Touring Guide
- Ski Tours in Central New York
- Ski Tours in Connecticut
- Ski Tours in the Green Mountains
- Ski Tours in the White Mountains
- Ski Tours in Western Massachusetts
Number of Titles 15
- Backcountry Skiing
- Complete Cross-Country Skiing and Ski Touring
- Cross Country, Downhill, and other Mountain Skiing Techniques
- Cross-Country Ski Gear
- Cross-Country Ski Gear
- Cross-Country Skiing
- Eastern Professional Ski Touring Instructions
- Mountain Skiing
- Mountain Skiing
- Ski Maintenance and Repair
- The Basic Essentials of Cross-country Skiing
- The Cross-country Primer
- The Cross-Country Ski, Cook, Look and Pleasure Book
- The New Cross-Country Ski Book
- The Telemark Ski Book
- Wilderness Skiing
Number of Titles 16
Number of Titles 1
- A Barefoot Doctor's Manual
- Advanced First Aid and Emergency Care
- AMA Handbook of First Aid & Emergency Care
- Being Your Own Wilderness Doctor
- Don't Die on the Mountain
- Emergency Medical Care for Mountain Climbers
- Frostbite
- High Altitude: Illness and Wellness
- Hip Pocket Emergency Survival Handbook
- Hypothermia
- Hypothermia, Frostbite and Other Cold Injuries
- Hypothermia: Causes, Effects, Prevention
- Hypothermia: Death by Exposure
- Hypothermia: Killer of the Unprepared
- Management of Wilderness and Environmental Emergencies
- Medicine for Mountaineering
- Medicine for the Backcountry
- Medicine for the Backcountry
- Medicine for the Backcountry - Second Edition
- Medicine for the Outdoors
- Mountain Sickness
- Mountaineering First Aid
- Mountaineering First Aid
- NOLS Wilderness First Aid
- Outdoor Emergency Care
- Outward Bound First Aid Handbook
- Paramedic: Human Systems & Patient Assessment
- Paramedic: Shock & Fluid Therapy
- Pocket Guide to Wilderness Medicine
- Simon & Schuster's Pocket Guide to Wilderness Medicine
- Standard First Aid and Personal Safety
- Surviving the Unexpected Wilderness Emergency
- The Ship's Medicine Chest and Medical Aid at Sea
- The Sports Medicine Book
- Ticks
- Wilderness Medicine
Number of Titles 36
- Acclimatizing
- Across the Running Tide
- AEE Conference Proceedings, 10/91
- AEE Heartland Region Peer Review Manual
- Bridges to Accessibility
- Communication
- Conscious Use of Metaphor in Outward Bound
- Creative Growth Games
- Encyclopedia of Ice Breakers
- Ethical Issues in Experiential Education
- High Profile
- Initiative Games
- Instrumentation in Human Relations Training
- Islands of Healing
- Joining Together
- Journal of Experiential Education
- Manual of Accreditation Standards for Adventure Programs
- Meeting the Unknown: Group Dynamics in the Wilderness
- More New Games
- Our Classroom is Wild America
- Processing the Adventure Experience: Theory & Practice
- Processing the Experience
- Project Adventure: Ropes Course Sourcebook
- Quicksilver
- Reaching Out
- Reference Guide to Handbooks and Annuals
- Ropes Course Safety Manual
- Situational Leadership Model Poster
- Situational Leadership Sampler
- The 24-Hour Experience
- The Anger Workbook
- The Art of Helping
- The New Game Book
- The Role of the Instructor in the OB Educational Process
- The Theory and Practice of Challenge Education
- The Theory of Experiential Education
Number of Titles 36
- Costa Rica Traveler
- Handle with Care: A Guide for Responsible Travel in Developing
- Trekking in Nepal & Tibet
- Trekking in Nepal: A Treveler's Guide
- Trekking Nepal
Number of Titles 5
- Careers in the Outdoors
- Conservation Directory 1992
- Earth Work: Resource Guide to Nationwide Green Jobs
- Guide to Outdoor Careers
- Internships
- National Director of Internships
- New England Field Guide to Environmental Education
- Opportunities in Environmental Careers
- The Complete Guide to Environmental Careers
- The Directory of National Environmental Organizations
- The National Directory of Internships
- The National Parks Trade Journal
- The Nature Directory
- Volunteer
- Yes: New Jersey Environmental Directory
Number of Titles 15
- Accidents Will Happen
- Coming into the Country
- Downriver, A Yellowstone Journey
- HIOBS Readings
- NCOBS Readings
- The Jersey Devil
- Wanderer On My Native Shore
- Wilderness and the American Mind
- Words for the Wild
Number of Titles 10
- Course Planning
- Cross-country Navigation
- Land Navigation Handbook
- Map & Compass
- OB Map & Compass Handbook
- Orienteering for Sport & Pleasure
- The Wilderness Route Finder
Number of Titles 7
- How to Shit in the Woods
- Soft Paths
- The Basic Essential of Minimizing Impact on the Wilderness
Number of Titles 3
- The Book of Outdoor Knots
- The Outdoor Athlete
Number of Titles 2
- A Field Guide to the Pine Barrens of New Jersey
- Audobon Guide to Natural Places of the Mid Atlantic
- Basic Projects in Wildlife Watching
- Eastern Forests
- Field Guide to Birds
- Field Guide to Nature Observation & Tracking
- Field Guide to New Jersey Nature Centers
- Field Guide to Wildflowers
- Fieldbook of Nature Photography
- Islands in Time
- Master Tree Finder
- Master Tree Finder
- Mountains: A Natural History and Hiking Guide
- The Basic Essential of Edible Wild Plants and Useful Herbs
- Timberline-A Nature Guide to the Mountains of the Northeast
- Timberline-A Nature Guide to the Mountains of the Northeast
- Trees of North America
- Trees of North America
- Underfoot: A Geologic Guide to the Appalachian Trail
Number of Titles 20
- 1980 Worldwide Travel Guide
- Adventure Travel North America
- Athletics, Sports, and Recreation
- Backpacking Equipment Guyer's Guide
- Explorers Ltd. Sourcebook
- Free Things for Campers
- National Outdoorsman's Encyclopedia
- REI: 50 Years of Climbing Together
- Where the Whales Are:Your Guide to Whale-Watching Trips in
No. Amer.
Number of Titles 9
- Legal Liability and Risk Management for Public and Private
- Outdoor Adventure Pursuits: Foundations, Models, and Theories
- The Backcountry Classroom
Number of Titles 3
- Guide to Corals & Fishes
- Sharks and Other Dangerous Sea Creatures
Number of Titles 2
- Glacier Bay National Park
- Sea Kayaking
- Sea Kayaking
- The Basic Essentials of Sea Kayaking
- The Essential Sea Kayaker
Number of Titles 5
- An Explorer, Search & Rescue Information Unit
- Analysis of Last Person Behavior
- Beginning an Explorer Search & Rescue Program
- Explorer Search & Rescue
- Missing - A Rule-Based System for Search & Rescue
- Mountain Search & Rescue Techniques
- Resource Guide for Search & Rescue Training Missions
- The Basic Essentials of Rescue from teh Backcountry
- Water Rescue
- Water Wise
- Western Region - Explorer Search & Rescue
- Wilderness Search & Rescue
Number of Titles 12
- Appalachian Trail
- Appalachian Trail, Conference Member Handbook
- Trail Design, Construction and Maintenance
Number of Titles 3
- Guide to the National Park Areas: Eastern States
Number of Titles 1
- A Guide to the National Parks
- Appalachian Trail Data Book
- Backpacker's Sourcebook
- Camping in the National Park System
- Desert Southwest
- Field Guide to US National Forests
- Guide to the National Wildlife Refuges
- Hiking Trails in the Mid-Atlantic States
- Hostelling USA
- Lesser-Known Areas of the National Park System
- Mobil Travel Guide 1991 - Middle Atlantic
- Mobil Travel Guide 1991 - Northeast
- National Parks of the United States
- Pocket Road Atlas
- Rand McNally Northeastern Road Atlas
- Sobeks Adventure Vacations
- The Essential Guide to Hiking in the United States
- The Highway Handbook
- The National Parks
- Travel and Leisure - Ah, Wilderness
- Woodall's 1991 Tent Camping Guide
- Woodall's Tenting Directory - Eastern Region
Number of Titles 22
- AMC Guide to Mount Washington and the Presidential Range
- AMC Guide to Mount Washington and the Presidential Range
- AMC Massachusetts & Rhode Island Trail Guide
- AMC White Mountain Guide
- AMC White Mountain Guide
- AMC White Mountain Guide
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Maine
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Massachusetts/Connecticut
- Appalachian Trail Guide: New Hampshire/Vermont
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Maine
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Massachusetts-Connecticut
- Cape Cod
- Dartmouth Outing Guide
- Fifty Hikes in the White Mountains
- Guide Book of the Long Trail
Number of Titles 15
- Appalachian Trail Guide: New York-New Jersey
- AT Guidebook NJ
- Best Hikes with Children in New Jersey
- Circuit Hike in Northern New Jersey
- Circuit Hikes in Northern New Jersey
- Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area: Hiking Guide
- Enjoying NJ Outdoors
- Fifty Hikes in New Jersey
- Hiking Guide to Delaware Water Gap
- Hiking Trails in New Jersey
Number of Titles 10
- AMC Guide to Country Walks Near New York
- An Adirodack Sample 2: Backpacking Trips
- Appalachian Guide - New York-New Jersey
- Fifty Hikes in Central New York
- Fifty Hikes in the Hudson Valley
- Fifty Hikes in the Hudson Valley
- Guide to Adirondack Trails: Central Region
- Guide to Adirondack Trails: Eastern Region
- Guide to Adirondack Trails: High Peaks Region
- Guide to Adirondack Trails: Northern Region
- Guide to Adirondack Trails: Northville-Lake Placid Trail
- Guide to Adirondack Trails: Southern Region
- Guide to Catskills Trails
- Guide to the Adirondack Trails
- Guide to the Catskills
- Guide to the Northville-Placid Trail
- Harriman & Bear Mountain Trails (map pack)
- Harriman Trails
- Hiking the Catskills
- Hudson Highlands (Map Pack)
- Long Path Guide
- New York Walk Book
- North Jersey Trails (Map Set)
- Ramapo Mountains (Map pack)
- Shawangunk Trails (map pack)
- The Long Path
- Wawayanda Plateau (Map Pack)
Number of Titles 27
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Pennsylvania
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Southern PA & Northern VA
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Pennsylvania
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Pennsylvania
- Fifty Hikes in Central Pennsylvania
- Fifty Hikes in Central Pennsylvania
- Fifty Hikes in Eastern Pennsylvania
- Guide to the Tuscarora Trails
- Pennsylvania Atlas
- Pennsylvania Hiking Trails
- Pennsylvania Hiking Trails
- Pennsylvania Hiking Trails
Number of Titles 12
- Appalachian Trail Guide: North Carolina/Georgia
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Tennessee/North Carolina
- Fifty Hikes in West Virginia
- Hiker's Guide to the Great Smokies
- Hiking the Old Dominion
- Hiking Trails in the Southern Mountains
- Hiking Virginia's National Forests
- Tennessee Trails
- Walks in the Great Smokies
Number of Titles 9
- Appalachian Trail Guide to Shenandoah National Park
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Central & Southern Virginia
- Appalachian Trail Guide: Maryland and Northern Virginia
- Biking Guide: Mongahela National Forest
- Hiking Guide to Pedlar District - George Washington National
- Virginia Atlas & Gazetteer
- Virginia's National Forests
Number of Titles 7
- A Backpacking Guide to the Weminuche Wilderness
- A Ski Tourer's Guide to Idaho
- Cascade Companion
- Day Hiking Yellowstone
- Guide to the National Park Areas - Western States
- Hiking the Southwest
- Hiking the Teton Backcountry
- Hiking the Yellowstone Backcountry
- Mountain Time
- Sixty Hiking Trails-Central Oregon Cascades
- The San Juan Mountains
- The South San Juan Wilderness Area
- Wind River Mountains
- Wind River Trails
- Yellowstone Trails
Number of Titles 15
- A Taste of Western Whitewater (Kayak)
- ABC's of Map & Compass
- After the Warming
- Alaska's Great Race
- Aldo Leopold: A Prophet for All Seasons
- Avalanche Awareness
- Basic Rockclimbing
- Bicycle Repair
- Bicycle Tripping
- Body Machine
- Canyon Soft Paths
- Chachalaca: Jungle Paddling Costa Rica
- Cold, Wet and Alive
- Cross-Country Skiing--Ultimate Fitness Sport
- Cry of the Wild
- Dreamtracking: Magic Stories From Around the World--Parts
1 & 2
- El Cap
- Everest North Wall
- Fast & Clean
- Finding Your Way in the Wild
- Games Climbers Play
- Grace Under Pressure: Learning the Kayak Roll
- Heads Up! River Rescue for River Runners
- Into the Great Solitude
- K2: The Ultimate High
- Kayak Basics & Blasting into the Third Dimension
- Kayak Playpaddling
- Land of One Season
- LL Bean Guide to Canoeing
- Margin for Error
- Masters of Stone
- Medicine for the Outdoors
- Moving Over Stone
- Moving Over Stone II
- On Location with Art Wolfe
- Out of the Shadow Into the Sun
- Painted Spider
- Path of the Paddle
- Paucartambo: The Rest of the River
- Performance Rock Climbing
- Rain Forest: Selva Verde
- Revenge of the Telemarkers
- River Rescue
- Sharing the Joy of Nature
- Soft Paths
- The Art of Leading
- The Eddy Turn
- The Kayaker's Edge
- The Raging River of Annapurna
- The Telemark Movie
- The Uncalculated Risk
- The Wilderness World of Sigurd Olson
- The World Within
- Thin Air: The 1991 New England Everest Expedition
- Three Flags Over Everest
- Trailside: Make Your Own Adventure - Kayaking on the Rogue
River, Oregon
- Trailside: Make Your Own Adventure - Rock Climbing in Joshua
Tree, California
- Trailside: Make Your Own Adventure - Sea Kayaking in Baja,
- Training to Rock Climb
- Visionquest Recruitment
- Waterwalker
- What Now? Sea Kayak Rescue Techniques
- White Water Primer
- Whitewater Self-Defense: The Eskimo Roll
- Wild Water, West Virginia
Number of Titles 65
- A Guidebook for Safety Services Instruction
- Basic Rescue and Water Safety
- First Aid for Poisoning
- Lifesaving: Rescue & Water Safety
- Lifesaving: Rescu & Water Safety
- Swimming and Aquatic Safety
Number of Titles 6
- Pocket Weather Forecaster
- Weather
- Weathering the Wilderness
Number of Titles 3
- AF Manual: Search & Rescue Survival
- Cold Comfort
- Field Guide to Forgotten Wilderness
- Field Guide to Wilderness Survival
- Survival Afloat
- Survival With Style
- The Basic Essential of Survival
Number of Titles 7
- AMC Guide to Winter Camping
- Comfort Below Freezing
- Movin' On
- Snow Caves for Fun and Survival
- Snowshoeing
- The Snowshoe Book
- Winter Hiking & Camping
- Winter Wise
Number of Titles 8