Frosh Study

Conducted by Brian Wardwell and Professor Dale Miller

Welcome. This questionnaire is a follow-up to the surveys that you completed at the begining of the school year. Before we begin, we would like you to answer a couple of background questions about yourself. Your social security number is needed so that we can match the data from this questionnaire with the data from the earlier surveys. Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire and feel free to contact me if you wish to see the results.

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Background questions

Social Security Number (with no dashes eg., 123456789)
Residential College

Answer the following questions about the social environment at Princeton.

Not at all -------------- Extremely
How well do you fit into the social scene at Princeton?
How important is it to you that you fit into the social scene?
How easy have you found it to make friends at Princeton?
How similar are you to other Princeton students in terms of general attitudes and beliefs?
How much do you identify with Princeton?
How strong are your ties to Princeton?
How much do you see yourself belonging to Princeton?
How involved will you be with Princeton after graduation?
How many nights per week do you go out?
How many nights per week do you drink?

Answer the following questions about how typical students perceive the social environment at Princeton.

Not at all -------------- Extremely
How well do typical students fit into the social scene at Princeton?
How important is it to typical students that they fit into the social scene?
How easy have typical students found it to make friends at Princeton?
How much do typical students identify with Princeton?
How strong are typical student's ties to Princeton?
How much do typical students see themselves belonging to Princeton?
How involved will typical students be with Princeton after graduation?
How many nights per week do typical students go out?
How many nights per week do typical students drink?

Comments can be sent to me at