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Outdoor Action Program Relational Database Structure

by Rick Curtis, Director, Outdoor Action Program, Princeton University.

Select Load to Disk and click the link to download the database files. Access requires two database files *.MDB and *.LDB. You will need to download both.

This is a Microsoft Access 2.0 database developed by the Outdoor Action Program at Princeton University, to keep records for the University's outdoor education program. The database is used for storing a variety of information including: mailing list, staff records, trip information, equipment inventory, library inventory, and incident records.

The new version of this database breaks the original OUTDRPRG.MDB database into two databases, one holding queries, forms, reports, macros, etc. (OAPROG.MDB) and the other holding the data (OATABLES.MDB). This format allows us to add new queries, forms, reports, etc. which you can add to your database without disturbing your data. The OATABLES.MDB database is blank showing table design only. There is a separate database (OASAMPLE.MDB) that includes the same tables with some sample data for testing. [Note: OASAMPLE.MDB was generated before OATABLES.MDB so there may be minor differences in the tables.]. All of the files are contained in OUTDRPRG.ZIP (235K).

Let's take a look at the various tables and the information they store. The basic description of each table is shown below. Key tables are shown in detail with the field name, data type, field length, and any indexes or primary keys.


Alumni Records Update: This table is used to move graduating seniors into the Alumni Database.

Climbers: This stores information about people who have purchased a climbing wall pass and who are authorized to climb after hours.

Email: This table is used to move email addresses from the database to a listserv for sending the newsletter out via email.

Equipment Category Lookup: This table is used to keep a standardized list of equipment types for the Equipment Inventory table.

Equipment Inventory: This table stores information on equipment inventory including items, manufacturers numbers, price, and storage location.

Equipment Item Type Lookup: This table is used to provide specific equipment categories for the Equipment Inventory Table.

Equipment Vendors: This table stores information on equipment vendors including address, phone, contact, discounts, etc.

Frosh for Mailing List: This is a transition table used for moving data from the WILDORNT.MDB (a companion database the tracks leaders, participants, routes, and logistics for our Wilderness Orientation Program) to the OA Mailing List Table.

Frosh Trip Leaders: This table is data exported from WILDORNT.MDB. It is used to create a subform showing all Frosh Trips a particular leader has lead.

Frosh Trip Statistics: This table keeps overall statistics for our wilderness orientation program.

Incident Table (see table details below): Stores information on accidents and close calls. It uses the Trip Number Field to join to the Trips Table.

Incident Type Description: This table stores a lookup table with the description of the incident types.

Invitational List: This table stores information on University administrative staff to invite to participate in different activities. It is used with Access to Word for mail merge purposes.

Leader Committees: This table contains information on what leaders serve on different committees. The SS# field joins to both the OA Mailing List table for address and phone number and to the Leaders table.

Leader Special Training: This table is used to track what leaders have taken special training courses. It uses SS# field and the trip number field. It can then join to the Leaders Table and the Trips Table.

Leaders (see table details below): This table includes information on all certification courses for leaders. It uses the SS# field to be able to link into other tables such as Trips & Trip Leaders and Mailing List. Currently some of the fields in this database are superfluous and are holdovers from the old flat file database. At the moment this file requires some duplication of data entry for Leader Training activities. For a better normalized database, the better approach would be to replace the fields listed below with the Trip# from the Trips tbl [LEADER TRAINING COURSE, LTC DATE, SAFETY MANAGEMENT, GROUP SKILLS]. This may be added in a future update. This relational link would alow you to call up more info about the person such as who his/her leader trainers were, etc.

Library Categories: This table is used as a lookup table for the different book categories in the library. This table is accessed as a Dialog Box in the Library Form to maintain consistency of data entry.

Library: This table stores information on books in the library such as title, author, and ISBN number,

Mailing List: This table stores basic mailing list information including name, SS#, phone number, and whether the person is a leader (this is used for a separate mailing list for leaders only).

Population Lookup: This table stores a population code and population description. This is used as a Dialog Box in the Trips Form to maintain consistency of data entry.

Studroom: This is a downloaded file from the University mainframe which includes all student addresses, phone numbers, names and SS#. This table is used to update the OA Mailing List table each year. Since only undergraduates are covered by this table, I continue to have address and phone fields in the OA Mailing List table and update the fields using the SS#. Once accomplished each fall, this table can be deleted.

Trip Leaders: This table holds only SS# of the leader and the trip number. This table is then used as part of a query with the Trips form to form the dynaset for a subform that shows what trips each leader has led.

Trip Type Lookup: This table contains a trip type code and a trip description code. This is used as a Dialog Box in the Trips Form to maintain consistency of data entry.

Trips (see table details below): This table keeps data on trips including trip number (key field), activity, activity type, leaders, participants, and costs.

Leaders tbl

TableName     Name                          Type         Length   IndexName

LEADERS tbl   FIRST NAME                    Text         20

LEADERS tbl   LAST NAME                     Text         25       LAST NAME

LEADERS tbl   CLASS                         Text         5        CLASS

LEADERS tbl   SS#                           Text         12       PrimaryKey

LEADERS tbl   SEX                           Text         1

LEADERS tbl   LEADER TRAINING COURSE        Text         20

LEADERS tbl   LTC DATE                      Date/Time    8

LEADERS tbl   SAFETY MANAGEMENT             Date/Time    8

LEADERS tbl   GROUP SKILLS                  Date/Time    8

LEADERS tbl   FIRST AID Type                Text         20

LEADERS tbl   FIRST AID EXPIRATION          Date/Time    8

LEADERS tbl   WILDERNESS                    Date/Time    8

LEADERS tbl   CPR EXPIRATION                Date/Time    8

LEADERS tbl   VAN DRIVER                    Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   BIKING                        Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   FLATWATER CANOEING            Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   WHITEWATER CANOEING           Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   TOP ROPE CLIMBING             Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   XC SKIING                     Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   CAVING                        Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   KAYAKING                      Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   WINTER CAMPING                Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   HIGH ROPES                    Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   LOW ROPES                     Yes/No       1

LEADERS tbl   TYPE1                         Text         40

LEADERS tbl   MTH/YR1                       Text         23

LEADERS tbl   TYPE2                         Text         40

LEADERS tbl   MTH/YR2                       Text         23

LEADERS tbl   COURSE 1                      Text         69

LEADERS tbl   COURSE 2                      Text         69

LEADERS tbl   COURSE 3                      Text         69

LEADERS tbl   SKILL 1                       Text         70

LEADERS tbl   SKILL 2                       Text         70

LEADERS tbl   SKILL 3                       Text         70

LEADERS tbl   COMMENTS                      Memo         0

LEADERS tbl   Photo                         OLE Object   0

Trips tbl

TableName    Name                 Type        Length     IndexName

TRIPS tbl    Trip Number          Long        4          PrimaryKey

TRIPS tbl    TYPE                 Text        18

TRIPS tbl    POPULATION           Text        21

TRIPS tbl    TRIP                 Text        68

TRIPS tbl    START DATE           Date/Time   8

TRIPS tbl    END DATE             Date/Time   8

TRIPS tbl    DAYS                 Double      8

TRIPS tbl    HOURS                Double      8

TRIPS tbl    LOCATION             Text        32

TRIPS tbl    STATE                Text        25

TRIPS tbl    LEADER#              Double      8

TRIPS tbl    PARTICIPANT#         Double      8

TRIPS tbl    TOTAL#               Double      8

TRIPS tbl    TRIP FEE             Double      8

TRIPS tbl    INCOME               Double      8

TRIPS tbl    FOOD                 Double      8

TRIPS tbl    TRANSPORTATION       Double      8

TRIPS tbl    LODGING              Double      8

TRIPS tbl    EQUIPMENT            Double      8

TRIPS tbl    MISC                 Double      8

TRIPS tbl    TOTAL EXPENSES       Double      8

TRIPS tbl    BALANCE              Double      8

TRIPS tbl    STARTING MILEAGE     Double      8

TRIPS tbl    ENDING MILEAGE       Double      8

TRIPS tbl    TOTAL MILEAGE        Double      8

TRIPS tbl    INCIDENT#            Text        63

TRIPS tbl    COMMENTS             Memo        0

Incidents tbl

TableName          Name                    Type         Length   IndexName

INCIDENT tbl       INCIDENT#               Integer      2        PrimaryKey

INCIDENT tbl       TRIP NUMBER             Long         4        TRIP NUMBER

INCIDENT tbl       INCIDENT TYPE           Text         14

INCIDENT tbl       FIRST NAME              Text         21

INCIDENT tbl       LAST NAME               Text         19

INCIDENT tbl       CLASS                   Text         7

INCIDENT tbl       SEX                     Text         4

INCIDENT tbl       AGE                     Byte         1

INCIDENT tbl       ROLE                    Text         24

INCIDENT tbl       INCIDENT DATE           Date/Time    8

INCIDENT tbl       INCIDENT TIME           Text         14

INCIDENT tbl       GROUP#                  Text         18

INCIDENT tbl       LOCATION                Text         35

INCIDENT tbl       ACTIVITY                Text         22

INCIDENT tbl       PROBLEM                 Memo         0

INCIDENT tbl       FIRST AID               Memo         0

INCIDENT tbl       CONTRIBUTING            Memo         0

INCIDENT tbl       EYEWITNESS              Memo         0

INCIDENT tbl       RECOMMENDATION          Memo         0

INCIDENT tbl       FOLLOW-UP               Memo         0

INCIDENT tbl       COMMITTEE               Memo         0

INCIDENT tbl       NOTES                   Memo         0


The basic description of the major queries are shown below. Sample queries with SQL information are shown in detail. Details on the other queries are contained in OAPROG.MDB.

Incidents - close calls: This query selects all close calls from the Incident Database. It is used for the report of the same name.

Incidents - injury, illness: This query selects all injuries and illnesses from the Incident Database. It is used for the report of the same name.

All Alumni Activities: This query selects only those trips where Population equals Alumni. It is used for a report of the same name.

All Authorized Off-Hours Climbers: This query selects those climbers who have purchased a Wall card who have been authorized for Off hours Climbing. It is used for a report of the same name.

Committee Query: This joins the Leader Committees table, the Leaders Table and the Mailing List table to give committee members with address and phone. It is used for the Committees Report.

Duplicate Records Query: This query is used to locate any duplicate SS# in case someone has been entered into the Mailing List table more than once.

Frosh for OA Mail Query: This query is used first as a select query to create a dynaset from the Frosh for Mailing List table, then the select query is changed to an append query to add the records to the Mailing List Table.

Frosh Trip Coming Query: This query creates a dynaset of people from the Invitational table interested in participating on the Frosh Trip. It is used for a report of the same name.

Frosh Trip Invitational: This query is used to create a dynaset of people from the Invitational table to invite to participate in the Frosh Trip. It is used with Access to Word for a mail merge invitation letter.

Frosh Trip Leaders and Trips: This query is used to join the Trips table and the Frosh Trip leaders table. It is used for the Frosh Trips Led subform which appears on the Leader Skills Inventory mainforms.

FT Leaders Query: This query joins the Frosh Trip Leaders table and the Mailing list table using SS#. It is used for a report of the same name.

Leader Class & Sex Crosstab Query: This query is used to create a crosstab by class and sex for leaders. It is used for a report of the same name.

Leader Query - What Class: This is a parameter query that prompts for class. It gives all info from the leaders table for leaders from that class.

Leader Skills Form by Class Query: This is a parameter query that prompts for class. It gives leader training info from the Leaders table for leaders from that class.

Leader Skills Form Query: This is a query by form query that works with the Leader Skills Mainform with Trips Query Form. By entering first name, last name and or class on the form and pressing the appropriate macro button, the leader(s) will be pulled up.

Leader Skills Update Query: This query which sorts alpha by last name is used to quickly update leader skills following trainings.

Leader Special Training Query: This query joins the Leaders table, the Mailing List Table, the Trips table, and the Leader Special Training table using SS# and Trip Number. It combines name, special training, and phone number. It is used for a report of the same name.

Leader Trainers & Trips: This query is used to join the Trips table, Leaders table, and Mailing List table. It displays name, date and location of leader training trip and phone number. It is used for a report of the same name.

Leader + Trip Leaders + Trips Query: This query is use to join the Leaders table and the Trip Leaders table via SS# and the Trip Leaders table and the Trips table via Trip Number.

Leaders from Mailing List Query: This query is used to create a dynaset of all persons coded as L (for leader) under the status field in the Mailing List table. It is used to for reports that show name address and phone for leaders either alpha, by class, or by dorm.

Low Ropes Invitational Query: This query is used to create a dynaset of persons from the Invitational table who are being invited to participate in the Low Ropes course. It is used for creating a report of people to invite and with Access to Word for a mail merge invitation letter.

Library Categories Alpha: This query sorts the library categories alphabetically for display in a dialog box on the Library Form.

Mail Room Sort with Status Query: This query is used to update people on the Mailing list table. It sorts first by city, then by building and then by room. This allows a quick scan to make sure that data entry in the different fields is consistent. This query is used after the Mailing list table has been updated from the STUDROOM table to "clean things up."

Mailing List Query: This is a form query used with the Mailing List Form. By entering first name, last name and or class on the form and pressing the appropriate macro button, the person will be pulled up.

People Without Addresses Query: This query is used to locate in the Mailing list table where the building field is null.

Senior Leader Query: This query is used to pull out all seniors who are coded status=L in the Mailing List table. This is used to get the broadest list of seniors who are "leaders." (Since the Mailing List table senior dynaset is bigger than the Leader table senior dynaset.)

Trip # & Trip Leaders Query: This query joins the trip leaders table and the Leaders table via SS#.

Trips & Trip Leaders Query: This query joins the Trips table and the Trip Leaders table via SS#. It is used for the Trips and Trip Leaders subform which appears on the Leader Skills Mainforms.

Trips Query: This is a parameter query which asks for the staring and ending dates of the trip to determine the range of the dynaset. This query joins the Trips table with the Population Lookup table via the Population field and joins the Trips table with the Trip Type Lookup table via the Type field. It is used for a number of Trip and Activity Summary Reports.

Trips Query

QueryName     Name                    Type         Length      SourceTable

Trips qry     Trip Number             Long         4           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     TYPE                    Text         18          TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     POPULATION              Text         21          TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     TRIP                    Text         68          TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     START DATE              Date/Time    8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     END DATE                Date/Time    8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     DAYS                    Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     HOURS                   Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     LOCATION                Text         32          TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     STATE                   Text         25          TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     LEADER#                 Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     PARTICIPANT#            Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     TOTAL#                  Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     TRIP FEE                Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     INCOME                  Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     FOOD                    Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     TRANSPORTATION          Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     LODGING                 Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     EQUIPMENT               Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     MISC                    Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     TOTAL EXPENSES          Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     BALANCE                 Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     STARTING MILEAGE        Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     ENDING MILEAGE          Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     TOTAL MILEAGE           Double       8           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     INCIDENT#               Text         63          TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     COMMENTS                Memo         0           TRIPS tbl

Trips qry     Population Description  Text         25          Population
                                                               Lookup tbl

Trips qry     Type Description        Text         25          Trip Types
                                                               Lookup tbl

Trip # & Trip Leaders Query

QueryName                Name              Type             Length    SourceTable

Trip # & Trip Leaders    Trip Number       Long             4         Trip Leaders tbl

Trip # & Trip Leaders    SS#               Text             12        Trip Leaders tbl

Trip # & Trip Leaders    FIRST NAME        Text             20        LEADERS tbl

Trip # & Trip Leaders    LAST NAME         Text             25        LEADERS tbl

Trip # & Trip Leaders    CLASS             Text             5         LEADERS tbl

Trips & Trip Leaders     START DATE        Date/Time        8         TRIPS tbl

Leaders + Trip Leaders + Trips Query

QueryName          Name                           Type       Length   SourceTable

Leaders + Trip     Trip Number                    Long       4        Trip Leaders tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     FIRST NAME                     Text       20       LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     LAST NAME                      Text       25       LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     CLASS                          Text       5        LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     SS#                            Text       12       Trip Leaders tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     LEADER TRAINING COURSE         Text       20       LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     LTC DATE                       Date/Time  8        LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     SAFETY MANAGEMENT              Date/Time  8        LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     GROUP SKILLS                   Date/Time  8        LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     FIRST AID Type                 Text       20       LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     FIRST AID EXPIRATION           Date/Time  8        LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     CPR EXPIRATION                 Date/Time  8        LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     VAN DRIVER                     Yes/No     1        LEADERS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     TYPE                           Text       18       TRIPS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     POPULATION                     Text       21       TRIPS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     TRIP                           Text       68       TRIPS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     LOCATION                       Text       32       TRIPS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     STATE                          Text       25       TRIPS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     START DATE                     Date/Time  8        TRIPS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     END DATE                       Date/Time  8        TRIPS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leaders + Trip     DAYS                           Double     8        TRIPS tbl
Leaders + Trips

Leader Special Training Query

QueryName          Name               Type        Length        SourceTable

Leader Special     LAST NAME          Text        25            LEADERS tbl
Training qry

Leader Special     TRIP               Text        68            TRIPS tbl
Training qry

Leader Special     FIRST NAME         Text        20            LEADERS tbl
Training qry

Leader Special     CLASS              Text        5             LEADERS tbl
Training qry

Leader Special     SS#                Text        12            Leader Special Training
Training qry                                                    tbl

Leader Special     Trip Number        Long        4             Leader Special Training
Training qry                                                    tbl

Leader Special     PHONE1             Text        12            MAILING LIST tbl
Training qry

Leader Special     START DATE         Date/Time   8             TRIPS tbl
Training qry

Leader Special     DAYS               Double      8             TRIPS tbl
Training qry

Leader Special     LOCATION           Text        32            TRIPS tbl
Training qry

Leader Special     STATE              Text        25            TRIPS tbl
Training qry

Sample Query SQL Statements

Trips Query

PARAMETERS [Starting Date?] DateTime, [Ending Date?] DateTime; SELECT DISTINCTROW [TRIPS tbl].*, [Population Lookup tbl].[Population Description], [Trip Types Lookup tbl].[Type Description] FROM [TRIPS tbl], [Population Lookup tbl], [Trip Types Lookup tbl], [TRIPS tbl] INNER JOIN [Population Lookup tbl] ON [TRIPS tbl].POPULATION = [Population Lookup tbl].POPULATION, [TRIPS tbl] INNER JOIN [Trip Types Lookup tbl] ON [TRIPS tbl].TYPE = [Trip Types Lookup tbl].TYPE WHERE (([TRIPS tbl].[START DATE] Between [Starting Date?] And [Ending Date?])) ORDER BY [TRIPS tbl].[START DATE] WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION;

Trip # & Trip Leaders Query

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Trip Leaders tbl].[Trip Number], [Trip Leaders tbl].[SS#], [LEADERS tbl].[FIRST NAME], [LEADERS tbl].[LAST NAME], [LEADERS tbl].CLASS

Leaders + Trip Leaders + Trips


Leader Special Training Query

SELECT DISTINCTROW [LEADERS tbl].[LAST NAME], [TRIPS tbl].TRIP, [LEADERS tbl].[FIRST NAME], [LEADERS tbl].CLASS, [Leader Special Training tbl].[SS#], [Leader Special Training tbl].[Trip Number], [MAILING LIST tbl].PHONE1, [TRIPS tbl].[START DATE], [TRIPS tbl].DAYS, [TRIPS tbl].LOCATION, [TRIPS tbl].STATE

Leader Skills Update Query


Leader Skills Form Query



The form name and record source for each form are shown below. Details on the forms are contained in OUTDRPRG.MDB. The switchboard forms are not tied to any tables but are used with macros to create a specific user interface to the database.


Incident frm                               INCIDENT tbl

Incident Report sbfrm                      INCIDENT tbl

Incident Switchboard frm

Adding Leaders to Trips frm                Leaders + Trip Leaders + Trips qry

CLIMBERS frm                               CLIMBERS tbl

Climbers Switchboard frm

Committee Members frm                      Committee qry


Equipment Switchboard frm

Frosh Trip Leaders sbfrm                   Frosh Trip Leaders & Trips qry

Invitational frm                           Low Ropes Invitational qry


LEADERS Query by frm

Leader Skills Switchboard frm

Leader Special Training Entry frm          Leader Special Training qry

Leader Special Training sbfrm              Leader Special Training qry

Leaders on Trips sbfrm                     Trip # & Trip Leaders qry

LIBRARY LIST frm                           LIBRARY tbl

Library Switchboard frm

MAILING LIST frm                           MAILING LIST tbl

MAILING LIST Query by frm                  Mailing List Form qry

Mailing List Switchboard frm

Main Switchboard frm

Trip Leaders sbfrm                         Leaders + Trip Leaders + Trips qry

Trips & Trip Leaders sbfrm                 Trips & Trip Leaders qry

TRIPS frm                                  TRIPS tbl

Trips Switchboard frm

TRIPS without subform frm                  TRIPS tbl

Vendors frm                                EQUIPMENT VENDORS tbl

Vendors Switchboard frm


The report name and record source for each form are shown below. Details on the reports are contained in OAPROG.MDB.

FormName                                RecordSource

Incident - Close Call Summary rpt       Incidents - close calls qry

Incident Summary by Type rpt            Incidents - all qry

Incident Summary rpt                    Incidents - injury, illness qry

Incident Summary with details rpt       Incidents - injury, illness qry

Alumni Activities - all rpt             Alumni Activities - all qry

Climbers - All rpt                      CLIMBERS tbl

Climbers - Authorized Off Hour List     Climbers Authorized Off-hours qry

Climbers - Wall Card List rpt           Wall Card qry

Climbing Wall Access List - old rpt     CLIMBERS tbl

Committee List rpt                      Committee qry

Equipment Inventory by Category rpt     EQUIPMENT INVENTORY tbl

Equipment Inventory by Location rpt     EQUIPMENT INVENTORY tbl

Equipment Inventory Summary rpt         EQUIPMENT INVENTORY tbl

Frosh Trip Invited - Coming rpt         Frosh Trip Coming qry

Frosh Trip Invited rpt                  Frosh Trip Invited qry

Frosh Trip Leaders Contact List rpt     Frosh Trip Leaders qry

Frosh Trip Leaders rpt                  Frosh Trip Leaders qry

Frosh Trip Participants by Group with   Frosh Trip Participant Address & Phone qry
Address & Phone rpt

Frosh Trip Summary rpt                  Frosh Trip Summary qry

Labels - Coaches rpt                    Coaches qry

Labels - Leader News rpt                Leaders from Mail qry

Labels - Low Ropes Invitational rpt     Invitational List tbl

Labels - Newsletter rpt                 Mail List Room Sort with Status qry

Leader Class & Sex Crosstab rpt         Leader Class & Sex Crosstab qry

Leader List Alpha, Class, SS#, Phone    Leaders from Mail qry

Leader List Class, Alpha, SS#, Phone    Leaders from Mail qry

Leader List from Leaders tbl rpt        Leader Skills Update qry

Leader Skills frm with Trips & Trip     Leader Skills Form by Class qry
Leaders rpt

Leader Skills Summary rpt               Leader Skills Update qry

Leader Special Skills rpt               Leader Special Skills qry

Leader Special Training rpt             Leader Special Training qry

Leader Trainers & Trips rpt             Leader Trainers & Trips qry

Leader Training Trip rpt                Leader Training Trip qry

Leaders - Class list rpt                Leader - What class qry

Leaders by Class, Alpha, SS# rpt        LEADERS tbl

Leaders by Dorm, Alpha with Phone rpt   Leaders from Mail qry

Leaders Emergency Contact List rpt      Leaders + Mail qry

Leaders in Mail not in Leaders tbl rpt  Leaders in Mail not in Leaders tbl qry

Leaders Training Summary rpt            LEADERS tbl

Library List by Category & Alpha rpt    LIBRARY tbl

Low Ropes Invitational - responded rpt  Low Ropes Invitational qry

Low Ropes Invitational rpt              Invitational List tbl

Low Ropes rpt                           Low Ropes Program qry

Mailing list - no address rpt           People without Addresses qry

Mailing List Alpha with Class, Status,  Mail List Room Sort with Status qry
Room, Building rpt

Seniors from Mailing list rpt           Senior Leaders from Mail qry

Trips by Academic Year by Population    Trips All qry
Summary rpt

Trips by Academic Year by Type rpt      Trips All qry

Trips by Academic Year by Type Summary  Trips All qry

Trips by Date with cost rpt             Trips qry

Trips by Population with cost rpt       Trips qry

Trips by Type rpt                       Trips qry

Trips by Type Summary rpt               Trips by date, type qry

Trips by Type with cost rpt             Trips qry

Trips Summary by Academic Year rpt      Trips All qry

Trips Summary rpt                       Trips qry

Trips Summary with cost rpt             Trips qry

Vendors - alpha rpt                     EQUIPMENT VENDORS tbl