We'd like you to consider making a contribution to enable students at Princeton to continue helping thousands of needy elementary school kids, troubled teens, struggling young mothers, despairing prisoners, lonely seniors, and so many others climb their own mountains. No extra training is necessary; no jogging; no body-buildingjust a contribution to the Community Service Fund Drive.
The Mt. Princeton 250th Anniversary Climb is one of the 250 community service projects in honor of Princeton's 250th. For those that are interested in participating, we are using the climb as a fund raiser for the Community Service Fund Drive on Campus, a joint effort of Community House, the Princeton-Blairstown Center, and the Student Volunteers Council. Funds will help Princeton students work with people in Princeton, Trenton, and throughout the state, across the nation, and around the world, many of whose "mountains" make Mt. Princeton look small by comparison. But with more than 2,000 Princeton students working on the front lines in over 100 different programs in these three organizationsalong with your helpthere's no peak that can't be conquered.
The view from the top will be worth the climbbut it will be a whole lot better if you share it. We encourage you to give generously. Below is more detailed information on each of the campus community service groups that your donation will benefit.
Founded in 1969 by an interracial group of seven university undergraduates, Community House has played a significant role in the lives of many Princeton students and the community members with whom they have worked. Community House undergraduate volunteers teach English as a second language, serve as big brothers/big sisters to school-age youngsters, help pre-schoolers develop school readiness skills, assist middle school children with their homework, mentor high school students and work with adults preparing for the GED. One-time community outreach programs include clothing and food drives and community work days. Mt. Princeton Climb-Community Service Fund Drive funds will be used for tutorial supplies, books, transportation, and other community program expenses.
Founded in 1908 by Princeton students and several alumni, the Princeton-Blairstown Center works year-round in close collaboration with schools and social service agencies. During the summer, 400 low-income, at-risk youth from Trenton, Princeton, Hightstown, Newark, Philadelphia, and New York City take part in the Center's challenging outdoor, experiential education program. Princeton students and recent graduates serve as counselors. The adventure activities develop self-confidence, self-worth, self-direction and leadership skills. Outdoor Action, now part of the Princeton-Blairstown Center, also offers experiential learning activities to urban youth and their families during the academic year, utilizing the leadership skills of OA undergraduate leaders. Money raised by the Mt. Princeton Climb will provide camperships for those young people who could not otherwise participate in this significant program.
In it's 29th year, more than 600 students participate in SVC's 65 weekly community service programs in Princeton and Trenton. Students tutor teenagers, visit prison inmates, restore dilapidated houses, shovel snow for the elderly and "adopt" little brothers and sisters. Each year the SVC also sponsors a number of one-time events and special programs, including Urban Action (a pre-orientation week of community service for incoming freshmen), community service break trips, the Clothing Drive, various educational forums, two public service job fairs, and 40 summer internships. During the course of the school year, over 2,000 students will be involved in one or more of these projects. Money raised by the Mt. Princeton Climb will directly support the core of the SVC, the weekly service projects in Princeton and Trenton.
Like reaching the summit of Mt. Princeton, we have a goal for the Mt.
Princeton Climb-
Community Service Fund Drive. We hope to raise $5,297, the total height
of our climb from the trail head of Mt. Princeton at 8,900 feet to the summit
at 14,197. The funds will be shared equally among the three community service
groups. We have a number of different options if you chose to contribute
to the Mt. Princeton Climb-Community Service Fund Drive. You can choose
to pledge a specific dollar amount for each 1,000 feet of the height of
Mt. Princeton, or, if you want to get others involved in supporting your
climb and these worthwhile organizations at Princeton, you can have friends
and family pledge to sponsor you per 1,000 feet of Mt. Princeton using the
enclosed pledge sheet. Please make as many copies as you need. All contributions
are fully tax deductible and should be made payable to Community Service
Fund Drive - Princeton University. Thanks for your generous support. All
donations and pledge sheets should be received by June 30 so that we will
be able to announce our projected totals the night before the climb.
c/o Conference and Visitor Services, 71 University Place, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
Name ______________________________________________________ Class __________
City ________________________________________ State _________ Zip ____________
_____ Pathfinder - $2 per 1,000 feet of Mt. Princeton ($28)
_____ Trail Breaker - $5 per 1,000 feet of Mt. Princeton ($70)
_____ Mountaineer - $10 per 1,000 feet of Mt. Princeton ($140)
_____ Other Contribution $_________________
Please make checks payable to the Campus Fund Drive -Princeton University. All contributions are tax deductible and eligible for matching gift programs.
Copyright © 1997, all rights reserved, OutdoorAction Program and 250th Office, Princeton University.