README for the APSEQ distribution file apsDistribution.tar.gz APSEQ is described in: M.P.Barnett and I.Pelczer, Pulse sequence editing by symbolic calculation. J. Magn. Reson. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2010.01.009 The distribution file is unpacked by gunzip < apsDistribution.tar.gz | tar -xv into a new subdirectory zip. where specifies when the file was produced. ============================================================== To validate the apseq programs, type cd zip., start a Mathematica 7 session and type <.txt where is e.g. for a job that was run on 1/8/2010 at 2.10 pm. The distribution package contains a successful validation report for comparison. =============================== The file isOK.txt interprets the file nmr.dta. This contains prototype statements that draw about 30 pulse sequences. These produce a separate pdf file for each diagram. Also, the process creates a directory validation. The graphics statement for each diagram is saved in this as a text file. This is checked against the expression in a directory with the name reference. ============================= The distribution file also includes: apsExamples.pdf: this contains the generating statements and the diagrams that the validation run produces. apsParameters.pdf: this explains how to control the appearance of the diagrams. apsImplementation.pdf: this explains the basic structure of the program. It will be expanded soon. The validation reconstructs and overwrites apsExamples.pdf. This can be compared visually with the duplicate apsExamplesForComparison.pdf The messages from the LaTeX step are saved in tex.out. Mismatches in the validation process are saved in diff.out. ============================= To make the system prompt for a key press before executing each statment, type promtpQ = True before <