There is too much material assigned in this class for you to read it all extremely carefully. Therefore, I want to be clear about my expectations for your reading. I expect you to read the abstract, introduction, and conclusion of each paper carefully. If the paper is related to one of your research proposals, I expect you to read the whole thing carefully. If the paper is related to your research project, then I expect you to read it extremely carefully (perhaps several times).
You are encouraged to work together on the activities for the class, but you are only able to put your name on projects to which you made an intellectual contribution. If you have any doubts about what is appropriate, ask me.
In this course we will be using Piazza for online class discussion. You will not be required to post, but the system is designed to get you help quickly and efficiently from classmates and me. Rather than emailing me questions, I encourage you to post your questions on Piazza. Here is our class page:
Here is the schedule for each week:
This course will be graded P/D/F. Non-Sociology graduate students wishing to receive a grade for this course must submit a completed Graduate Student Enrollment Change Form.
The prohibitive cost of academic journals means that many of the readings for this course are not available to everyone. I have marked these closed access articles with a . Fortunately, some of the more recent scholarship in this area is freely available to everyone in the world. I have marked these open access article with a
. It is my hope that eventually I will be able to construct this syllabus using exclusively open access scholarship. In the meantime, if you do not have access to a university library, copies of many of the closed access articles can be found through Google Scholar.