Assistant Professor
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Goergen Institute for Data Science
University of Rochester

Research Interests
Visual and Naturalistic Cognition
Learning and Neural Plasticity
Computational Neuroscience


 Google Scholar


Travel and Presentations


Jul 3 BCS REU Seminar
Rochester, NY
Aug 6-9 CCN                  
Boston, MA
Aug 15-17 CVS Symposium
Rochester, NY
Sep 13 BCS Retreat
Bristol, NY


Jul 31 BCS REU Seminar
Rochester, NY
Aug 28 BCS Retreat
Canandaigua, NY
Nov 16-19 Psychonomics
San Francisco, CA

coraline rinn iordan
home      research      papers      teaching      outreach      travel      cv

about me
I'm an Assistant Professor in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences & Neuroscience Departments at the University of Rochester. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, working with Jon Cohen, Ken Norman, and Nick Turk-Browne. I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Vision and Learning Lab at Stanford University, co-advised by Fei-Fei Li and Diane Beck. My academic journey started at Williams College with a B.A. in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Cognitive Science.

research brief
I'm a computational cognitive neuroscientist who studies how we use stories and events to describe, remember, and make sense of the world. My research uses complex naturalistic stimuli (e.g., movies, podcasts), together with behavioral assays, neuroimaging (fMRI), & computational modeling and analysis.

lab culture
  • Our lab will always be a safe + inclusive + welcoming space for everyone, including trainees, collaborators, and participants.
  • We believe that diversity of backgrounds, identities, & perspectives greatly strengthens our ability to tackle research as a team.
  • We believe that respect, support, kindness, & work-life balance are prerequisites of a productive lab environment.
  • We believe in collaboration over competition.
  • We value individually-tailored mentorship highly and we always strive to learn from one another.


08/2024. New Conference Proceeding in press at Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN): Event Similarity and Word-Level Salience Predict How Humans Summarize Naturalistic Narratives. We show that perceived event structure and transformer-based attention measures explain how people summarize information from complex narratives.
07/2024. New Publication in press at Philosophical Transactions B; preprint on bioRXiv: Inducing Representational Change in the Hippocampus through Real-Time Neurofeedback. We decribe a new way to induce coactivation of competing memories in visual cortex using real-time neurofeedback and machine learning!

05/2023. I am grateful to have been awarded the University of Rochester College Course Development Fellowship for the course I will be teaching in Fall 2023: Advanced Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience.

08/2022. I am incredibly happy and grateful to announce that I'll be starting a new adventure in January 2023 as an Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester, with joint appointments in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences & Neuroscience Departments.

05/2022. Presenting a Talk at the Vision Sciences Society (VSS) 2022 Annual Meeting: Sculpting New Visual Concepts into the Human Brain.
02/2022. New Publication in Cognitive Science: Context Matters: Recovering Human Semantic Structure from Machine-Learning Analysis of Large-Scale Text Corpora.

We show that incorporating semantic context into the training procedure of word embedding models improves prediction of empirical similarity judgments and feature ratings.

11/2021. Presenting a Poster at the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2021 Annual Meeting: Sculpting New Visual Concepts into the Human Brain.

05/2021. Presenting a Poster at the Vision Sciences Society (VSS) 2021 Annual Meeting: Context Matters: Recovering Human Visual and Semantic Structure from Machine-Learning Analysis of Large-Scale Text Corpora.