Mises, an applied mathematician forced to leave Germany in 1933, came to
Harvard in 1939. He gave the first university course on powered flight
in 1913, and made and piloted a 600- horsepower aircraft for the
Austrian army.
Mises developed a criterion for the yield stress of ductile materials that
employs the total distortional strain energy in the sample. Originally
developed for mathematical convenience, the model provides a better fit
to data obtained on ductile samples than the Tresca criterion. Written
in terms of the principal stresses this criterion states that yield will
occur when:
= (1/2[(s1
- s2)2
+ (s1
- s3)2
+ (s2
- s3)2]
value of sM
can be obtained from a uniaxial yield stress determination since for uniaxial
tension s1
= sy
= yield stress, and s2
0, so that sM
= sy
. The term in the square root is also proportional to the shear stress
on the octahedral planes of the coordinate system defined by the principal
axes. |