ISSN: 1094-902X
Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 1998)
World Wide Web Resources
Online Documents, Exhibits, Journals, and Collections
The Journal of Southern Religion
Rodger M. Payne, Louisiana State University, Editor; Briane Turley, West Virginia
University, Managing Editor
This new journal is an online, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary project that focuses on
"the following topics: 1) Regionalism in Southern Religion, e.g., Appalachia, the
Gulf Coast, South Florida and the Caribbean; 2) religious aspects of Southern culture,
e.g., Religion and cuisine, music, and Southern literature; 3) Southern civil religion; 4)
local and folk religions, including ethnographic studies of congregations and parishes; 5)
ethnicity including immigration and slave religions; 6) religion and race, class,
disability, and gender issues in the South."
Slave Narratives
Steven Mintz's site contains excerpts from a range of slave narratives, including Olaudah
Equiano, Josiah Henson, J.W.C. Pennington, Charles Ball, Peter Randolph, and Harriet
The Baobab
Project: Sources and Studies in African Visual Culture
Contains an image base of over 17,000 images drawn from the Harvard Library's visual
collection as well as an ethnographic database and multimedia narratives on approaches to
the field of African Art History.
Mary McLeod Bethune
Council House and National Archives for Black Women's History
"The Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site was the last official
Washington, DC residence of Mary McLeod Bethune, renowned educator, organizer, national
political leader, a president of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, and
founder of the National Council of Negro Women. ... The site is the location of the
National Archives for Black Women's History which houses the largest manuscript collection
of materials solely dedicated to African American women and their organizations."
Archives of African American Music and Culture
Established in 1991 and based at Indiana University, Bloomington, and directed by Portia
K. Maultsby, the center holds materials in popular, religious, and classical music from
the post-World War II era. It includes video interviews, production materials and
resources for studying radio.
Web Sites of Groups and Organizations
Black Catholic Information Mall
The site describes itself as "a 'Virtual Global Parish Bulletin' for Black Catholic
populations throughout the world." Its links include "The Father Augustus Tolton
Home Page," the "Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament," and the "Office of
Black Catholic Ministries Home Page." Sponsored by the Catholic African World Network
in Detroit, Michigan.
Father Divine and Mother Divine's
International Peace Mission Movement
Web site for the movement contains transciptions of speeches and sermons by Father Divine,
Mother Divine's explanaiton of the tenets of the movement, as well as images from the
movement's history and of contemporary events and members.
The Million Woman March Web Site
Information on the October 25, 1997 "Day of Repentance, Resurrection, and
Restoration," and on followup organizing of "The Sisterhood Network."
Spotlight On: Black Jews and Black Hebrew Israelite Groups:
In order to facilitate research and teaching on understudied aspects of African-American religious history, we will, on occasion, profile useful websites on a particular theme. This spotlight focuses on various groups that consider people of African descent to constitute either the entirety of the tribes of Israel or the 10 Lost Tribes.
Israeli Church of Universal Practical Knowledge
Official website for a New York-based group of Black Hebrew Israelites.
House of David
This group emerged from a split with the Israeli Church of UPK.
The Universe of Yahweh
Site for the Nation of Yahweh, followers of Yahweh ben Yahweh.
The Israelite Nation, Atlanta
The United States branch of a Canadian group.
The African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem
Followers of Ben Ammi Carter living in Israel.
ISSN: 1094-902X
Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 1998)
News and Announcements
The Louisville Institute
Based at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, the institute provides grant money for research
in American religious history and sponsors public conferences on American religion. The
institute's interests include "particular attention to the situation of
Protestantism, Catholicism, the historic African-American churches, and the Hispanic
religious experience." Grant programs include summer stipends for faculty members and
dissertation fellowships for the final year of Ph.D. or Th.D. dissertation writing.
Research Queries:
Please contact the person who has placed the query and not the editors of the journal.
Click on the highlighted name to send a reply.
Duke University Press has asked Milt Sernett to edit a second edition of Afro-American Religious History: A Documentary Witness, orginally published in 1985. Prof. Sernett welcomes suggestions for additions/substitutions to the anthology, especially primary sources by women. Please send ideas to him at or to the address Department of African American Studies, 200 Sims Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244.
Gregory E. Thomas writes: I have an interest in research regarding African American religious associations via convention. I am writing about dual alignments of Black Baptists with American Baptists, and the impact it has upon ordination. My scope is limited, and the work is seminal. Hence there is a sparse bibliography. I would love to engage in a dialogue with someone regarding this work and perhaps share what I am doing with my research.
For a new collection of documents on African-American women and religion, we invite suggestions on themes, institutions, individuals to be covered, as well as leads on specific documents and collections of primary sources. Contact Judith Weisenfeld, Department of Religion, Barnard College.
New Books:
Bettye Collier-Thomas, Daughters of Thunder: Black Women Preachers and Their Sermons, 1850-1979. Jossey-Bass, 1997.
Rev. Herbert Daughtry, No Monopoly on Suffering: Blacks and Jews in Crown Heights (and Elsewhere). African World Press, 1997.
Dennis C. Dickerson, Militant Mediator: Whitney M. Young, Jr. University Press of Kentucky, 1998.
Richard Elphick and Rodney Davenport, Christianity in South Africa: A Political, Social, and Cultural History. University of California, 1998.
Philip S. Foner and Robert James Branham , eds., Lift Every Voice: African American Oratory, 1787-1900. University of Alabama Press, 1998.
Jas. Mardis, KenteCloth: Southwest Voices of the African Diaspora. University of North Texas Press, 1998.
Charles Marsh, God's Long Summer: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights. Princeton University Press, 1997.
Richard Newman, Go Down, Moses: A Celebration of the African-American Spiritual. Clarkson Potter, 1998.
Willa Ward-Royster, as told to Toni Rose, How I Got Over: Clara Ward and the World-Famous Ward Singers. Temple University Press, 1997.
Sheyann Webb and Rachel West Nelson as told to Frank Sikora, Selma, Lord, Selma Girlhood Memories of the Civil-Rights Days. University of Alabama Press, 1997.
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