AUDIOVISUAL OBSERVATORY - has online publications
for 2002 and 2003 which look at World
Film Market Trends, focusing on USA, Selected European Countries, Japan, Canada, Australia, Latin America, and Russia. Plus World Top 20 Box Office
EAO hard copy of
Statistical Yearbook 2000 Film, Television and New Media in
Europe focuses mainly on Europe, but it also has interesting
charts on world distributions and production (with US film
industry quite dominant).
Under Statistics , click on Culture and Communication,
then the Statistical Yearbook 1999. links on culture. Last three tables. Less detailed data
of film imports is the online data from the UNESCO World
Culture Report.
EUROSTAT has a publication
available through purchase called: Statistics
on Audiovisual Services Example of contents include information on Audiovisual services, cable and television markets, sound recording, radio, and video games.
(Business Software Alliance). Software Piracy losses found
on the online pdf publication BSA Global
Piracy Study.
(Int’l Intellectual Property Alliance) has the Special
301 Report (See Appendix A), which lists losses in motion
pictures, books, and software. Also, country reports on various
MAGAZINE. Through purchase only, but Variety
occasionally offers free trial subscriptions. Look for "Box
Office Stats," which should list foreign archives focus
on 16 countries. Data is best on recent years and gets very
spotty for anything previous the mid-90s. These charts demonstrate
best the overwhelming dominance of Hollywood films in the
global picture. See printout of "Foreign Box Office—Argentina"
(Int'l Recording Media Association) Membership only, but it
has very basic stats on VHS and CD-DVD World Market things.
See Industry Statistics.