(PP = Possibilities and Paradox)
(CNL = Classical and Nonclassical Logics)
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Week 1
Philosophical motivations for modal and many-valued logic
Reading: PP, Ch. 1
Week 2
Set theoretic preliminaries
Reading: PP, Ch. 2; CNL, Ch. 3 (skip "optional" and "postponable" sections)
Week 3
Logics and languages: semantic concepts, consequence relations
Reading: PP, Chs. 3; CNL, Ch. 7
Weeks 4-6
The normal modal logics: proof techniques and intuitive semantics
Reading: PP, Chs. 4-5
Weeks 7-8
Variations: non-normal modalities, deontic logic
Reading: PP, Ch. 6
Week 9
Intuitionistic logic
Reading: PP, Ch. 6
Dugundji formulas: CNL, p. 307
Non-required reading: CNL, Ch. 22; Kripke paper on possible worlds semantics for intuitionistic logic (PDF)
Weeks 10-11
Relevance logic
Reading: PP, Ch. 7 (FDE); J. Slaney, "A general logic" (PDF)
Sugihara semantics: CNL, pp. 258-268
Non-required reading: SEP article: Relevance Logic ; For a philosophical objections to relevance logic, see J. Burgess, "No requirement of relevance" (PDF)
Week 12
Some metatheorems and their philosophical significance
Reading: PP, selections from Chs. 11-12.